Page 26 of Savage

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It should have felt strange, anxious that a stranger had been in my room, a room I have yet to see. Weird that he was rummaging through my belongings but the guy has taken almost every part of me so why bother giving it anymore attention?

Surprisingly, if by luck or attention to detail, Dane picked out my low-rise denim shorts and a white crop. “Your tits willlook good in that top.” He told me with a sinful smile on his face, displaying a dimple in his right cheek. He obviously decided to bring his trusty black tee, worn jeans and battered boots combo and I wasn’t about to complain. I’m guessing this must be a signature look for him.

After we were both dressed, he opened the door and led the way in silence. I found walking back to the Great Hall straight forward. Dane, taking advantage of the unknown must have taken me around in circles last night, trying to confuse my already battered mind. And what do you know, it sure as hell worked. Bastard.

“Miss Melrose.” The familiar voice startles me as I approach the doors and I look around to find Ms. White waiting for me. I look to my right and Dane is nowhere to be found. Has he seriously ditched me to face the Dean alone? I can’t believe after everything we’ve just done, he’s actually left me all alone, to fend for myself. Scrap that. Yes, I can believe it. I was probably a little foolish to think any differently. He’s already proven to me repeatedly that he’s no gentleman.

“Good morning, Ms. White.” I mutter sheepishly, the heat of my embarrassment rushing to my cheeks, the events of the past twelve hours or so rushing to the forefront of my mind, not allowing me to think of anything else.

“I take it you settled in okay?” Her gray brows furrow as she tries to get a read on me. I keep my face impassive, offering the Dean my best fake smile. Thankfully it seems to pay off.

“Yes Ma’am.” I reply, deciding to keep last night’s activities close to my chest—deciding here and now to take them to the grave. No good will ever come from confessing my sins. That’s something I had to learn and I learned it the hard way.

“Perfect.” She smiles, but it doesn’t reach her eyes the way it did last night. Her small eyes narrow, giving me the feeling that I’m being watched under a microscope. “I didn’t get chance to give these to you last night,” she holds out her hand and I take the offered papers from her. This is your schedule, complete with a map of Stonebrooke’s grounds. I imagine it might get a little overwhelming, however you don’t need to worry too much as your classes should be easy to get to.”

“Really?” I don’t know why she’d think that. From what I’ve seen so far which isn’t much, this place seems fucking huge. I’ll probably still get lost if I’m still here in three years.

“Yes. First years are only permitted around the North and West side. Meals must be eaten in the Great Hall and school studies must be completed in your dorm—with the exception of the library. I must take this opportunity to remind you that Stonebrooke Manor is off limits to all students, unless a personal invitation has been given.”

“A personal invitation from who?”

“I wouldn’t think on it too much, Miss Melrose. I’ve yet to see a first year get invited to anything” There’s a flicker of something in her tone but I can’t put my finger on it.

“Noted.” I nod in acknowledgement as I try to push down the endless number of questions running wild in my mind.

“Oh my god… Phoenix?” Another voice enters the conversation when I turn my head a small brunette graces my vision.

“Um… hey,” I force out, not sure if I’m supposed to know who this girl is. She’s looking at me like we’re friends but I’ve never seen her before and my anxiety kicks up a notch.

“Ah, Miss Reid, I’ll leave you and Miss Melrose to get on with your day.” I smile, still unsure what I’m supposed to do in this situation. I’m still unsure who this girl is, but if I stay silent, I’ll never know.

Waiting until White is out of earshot I turn to the new arrival and say, “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound rude, but do I know you?” Call me paranoid, but I can’t be sure if this is another set up. Just another twisted game in a long line. Obstacles put in my way to make sure I fail at every turn. My head has been played with enough, which only intensifies my crippling trust issues.

“Not yet, but you will.” She beams back at me and her smile is contagious. Her big brown eyes are wide, and I get an automatic sense of ease from being in her presence. “I’m Flick. Your roomie, but you wouldn’t know that yet because someone didn’t show last night.”

Raising my brows in suspicion, I take her in. She doesn’t seem pissed that I didn’t show. “My bad. That’s on me. I didn’t know I had a roomie.” I don’t know why it never crossed my mind but now she’s said it, it makes total sense.

“Look, I’m just glad to finally meet you. I was a little worried when you didn’t show at dinner. I thought something might have happened to you.”

I feel terrible. A wave of guilt consumes me and I can’t help but feel bad for the girl standing before me. I know how it feels to be left in the dark. Left waiting, and I’d never wish that feeling on anyone. On first impression this girl seems nice and genuine. That alone means she has no business being around me. I attract all kinds of wrongs. All kinds of darkness which is no doubt why Dane was the one by my side last night. If this girlstays by my side, she’ll get caught up in the fire. It’s inevitable she’ll choke on the smoke. Her life suffocating before my eyes.

“I’m sorry.” I admit freely. “I honestly didn’t know anyone was waiting for me.” It’s the truth. I was a small fish trying to swim in a big pond and then the Dean decided to palm me off with the Devil. Maybe if she’d mentioned that there was someone else, someone less predatory waiting for me, maybe last night would have turned out differently. If I’d met up with Flick like I was supposed to then I would have been safe and my dignity—or what was left of it would have still been intact. More importantly I wouldn’t have been on Dane Savage’s radar.

“So, what happened to you? How come you didn’t make it to dinner?” Her brown curls bounce around her heart shaped face. It’s an innocent question. The truth is less so.

“I had issues with my transport.” It’s not a complete lie. My journey here was horrendous, and I’m living it hope I don’t have to endure it again. The next time I’m in a hearse, it better be my fucking funeral or I don’t want it.

Surprisingly Flick doesn’t question me. instead, she nods. “Yeah, I thought as much. Everyone has issues with Gerald. Personally, the guy should have retired years ago but the old dog won’t hear a word of it. That’s if he can actually hear anyone’s protests.”

“I was thinking the same as he was trying to plunge me to my untimely death.”

“What time did you get here then? It must have been late.” She’s determined, I’ll give her that. I wrack my brains trying to think of a plausible excuse. My mind flits back again to the events of last night and I decide its best to keep my activities with dark and dangerous to myself. I don’t know thefirst thing about him, but I can already tell nothing good can ever come from a monster like him. Plus, I have major trust issues so confiding in anyone is a huge no-go area for me. Trust and confessions are a hard no for me. That’s how it’s always been and that’s how it’s going to stay.

“I only just got here.” I lie and it falls freely from my lips while another stab of guilt stabs deep in my chest. Here I am, talking to someone who sounds like they actually care and I’m messing up my fresh start and any chance of a friendship before it’s even had a chance to begin. I guess old habits die hard.

“So, what now?” I ask, apprehensive but also eager to change the subject.

Flick flashes her teeth as her smile lights up her face. I don’t think this girl could ever look mad. She must have had a good life so far. “Now, the fun begins.”

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