Page 29 of Savage

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“Anyway,” Dane’s dark brows knit together, defiance creeping onto his angular face. “Fuck Matteo.” He hisses out his name. “What the fuck does he care what I do or don’t do?”

“Trust me, a hell of a lot more than you can imagine.”

Dane shakes his head, “Look around, Caleb. Where is he? Oh, I’ll fucking tell you where. That motherfucker is off doing his own thing as usual, leaving me and you behind to pick up the slack. Zero fucks given.”

Deep down I know what Dane is saying is the truth. I’ve felt the same way for a while. A nagging thought at the back of my mind that we’re just Matteo’s lacky’s. There’s no way I’m about to admit that to Dane—or to anyone for that matter.

“He’s got his reasons.”

“What the fuck are you still defending him for? He’s never there for you when you need him, so quit acting like his bitch and grow some balls.”

The air grows thick and heavy between us, the weight of our new and unexpected arrival and the difference between us heavy on my shoulders. Obviously, I’m the only one feeling the pressure because in Dane’s world he doesn’t have to worry aboutshit. He can do what he wants, when he fucking wants—without facing any consequences.

I don’t have that kind of luxury.

I move forward, closer to the liability before me while forcing my mind to think and act rationally. I can fight him all I want but the stubborn son of a bitch is always going to go against me. If I tell him not to do something he’ll go and do it anyway. Just to prove he can.

The truth is, me and Dane going hard at each other isn’t going to change anything. Our problems will stay the same, personal or otherwise but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about it and it sure as hell doesn’t mean I approve of his latest game. His actions piss me off—or should I say lack of them.

Stonebrooke, for all intents and purposes, is my home. But lately my safe haven isn’t hitting the same. I look around at my surroundings and everything looks the same. Nothing seems out of place but there’s a shift in the air and its palpable. A sure sign of things set to come. Our plans have changed and that alone has sent my determined mind out of whack. Not knowing which way things are headed sends my mind spinning. And that’s without mentioning that Matteo doesn’t know shit about our latest development.

I guess that’s another hurdle for another day.

I pull myself out of my thoughts and snap my attention back toward my good for nothing stepbrother. Again, nothing seems to phase this guy at all. He’s positioned comfortably, legs outstretched as he leans back into the leather sofa. His lips twist into a sadistic smile as he finds me watching him. Eager to get some kind of read on him, but as usual he’s a closed fuckingbook. “Quit stressin,’” he tells me, joint in one hand, a bottle of beer in the other.

I close my eyes and breathe in deep through my nose, counting backwards from ten just the way my anger management counselor taught me, but as usual it doesn’t do shit. “Are you being serious right now?” I demand, my teeth grinding together. This guy never fails to fucking surprise me. Just when I think he can’t annoy me anymore, he goes right ahead and proves me wrong.

“You’re overthinking things. This really isn’t as bigger deal as you’re making out.” He blows a plume of smoke into my direction, fueling the fire in my chest. This son of a bitch is pushing me and he knows it too. The one thing which angers me the most is that Dane isn’t here by my hand. He’s not reliable enough for me, and he doesn’t deserve the power he’s been granted. Fortunately for Dane, and less fortunately for me, Dane’s fate lies in Matteo’s hands, so for now he stays. Well, that’s until Matteo learns about his unforgivable act of betrayal.

“What the fuck do you expect me to do?” I demand, the words falling from my mouth on a heated plea. “I’m the one who’s trying to keep everything together while you’re out there getting all close and personal with the fucking enemy. Seriously, Dane… if you can’t see how fucked up this is then we’re more screwed than I initially thought.

“Chill… it’s only a little lighthearted fun.” Sure, only Dane can think locking someone in a fucking damp empty room for the night is nothing but lighthearted fun.

“Lighthearted fun?” I ask. “That’s what you’re chalking this up to?” he shrugs his broad shoulders back at me. A perfect example of someone who clearly doesn’t give a fuck—about anything. Stepbrother or not, Dane’s a jackass at the best oftimes. A grade A douche with honors. Hell, I’m not being harsh for the sake of it. I need him to wake the fuck up and snap into action. If he doesn’t get his shit together, and fast, I’ll make sure he’s out. I’ll tell Matteo myself. I’m no snitch, but we don’t have room for failure. Not now.

“Damn straight. Phoenix is about to get fucked up anyway so what does it matter? You tell me why I shouldn’t speed up the process.” Jutting his chin, his deep blue eyes dare me to argue with his logic. To find the flaw in his plan. Usually, I don’t give a fuck what he does with his dick or where he sticks it, but this time is different.

This time it’s personal.

“Nothing has been decided yet.” I remind him, but I can already tell my warning has fallen on deaf ears. If Dane doesn’t want to listen then he won’t. He’ll switch off, zone out to everything around him until he’s ready to come back to reality.

“My point exactly. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. So how about you do you, and I’ll do Phoenix, and quit bitchin’.” Reaching out he grabs another bottle from the fully stocked table before bringing it to his waiting lips.

“You’re trippin’ if you think this is going to work out in your favor.”

Eyes narrowed; he leans closer to me. “You haven’t seen her yet, have you? At least, not in the flesh since she arrived?” Dane’s eyes burn into mine, his time to try to get a read on me but I mastered my emotions long ago. If Dane’s a closed book, mine is sealed for all eternity. His curiosity is heightened when I don’t give him an answer. “Maybe you should change that and fast.”

“I don’t need to fucking see her.” I bite out and the venom leaves a bitter taste on my tongue.

“We’ll see.” Disbelief floods his tone. “You will and trust me, you’ll be the same as me. There’s enough of her to go around, brother.” He raises his dark brows before adding. “She’s a greedy little slut and I’ve barely even touched her.”

I don’t miss the humor in his voice as he tries to clear the air, removing the heated tension which has been building before us. “Not gonna happen.” I confess and the finality in my tone is evident, but as usual Dane ignores my warning.

Cupping the back of my neck, I massage the skin trying to remove the dull tension as it throbs, reverberating deep in my skull. The stress of recent events is building, adding unwanted pressure to an already fucked up situation and it will keep building until it explodes all around me.

“I’m not here to play games, Dane. I’m here to get things done.” I’m not in the mood to be dealing with his bullshit. Not today.

“Hmmm. Maybe you’ll feel different when you’ve emptied your load.”

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