Page 14 of Savage

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I don’t give her a chance to answer as my hand tightens, limiting her oxygen supply as I drag her body from the floor.

“Who the fuck are you?” She hurls back, her body continuing to tremble and shake under my touch. But her whole-body freezes when I slide my free hand down her side, stopping at the end of her short jumpsuit, resting easy on her smooththigh. I bore my eyes into hers before bringing my lips to her ear as I whisper, “I’m your worst fucking nightmare.”

“You wish…”

“I tried to play nice, but you were quick to throw it back in my face like an ungrateful little bitch.” The venom is heavy on my tongue, leaving a bitter taste in its wake. “And I don’t appreciate your bitchy attitude.”

“So take your hands off me and walk the fuck away.”

I shake my head, inhaling her vanilla scent as she still tries to claw her way free of my iron grip on her. “Did you think you’d be safe here? So naïve to think you’d be able to walk with your head down and not attract any attention.”

“Who are you really?” She gasps, her nostrils flaring in disgust as she struggles to breathe. Defiant through and through, just the way I expected her to be.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head about me. I already know all I need to know about you.” Biting down on her earlobe, I chew on her flesh, teasing her some more. “Plus, it’s everyone else you should be worrying about.”

Surprising me, she laughs. “If you know who I am, then all this is pointless. If you know me then you should know I don’t scare easily.” She sounds so fucking confident as she tells me this. So goddamn sure of herself before dropping her arms and shrugging her small shoulders at me.

This bitch is impossible.

Infuriating as fuck and I’ve only been around her five fucking minutes. Hell, if I stay any longer, I’ll end up choking her to death—which probably wouldn’t be a bad thing. My fun would be cut short, but I can easily find another victim.

A few moments of silence pass between us. A silent standoff, both as stubborn as the other. My jaw clenches as a wild rush of anger consumes me, threatening to take over when the stupid bitch has the audacity to laugh in my face. “You really think you’re some kind of tough guy, huh?”

“You don’t know what I’m capable of.” I warn, adding extra pressure to her throat, yet she still refuses to back down. I love how my hand fits perfectly, like a glove, designed solely for her neck. “This is the wrong time to question me.” My dick strains some more when her eyes begin to water.

“Maybe there’s things you don’t know about me.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure…”

“I get you’re trying to scare me, but your girl here gets off on a good choke and poke, so go ahead—squeeze me harder. Fuck me like you hate me.”

She watches me, her eyes hooded, daring me to grip her harder, pushing me to my limits to see how far I’ll go. “Don’t bullshit me, Buttercup.”

“Who says I’m bullshittin’? Trust me, I’ve dealt with bigger guys than you so go ahead; do your worst.”

I push her backward, her body connecting with another wall as I press my body against hers. “Lies don’t wash with me,” I grind against her and she goes lax under my touch.

I shouldn’t be surprised when she doesn’t falter. It’s clear to see that this bitch isn’t scared of me. If anything, she’s getting off on being trapped in the dark, held captive. I watch as she bites down on her bottom lip, her eyes burning into mine and it drives me insane.

“Is this the part where the big bad wolf fucks me?”

Usually, I wouldn’t think twice about it, but this little bitch is pushing all of my buttons. Buttons I never knew existed. My hand instinctively tightens around her throat, the heat of her pulse fueling the fire burning deep inside of me.

“No,” I growl out like a savage animal, thrusting my hips into hers again, building the friction. “This is the part where you drop to your knees and beg me to fuck you.”

“Why beg?” She questions, unable to stop that mouth from moving. “I thought a guy like you would take whatever he wants when he wants it. So, if you want to fuck me, you’ll do it whether or not I beg?”

Oh, she’s learning, and fast. “I’ll fuck you regardless, but I want you to beg for my forgiveness. If you beg like a good girl then I’ll let you walk out of here unscathed, like tonight didn’t happen, but if I catch you again, I won’t be as lenient.”

“I think I’ll pass.” She flashes her teeth at me. “I’d rather you bend me over and fuck me up the ass than beg to some fucked up psycho like you.”

A deep roar escapes my chest. Under different circumstances this bitch could have been my fucking soulmate, but there’s too much damage for that to be a possibility. Damage she probably doesn’t even know about. And that’s not my story to tell.

“Sorry, is something funny?” she demands.

“You get me so fucking hard when you talk dirty to me.” I roll my hips against her, forcing her to feel what she’s doing to me. “One day soon I promise you’ll be on your knees and you will beg. You’ll be begging for me to put you out of your misery.”

“Nah, not gonna happen.”

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