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As I immerse myself in last-minute preparations, the hours seem to melt away. Phone calls blur into emails, which blur into hurried conversations with venue staff.

Before I know it, the sun has set, and I’m backstage, surrounded by the electric energy of pre-show excitement. The interplay of bright stage lights and dimmer backstage illumination creates an almost cinematic ambiance, framing the the frenetic energy of crew members darting to and fro.

In one corner, I catch a glimpse of Sweet Surrender huddled together, their voices a low murmur as they psych themselves up for the performance. The constant hum of activity is punctuated by the occasional burst of laughter or the sharp bark of a stage manager's instructions.

But even amid the chaos, my eyes are drawn to one person. Jace’s laugh cuts through the chaos, a sound that sends a shiver down my spine even as it warms me from the inside out. I’m hyper-aware of his presence as if there’s an invisible thread connecting us.

I’m so focused on watching Jace backstage, his head thrown back with a laugh at something Donny says, that I don’t catch Brent coming to a stop at my side until he nudges my shoulder.

“Brent,” I say breathlessly.

He smirks his gaze following my path with a frown. “Everything okay?”

“It’s great.” My response is too quick and too bright.

Brent’s eyes narrow. “Couldn’t help but notice his comments have miraculously stopped. It’s weird, and I wanted to check in.”


My heart races. Maybe we aren’t being as careful as I thought.

I force a casual shrug. “It’s getting close to the end of your tour. Maybe he’s just focusing?”

Please, believe me, I silently plead.

Luckily, Brent seems to agree with my statement and nods slowly. “Could be, and everything’s going okay with the job?”

“As good as it’s going to get, they’ve got a meet and greet tonight that I think will give them the exposure they need for their fanbase.”

He nods, then flashes me a small smile. “I’m proud of you, sis. You’ve worked your ass off to get here, and I’m glad it’s finally paying off.”

I’m about to elaborate when Trevor approaches, his easy smile a stark contrast to the tension I feel. “Hey, Mallory. Got a sec?”

Brent gives me a look that says we’re not done talking but steps away.

Trevor leans in, his voice low. “I just wanted to say thanks. For everything you’ve done for us. The band... we’re really hitting our stride, and a lot of that is down to you.”

His sincerity catches me off guard. For a moment, I forget about Jace, about our complicated situation. This is why I’m here. This is what I’ve worked for.

“Thanks, Trevor. That means a lot coming from you, you know?”

As he walks away, I catch Jace watching us, his expression unreadable. The pride I felt moments ago is quickly replaced by a familiar cocktail of desire and guilt. I’m juggling so many balls, and I’m terrified of which one I’ll drop first.

A commotion near the stage door snaps me back to the present. I spot Hilary ushering in a wide-eyed girl - must be our contest winner. The sight of her starstruck expression takes me back to that day when I answered Hilary's call, fully expecting to be fired on the spot.

I remember walking to her room, my head held high despite the dread pooling in my stomach. I was prepared for them to tell me I was done, to get on the next flight out of here. But instead...

"Mallory!" Hilary's sharp voice cuts through my recollection. "The meet and greet?"

Right. I shake off the memory and plaster on my most professional smile. "On it," I assure her, moving to greet our special guest. As I guide the girl towards Sweet Surrender, I can't help but feel a renewed sense of gratitude for this second chance.

I’d like to think that the idea of losing my job is what got me into gear, but I know that’s not true. It’s all Jace and the attention he gives me each night. The way he worships my body like it’s a priceless artifact, or how easy it is to be in his presence when the moments are over.

We’ve spent a few nights talking after having earth-shattering sex, and I’ve come to know the man behind the mask. He’s sweet, caring, loyal to a fault, wants the best for his family, and believes that everything happens for a reason. I’ve watched him from afar each night of a show, laughing with his friends, noting the way his eyes crinkle in the corners and the glimmer in them.

Jace’s presence affects everyone, not just me, and that’s why this is a bad idea. Everything about this deal we’ve got going screams for me to run, but I’m too far gone to back out now.

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