Page 54 of Mated into the Mob

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During Tony’s pregnancy, I’d doubled the security that accompanied us everywhere, remembering what had happened to Grandpa and Papa. Though Emilio assured me he and his men had found nothing between Foley and Sewell, I wasn’t taking any chances with my mate and child.

“It’s so beautiful in the moonlight.” Tony pressed his face to the window.

“You used to be frightened of the woods, especially at night.”

“Now I know that the scariest thing here is… you!” He giggle-snorted.

We drove through the gates into pack land. There were small buildings scattered about, the first being the security checkpoint. The rest were cabins. They were for pack members who wanted a vacation or to retire in the countryside. Our shifters never strayed too far from pack lands.

Many of the pack had arrived before us, and flaming torches surrounded the clearing where the run began and ended. Hunter and Ranger were here with Dad. Uncle Arnie was unfolding a deck chair, as he was sitting out the run. He’d hurt his back gardening and was considering retiring. I doubted he would. He loved his job.

I couldn’t see Emilio, but he’d be around somewhere, sniffing out possible trouble.

The crowd swelled, and people gathered in small groups.

“I can stay with you and have my brothers lead the run.”

“No. I’ve got Uncle Arnie to keep me company.” I eased my mate onto the lounger I’d brought and gave him the snacks, leaving my gun in the car.

Two of the bodyguards would stay with my mate. They’d get to run on the next full moon.

“It’s time.” Ranger and Hunter flanked me as the pack undressed. I folded my clothes and left them with Tony, while most everyone else left them in piles. I blew him a kiss before moving to the middle of the group.

“Take your fur.”

A flurry of dust and dirt filled the air as men became wolves, and my beast loped toward the trees. We would run around three quarters of the land perimeter and then cut through the woods until we reached our starting point.

Dad’s wolf preferred to stay at the back, while my brothers often raced ahead of me. There was no rule that I always had to be in the lead, except at the beginning and end of the run. I often lagged behind with my dad’s beast, though usually Arnie was at the rear.

We ran under a cloudless sky, the moon shining on the path and bathing us in her light, giving us strength.

We had reached the three-quarter point and turned into the thick forest. My wolf was bounding along when I picked up a familiar scent of one of the bodyguard’s beasts who should have been with Tony. My wolf skidded to a halt, and I took my skin. The bodyguard also shifted.

“The Alpha Omega is in labor, Alpha. He is asking you to come back. He’s in a lot of pain.”

“Go to him. I’ll be there shortly.” I had less than a minute to find my brothers, as one of them would need to end the meet according to tradition.

But as pack wolves passed me, stragglers going at half the pace of the leaders, Dad’s beast leaped over a bush, and he shifted, landing on his two human feet.

“We have a problem.”

“It’s under control.” I explained Tony was in labor.

“No. Foley and friends…” He panted and bent over. “They detoured into the woods at the halfway point and… maybe others.”

Every Alpha had probably been faced with a choice of the pack or his mate. Tony needed me. It was my duty as his mate but also as the one that held my heart in his hands. I wanted to support him as our little one entered the world.

“It’s a trap, Flint. I’m sure they’re planning an ambush.”

Of course they’d use my mate as an excuse to get me out of the way. But what if the babywascoming? What then? How could I face Tony if I ignored him when he needed me most. Fuck, if both bodyguards were in on it, Tony and our child were in danger.

I had to go to my mate, but Dad grabbed me, telling me he’d go to Tony. “You and your brothers deal with Foley and his friends.”

I had to put my mate first.

“If you’re with Tony and they kill your brothers and other pack members, they may kill you too. You have to stop them so Tony and the baby will be safe.”

Every sinew in my body longed to be with my mate and child. “You and Arnie can’t fend off two strapping bodyguards.”

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