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Prologue Number One


I was fifteen years old when I fell in love with Andy Olson. Okay, maybe love wasn’t the right word, but my heart knew what it wanted. He was taller than all the kids in our school and was hard to miss. He towered over all of us, his dirty blond hair a little too long, his hazel eyes dancing with happiness, and a smile that lit up his face. Andy wore an old Mulligan Downtown shirt, one I assumed had been given to him by his father, Maverick, who was the drummer for the band.

Andy had gotten into a fight with another kid in our school, Teller Maxwell, because he was wearing nail polish. Not really a big deal, but because Andy was a boy, Teller decided he needed to tease him. He obviously didn’t care that Andy was bigger, broader, and on the school hockey team. Teller caused a big commotion in the hallway, laughing and pointing. All the students grew still, quiet as mice, while Teller egged him on. Andy simply rolled his eyes, pushed Teller into a locker, and walked away. Teller could have just let it go at that, but he followed Andy, then tripped him and sent him crashing to the floor.

Andy didn’t move from the floor. He stared at Teller, waiting for whatever he planned to do. Then Teller called his fathers—yes, plural—some horrible names that shouldn’t be repeated, and that pushed Andy over the edge. He raised his fist and punched Teller right in the face, just as a teacher came by to find out what the ruckus was about. It didn’t matter. I had already seen enough to know that Andy was someone I wanted to be friends with. Someone whose life I wanted to be a part of. I just had to figure out how to make that happen.

I was fifteen years old when Andy Olson spoke to me for the first time. We were both at a Christmas party for Brooks Racing, who my brother raced for. Andy’s dads happened to be friends with the owners, and when he approached me, time stood still. If it weren’t for my best friend, Ezra, I probably wouldn’t have looked as good as I did that night and wouldn’t have had the nerve to hang out with Andy. We sat together for the rest of the night watching TikTok videos on his phone and getting to know one another.

I found out that night that not only was Andy handsome, but he was also kind, smart, and funny. He spoke about his fathers like they were his best friends, blushed over my compliments about his drumming and hockey playing, and asked me everything he could. My favorite color, candy, and television shows. He asked me out on my very first date that same night and changed my life forever.

I was fifteen years old the first time Andy Olson kissed me. We were on our first date, the one that his father Maverick, my brother Noel, Ezra, and their friends were chaperoning. I was nervous as hell but excited at the same time. We went ice skating at the rink where his father Jackson’s team practiced and played at, and I had never put on a pair of ice skates before. Andy was amazing. He held my hand, made sure I got onto the ice safely, and kept his arm around me to keep me steady, protecting me so that I didn’t fall.

It happened almost suddenly. Andy stopped and slid his lips over mine, his hazel eyes clamped shut. Christmas music was playing overhead, and I still remember the words of Wham’s “Last Christmas” as it rang through the speakers. Andy laughed nervously when we pulled apart, a smile spreading over his face and a blush creeping up his neck.

I was sixteen years old when I first told Andy Olson that I loved him. I spent most of my days and nights at the Olsonhouse. I even had my own room, but I was always in Andy’s bed. Sex was never something the two of us felt rushed about. We kissed a lot, but it never went further than that in the beginning. We had never even seen one another naked, but I knew that I loved Andy. I waited until we were in bed, snuggled up and facing one another. Then I told him how I felt. That I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. I was more than a little terrified. Scared that maybe he didn’t feel the same. And then Andy told me he loved me, too, and never wanted to be with anyone else.

I was sixteen years old when my brother Noel, his boyfriend Seth Hill, and Maverick, Andy’s father, gave us the most awkward sex talk of my life. I had always been curious, and now that I had a boyfriend, someone who loved me, I was eager to explore and find out more things. We both might have gotten a little carried away when we left hickeys all over one another, but it was the embarrassing sex talk we were forced to be part of that had me questioning everything. I had always planned to bottom, but I clearly hadn’t done my research. If Seth hadn’t offered to help and answer any questions I might have, who knows what might have happened?

I was eighteen years old the first time I touched Andy Olson’s dick. I placed my palm over his crotch and kissed him, then I shoved my hand down the front of his swim shorts. The sounds he made, and the way Andy trembled as I got him off, made me wonder why we had waited so long. He moaned my name just before he came, his cum hot and sticky as it spread into my hand. But it was the way he looked at me when I licked my fingers clean before he shoved me onto my back and returned the favor that made me glad we had taken our time getting to know one another.

I was eighteen years old when Andy Olson broke my heart. I never saw it coming, and I knew my life would never be the same.

Prologue Number Two


I love you.Those three words echoed through my head as I pressed my nose into my boyfriend Leo McCormack’s ink-colored hair. I was madly in love with him. We had been together for three years, and nothing had ever felt so right. I couldn’t imagine my life without Leo. He made everything better, and I felt like he was the half that made me hole. His soft giggles, his thousand-watt smile, his sweet, cinnamon scent.

I suppose at our age neither of us knew what love was, but neither did my dads, and they turned out okay. They fell in love, got married, and had their happily ever after. The middle part was still a little hazy, though. I had heard bits and pieces about what happened, but I figured when they were ready, they’d tell me. Not all the details, though. That’s just gross.

I tightened my arms around Leo so I could tug him closer. I loved these moments before he woke. Just us lying in his bed, the sun starting to come up and I got to watch him come alive. I was an early riser thanks to my pop, the hockey player, and my body was just used to it. No matter how hard I tried to sleep in, it didn’t happen. I enjoyed watching as Leo would start to wake, the way he would get this grumpy look on his face, the crease between his eyebrows before he remembered I was with him. Then he would stare at me with those sky-blue eyes and break into a smile that set my insides on fire.

Now that we were both eighteen, his brother, Noel, and my dads couldn’t keep us from having sleepovers that ended in hand jobs and orgasms. There was no need to muffle our moans or bite down on a pillow in fear of being found. Leo was racing full time in Xfinity now, so I tried to sneak away when my band, Bungalow Princess, was on tour as often as I could. Sometimesit was for a few days, a week, or maybe just a night, but it was worth it every single time just to be near my boyfriend.

Leo’s skin always smelled so good. Like baby powder and cinnamon. I asked him once what it was, but he had only told me he had to have some at least one beauty secret. He shared everything else with me. His makeup tips, how he got his hair so perfect, nails, anything I asked. He said he owed it all to his friend—his best friend, he had called him—Ezra Bardot. The man who taught him how to dress, wear makeup, and be comfortable in his own skin. Ezra also happened to be close friends with my dad, Maverick, too. But then, Ezra wanted to be friends with everyone. He had that way about him.

“One of these mornings I’m going to get you to sleep in,” Leo mumbled as he turned his long, lithe body to face me and then buried his face against my chest. “This crack of dawn nonsense is ridiculous.”

I dragged a hand through his raven-colored hair. “I just like watching you, Ricky.” His ears turned pink at the nickname. He didn’t seem to mind that it came from the movieTalladega Nights.“Mm, you know I only have a few hours before I have to take off.” I tipped his chin up and watched his blue eyes flash with a mixture of heat and sadness.

“I hate it.” Leo pushed me over to press his lips against mine, not caring about my morning breath as he climbed up to splay his smaller, lean body over my bigger one. “I wish you didn’t have to go. That we could be together all the time.”

I pressed my lips against his plump ones. “Soon, Ricky, I promise.” I let my hand roam over his taut stomach. “You’re so amazing.”

“Andy, please.” He groaned while he rutted against me.

Three years we’d been together, and the way Leo said my name like that still caused my stomach to fill with butterflies.

“I got you.” I slipped my hand between our bodies. His flimsy shorts slipped down quickly, and I growled when I realized he wore no underwear. “Ricky, what am I going to do with you?”

His cock was so warm, soft, and velvety smooth against my callused palm.

“Make me come,” he murmured as he nipped and sucked at my bottom lip. “No, wait, let me take out your dick, hon, so we can come together.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice. I gave Leo a nod, and then his hands were down the front of my pajamas, yanking my cock out.

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