Page 40 of Savage

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It might have taken me a little time to adjust to this new life and new level of freedom but now I have it I’ve decided it’s time for me to live my life in the way I choose. To do what I want, when I want—even if that means making reckless decisions along the way. We only live once and now I’m free I plan to make the most of it.

The good, the bad and the downright naughty.


The cold October air whips around me, stealing all the air from my lungs as me and Flick make our way out of the castle, taking the dreaded descent down the small, narrow dirt path which leads to the Manor House. More than ready to meet whatever fate has in store for me.

Flick has been buzzing all week, but I know she’s on pins, suddenly undecided if she wants to go through with attending the party. So far I’ve managed to convince her it’s a good idea but I don’t know how long that will stick. I’m the last person she wants to be taking advice from but how the hell do I tell her that? I know there’s a big possibility that she could turn around at any given moment and leave me to face these monsters all alone. I’m hoping that’s not the case and all I can do is hope and pray she stays by my side for the long haul but I’m more than aware that’s a big ask.

If I’m being honest my own emotions are all over the place—totally out of sync. My mind is screaming at me to turnaround and ignore the demands of Dane and Cameron, but my stubborn and curious side is eager to know what they have in store for me. I won’t lie, the thought of them chasing me through the woodlands if I bail has me feeling all weak at the knees. However, something is telling me I shouldn’t push them too far too early on in this dangerous game we seem to be playing.

“Have you thought about what could happen if White catches us?” Flick asks, pulling me out of my thoughts as her panic sets in, sinking deeper, feeding her paranoia.

I shake my head, knowing that this would happen at some point. Flick is the type of girl who lives and breathes the rules. It seems she has for a while now and then here I come more than ready to fuck it up for her. However, the time has come for her to loosen up a little and experience some fun along the way. Flick might not agree with me right now but I know she’ll thank me in the long run.

“We can’t get caught if we’re not doing anything wrong.” I remind her, although for me the thought of doing something wrong pumps my veins with adrenaline, sending my excitement levels skyrocketing because that would put me in Dane and Cameron’s bad books for sure and they’d have no choice but to punish me. I’m also hoping for a little distraction so I can hunt down my journal while I’m at the house. I need to find it before it does anymore damage, if Dane decides to read it, all my darkest secrets will be exposed, and all hell will break loose.

“The Manor House is out of bounds.” She says, like this clarifies her argument. “Plus, we’re first years so that’s another reason we shouldn’t be going.”

“You’ve been all for it this week.”

“I know, but something doesn’t feel right.”

“You’ll be fine as soon as we’re in there. Plus, I’m the first year and White said the Manor House is out of bounds to people who haven’t been invited. But would you look at this…” I wave my hand to show her the embossed invitation Dane shoved into my chest a few nights back. “Seriously, quit panicking. We’re not doing anything wrong. Breathe in deep, clear your mind and enjoy this experience for what it’s meant to be.”Good or bad,I add to myself.

I personally intend on having a good night. I didn’t come out all this way to be disappointed. I’m so done being treated like a stupid little girl. One who can’t make decisions for herself. Now it’s my time to shine and I plan to shine bright, living every day like it’s my last. Choosing to live in the moment, and hopefully Flick will be more than willing to jump aboard my crazy train. After all, none of us are promised tomorrow.

Another ten minutes or so pass us by before the trees open up, revealing a huge black and white dwelling. The Manor House. As we continue to move forward, the pristine lawns come into view and I take in the scattered bodies as they gyrate against each other, drinking and dancing along to the beat of the music as it pumps out around us from the speakers.

The familiar smell of weed fills the air, invading my senses as I breathe it in, hoping that the passive smoke will hit me hard enough to ease my nerves as they threaten to erupt, bubbling just below the surface with each step I take.

Thankfully no one pays us any attention as me and Flick climb the large marble steps leading up to the house. I’m surprised when I find it empty. A part of me expected to see suited guys on either side ready to take our details and check us off the guest list. But nothing. The only people here are the fewcouples making out and they don’t give a shit about anyone else around them.

I compose myself as best as I can before taking my first step into the land of the unknown. Preparing myself to walk on Savage territory and there’s every chance this could end up being the worse mistake of my life. Oh well, it looks like there’s no going back now. What will be, will be.

My mouth falls open, eyes wide as I take in my surroundings. This place is fucking huge. The entry way itself is bigger than most houses. I’m not surprised to find it open plan, almost inviting and hella spacious. The décor is how I thought it would be. Masculine. A mix of black and grey hues, no doubt to reflect their empty and dangerous souls.

To the right of me is an open lounge area, filled with plush black leather sofas and chairs and a well stocked bar positioned on the far wall. No doubt this is the room for entertaining and I make a mental note to avoid that area like the plague.

To my left I see a kitchen. One fit for a king or three. My mind instantly tells me that none of them have probably ever stepped foot in there. No way would they have cooked up a storm in this place. But then why would they when they probably have catering staff to attend to their every want and need. My eyes are drawn to the large black quartz island on the middle and it’s probably the size of three of our rooms put together. Here lies the perfect definition of how the other half live.

Front and center is a marble staircase which leads up to the next floor, splitting left and right. Jeez, just when I thought the castle was grand, this bachelors pad is something else. And if sure looks like it was designed with the Savage brothers in mind.

“I’ll be honest,” a familiar voice booms out behind me, eager to be heard over the music. “I thought you’d be too chicken shit to show.”

Turning around, I see a flash of teeth and a pair of warm and welcoming brown eyes look back at me expectantly.

Cameron.The least scary of the three who could have greeted me. I’d like to say the less dangerous of the three but I know better than anyone that looks can be deceiving.

“Well, let this be your reminder never to underestimate me.” I smile back, butterflies dancing like crazy deep in my stomach.

“Now this… this is what I like about you. Determined, and you take no bullshit. Keep that up and you’ll not only survive here; you’ll thrive.”

I’m quick to brush his compliment off, just like I’ve been trained to do. “I was invited, wasn’t I, so why wouldn’t I show?”

“I thought Dane might have scared you off.”

Shrugging my shoulders I laugh. “I’ve dealt with worse.” It’s not a lie and Cameron rewards my smart mouth with an even bigger smile.

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