Page 24 of Savage

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Wrong fucking move.

He’s on me in seconds, all traces of humor are gone. Like they never fucking existed and the demon is back—in full force. It’s replaced by a feral and unapologetic need as his large frame forces me back into the wall before he traps me again, with his hands on either side of my head. “You like dark and dangerous, huh?”

I hide the pain radiating up my back, plastering on a fake smile—the same one I perfected over the years. “Hmmm… there he is. In all his fucked-up beauty.”

“I prefer psychotic,” he mimics my earlier comment as he drops a hand, his fingers connecting with my jaw before he traces the outline and not for the first time, I welcome his touch. My body comes alive, setting ablaze in all the right ways, catapulting my mind right back to the events of last night. “And I plan on becoming the ringmaster of your nightmares.”

The thought excites me, no end, however all I can do is laugh in his face. I force my eyes to focus solely on him as he continues to tower over me. “You don’t know the first thing about my nightmares.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t bet on that, buttercup. You’re quite the talker when you sleep.”

Fuck. Is he being serious or is this just another one of his games? Another attempt to get inside my head, using anything in his power to get some kind of reaction out of me. “How long were you watching me for?” I demand and my palms grow cold and clammy. I refuse to be ashamed about the events of my past no matter how horrific, because those events are what shaped me. They taught me the true value of my worth, forcing me to become the woman I am today.

But that little pep talk does fuck all to stop the heat of my embarrassment rushing to my cheeks. Embarrassment that this psycho would actually sit and watch me while I sleep. “Answer me.” My voice grows more impatient and this only heightens his amusement.

Licking his lips, he ducks his head, bringing it closer to mine so our noses are almost touching, “You look hot as fuck when you cry out in pain. I don’t know what they’re doing to you, but I couldn’t help wishing it was me.”

What the fuck? He’s not bullshitting me. He can’t be. My nightmares are something I’ve always struggled with and the fact that Dane came back last night and watched me physically live out one of my nightmares sends my stomach spinning. “People go to prison for being that fucked up.” I warn, but there’s zero conviction in my voice.

He doesn’t say anything as his thumb traces my bottom lip before he pulls it down, hard and his nostrils flare. “I’ve done things that would make your skin crawl.” For some reason, I don’t fucking doubt him. “Only the weak get caught. They slip up and it’s game over. I play smarter, not harder.”

“I guess I’m gonna have to take your word for it.” I sigh, feigning interest, but in truth I’m captivated. Thoroughlyentranced with this monster and I can’t pull myself away from him.

“I liked watching you sleep. It’s the only time you don’t run your smart-ass mouth.” Relief floods my body, washing over me like a tidal wave. At least if I was only crying out in pain, he has no idea why.

As if sensing my relief, he’s on me again, his eyes narrowing in warning. “What I didn’t like was the sound of someone else’s name falling from these lips.” He pinches hard, nipping the soft flesh and I know it’s going to leave a bruise. Just another reminder of my time with him. “So, I’m going to wash that filthy name out of your mouth with my cum and you’ll swallow it; every last drop like a good fucking girl.”

I’m speechless. Never in all I’ve been through have I had someone speak to me like this and get me so fucking hot in the process. Dane Savage is something else, and right now I don’t want to know any different.

He juts my chin with his hand, forcing me to look at him again as he growls, “Eyes on me, buttercup. This psycho wants you on your knees, repenting for your sins.”

My jaw grows slack in his hand, any form of smart ass reply instantly vanishing on my lips. This guy, in all of his fucked-up ways is going to destroy me in every way possible. I should be recoiling from his malice but fuck if it doesn’t make me want him more.

A gasp escapes my parted lips as he drops his hand before rewarding me with a wicked smile. He doesn’t say anything else as he steps back and turns his large frame away from me, before walking through the door he just opened. Once again, expecting me to follow his lead.

Surprising myself, my feet move without instruction—more than happy to walk over more foreign ground. I’ve come to terms with the fact I’m already on a one-way descent into hell so I may as well enjoy what I can.

Dane closes the door behind us, holding me captive seems to be his specialty, yet I’m the silly little girl who keeps going along with it. Just waiting for him to destroy me.

This room seems bigger than the last one he trapped me in. I’m happy to see this one has light, as a dim glow surrounds us from the oil lamps on the walls. Marble tiles line the walls and floor and I can’t help looking around in awe. I’ve never seem something so beautiful, well… with the exception of the tall, dark stranger before me.

I can feel his watchful gaze burning into me, taking in my reaction and when my eyes connect with his I find him leaning back against the wall opposite me, his muscular arms crossed over his broad chest, one leg lifted, resting on the wall behind him.

“Strip.” He orders, his voice low and raspy as it echoes out around us.

Shaking my head in disbelief, a nervous laugh falls from my mouth. “What, here?” I demand, but I don’t hear the conviction in my voice. It ran away, along with any sense I had left. “Are you crazy?”

His eyes bore into mine and I can feel him undressing me, which only makes me want this monster more. My body craves him and I’ve only had a sample of what he has to offer. “I said what I said.”

I know I should be refusing his demands. Straight up telling him no and to fuck the hell off, but instead, I find myselfwanting to obey his every command, no matter how fucked up or sadistic it might be. Somewhere in the back of my mind I’m aware that I should be running. Running so fucking fast, refusing to look back but my body doesn’t want to hear a word of it. Fully aware that if I run, I’ll be the one who misses out. Denying myself of all the delicious things he’s going to do to me.

Like I said… I’m more fucked up than I initially thought.

When he remains silent, I try to argue my case. “I mean, anyone could walk in here.” I try my damned hardest to sound rational while also trying to hide the fact that my body is crying out for him—in any way he’ll take me.

A heavy silence simmers in the air between us as he pushes himself off the wall, his long legs stalking toward me. My chest tightens when I finally get a glimpse of his devastating beauty. He looked hot as fuck under the moonlight last night, but this… this is something else. There’s no doubt in my hazed mind that Dane is a deadly Demon who’s been sent from the deepest pits of hell to test me. To tempt me and all my inhibitions.

“And…” It’s more of a statement as it falls from his lips. His jet-black hair glistens under the oil lamp, and his deep blue eyes draw me in, holding me captive as his plump lips curve at the edges, giving me a rare glimpse of a genuine smile. I don’t get to enjoy the view for long when he reaches out and tears the playsuit from my body, exposing me—all of me in my naked glory, with the exception of my lace panties.

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