Page 36 of Revelations

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“Oh, I’m gonna get my hands on this sick fuck. You think you can fuck with our woman and son, go after our businesses, and get the help of a skank like Liz without consequences. We’re here to show you that every action has a consequence and I will be the one to fuckin’ end you. So, let’s see how you like feelin’ someone’s hand wrapped around your throat as you fight to suck in air and take the smallest breath while strugglin’ and knowin’ that the end is near,” Devil responds, removing his cut and handing it off to me before taking off his tee-shirt and tossing it back for me to catch.

Devil steps up to Ricky and wraps his big hand around his throat. He flexes his fingers and proceeds to tighten his grip as Ricky starts to thrash against the restraints holding him in the chair. When it looks as if he’s about to pass out, Devil releases him letting Ricky suck in the oxygen he was lacking for the last few minutes. We all watch on as drool spills from his mouth tocover what’s left of his shirt and pants. Tears roll down his face and he tries to get free from where the Prospects placed him as soon as we got him here.

Picking up the pliers, Devil gets to work removing every single nail and tooth from Ricky. He’s a bloody mess and begging for his freedom while searching for anyone to help him. None of us step up as Devil works. Playboy and Killer are still working on the other two fuckers who are giving up locations, others working for or with Ricky, and everything else they can think of to spare their lives. King is getting every single bit of information they spew before Killer and Playboy finally end their lives and leave them where they sit.

I should’ve known Playboy wouldn’t fuck around when it comes to someone who hurt Genesis or Matie. I’ve just never seen him as vicious as he was right now. Killer is like this all the time and I wouldn’t expect anything less. Both men step back and lean against the wall as Devil tells everyone they better get their hits in on Ricky if they plan to because he’s about to end his life so we can get back to our family upstairs where we all belong.

Chapter Twenty-Four


STANDING BACK AND letting every man in the cell with us take their pound of flesh from Ricky is absolute torture. I want to be the only one to have my hands on him. Yeah, Wade has the right to get his pound of flesh from the stupid fuck because he’s gone after Genesis twice and took away Melinda from our woman and son. I don’t want anyone else hurting this stupid fuck, but I can’t take that away from them because he’s also going after the club’s businesses and it’s time for them to get this shit the fuck over with. I’m not lying when I say I want to be upstairs with Genesis and Matie. The urge to be with them and make sure they’re okay is overwhelming on a good day. Today, knowing this fucker tried to hurt Genesis again has it raging out of control. I’ve never felt like this before and I have a feeling it will be like this for the rest of our lives when it comes to our woman and any children we add to our family in the future.

“Devil, go ahead and do what you wanna do to finish this fucker,” Vault finally says, setting down the knife he was using to carve up Ricky’s body.

Everything that was done to Genesis has been done to Ricky. He’s got a dislocated shoulder, cuts and bruises all over his body, goose eggs on his head, and everything else that we could think of to add pain to his body. Yeah, he’s hurt a lot worsethan my girl was, but it’s nothing less than what he deserves. Matie saw him beat the fuck out of his mom until Melinda gave him to Genesis. I hope he doesn’t remember that shit, but we’ve talked and are prepared to put him in counseling if that’s what he needs when he gets older. We won’t let him struggle with this shit and he’ll know we’re all there for him.

Ricky has passed out from pain multiple times, screamed, pissed himself again, shit himself, and begged for his life. Deegan took great pleasure in hosing the fucker off with freezing cold water. The pressure was hard enough to make him gasp for air as his body was shaking with how cold the water made him. I kept my carefully blank mask in place and didn’t let him see the pure joy I got from seeing him tormented and tortured for hours by everyone in my family.

Stepping back up to Ricky, I debate how to end his pathetic life. I let everything he’s said play through my mind once again until I stop on one thing he said in particular. No one will ever find Melinda’s body because he put her in acid. Ricky might not be dead yet, but that shit doesn’t matter to me. Looking around the room, I finally spot what I’m looking for. It’s not enough to dispose of his entire body, but he’ll feel the pain Melinda surely did when he covered her in acid. Grabbing the gloves we keep in here for when we deal with acid, I slide them on my hands and pick up the container of acid and step back over to Ricky. If we thought he was thrashing and struggling against his restraints before, it’s nothing compared to now.

Ricky’s thrashing around so hard the chair is tilting side to side and I’m waiting for him to go crashing to the ground at our feet. Instead of letting that happen, Slim and Playboy step up and hold the chair after putting on the same gloves I have covering my hands.

“Y-Y-You c-c-can’t d-d-do t-t-that t-t-to me,” he stutters out, his voice barely above a whisper with a broken jaw that he’s no longer feeling the pain from if my guess is correct since he’s been begging for us to spare his life.

“I can do whatever the fuck I want to you, Ricky. You put yourself on my radar when you touched the woman who belongs to me. Now, you’ll rot in hell where you belong,” I state, dumping the acid over his body and turning my back on him so I don’t get a single drop on my body.

I should be wearing the protective gear we keep in the cells for this, but I’m done with Ricky and don’t want to fucking deal with him any longer. Putting on the full gear takes too long, so I forgo it altogether as my grandpa and dad jump back so they don’t get the acid on them either. Ricky’s screams die to nothing all too soon and we watch as he takes his last breath. Just to be sure he’s dead, I take the gun Killer holds out for me and put a bullet right between his eyes.

“Deegan and Kian deal with the body. Whatever doesn’t get burned to nothin’ by the acid bury as deep as you can in our normal spot. Be fuckin’ careful when you’re movin’ what’s left of the body and don’t let yourselves get followed. Deal with those two as well. I’ll send down two more guys to help you,” Vault orders the two Prospects in the basement with us.

“I’ll stay and help them prepare the bodies,” Killer states as he looks around our group. “You did fuckin’ good, Devil. Go shower and be with your woman. If she needs anythin’ when you give her the news, we’re here for her.”

“Thanks, Killer,” I tell him as Wade leads me from the cell.

We go to the showers down here in the basement. Once we’re locked in one of the large stalls, Wade strips me out ofmy clothing and leaves it in a pile just outside the shower so it won’t get wet since everything is still in my pockets. I watch as he strips himself and leaves his clothing with mine. Our cuts are back by the cell where the hooks are. I’m not even sure when Wade took his cut off I was focused on Ricky and what was being done to him.

The second Wade is naked, he turns on the water in the shower and lets it heat up for a few minutes. I’m not out of it, but my mind is on the information we got from Ricky and how we’re supposed to let Genesis know Melinda won’t ever be coming back to be a part of her son’s life in the future. She’ll have to let the Pratts know what happened to their daughter and I’m not sure how that conversation will go considering there’s no proof of what Ricky’s said since the body can’t be found. I don’t know if she’ll even want to tell them anything considering there’s nothing we can do or a body to bury. Ricky can’t be held accountable for his crimes against Melinda in a court of law since we just ended his life. I will do whatever Genesis wants to do to handle the situation though.

When the water’s hot enough, Wade leads me under the water and pushes me back so it’s flowing down over my head and body. I close my eyes and let the heat from the water soak into my body and ease the aches from being tense the last few hours. Dropping my head forward, I don’t move as Wade grabs the shampoo and moves me just enough so my head isn’t in the water. He scrubs the soap through my short hair and I feel his nails scraping against my scalp causing a groan to leave me.

“Don’t start that shit, Dylan. We’re not fuckin’ in the shower today. We need to get up with Genesis and figure out what we’re gonna tell her about Melinda. I think King is lookin’ up some shit to try and confirm what Ricky told us in the cell. Let’s get the blood off our bodies so we can go see our womanand son. Even if they’re sleepin’, I wanna see them,” he tells me, his voice letting me know he’s serious and I agree with him.

Wade washes my hair and then pushes me back under the water. He makes sure it’s all rinsed out before grabbing the body wash and soaping up a washcloth that’s left in each shower stall. The Prospects clean them out after every use and dispose of our clothing and anything we use to get the blood and other body fluids off our bodies before returning to our family members. I return the favor to Wade and wash his body and hair before letting him rinse off and washing my body once more. When we switch places so I can rinse off and make sure I got everything off of me, Wade washes his body for the second time.

Stepping out of the stall, I avoid our pile of clothes while grabbing towels to dry off with. When the water shuts off, I toss the second one to Wade and let him dry off. I step out to the lockers by the shower stalls and grab a set of clothing. Dressing quickly, I watch as Wade, Vault, my dad, and Stryker walk out of the shower stalls and start to dry off. They grab clothing they can wear upstairs to change into their own things. Wade and I empty our pockets of everything we keep in there and toss our clothing in the garbage can at the end of all the stalls.

Both of us follow everyone else upstairs and to the common room for a drink. I don’t drink often and I won’t have more than one drink tonight, but I need something to take the edge off before I see Genesis. Looking around the room, I know I’m not going to get that lucky when I spot her sitting at a table with my mom, grandma, and Jennifer. Matie is nowhere to be seen, but the baby monitor sits in the middle of the table. I nod to the Prospect behind the bar for a drink and head over to my girl.

“Hey, Sweetness. I thought you’d be sleepin’ by now,” I tell her as she stands from her seat and lets me sit down before she arranges her body on my lap.

“I wasn’t gonna be able to sleep knowing what you and Wade were doing. So, I’ve been talking to your moms and Shy while we waited for you all. I’m tired, but it’s okay,” she answers, stifling a yawn with her hand as Wade joins us.

He leans over and presses his lips against Genesis’ forehead. She closes her eyes and lets her body melt between the two of us. Our woman knows when we’re with her she can stop worrying about her surroundings and let us think about what’s going on in the room we’re in. She feels safe, protected, and has fallen asleep in the middle of a crowded room a few times now. I’m happy as fuck she feels good enough with us to trust us to watch over her while she sleeps.

“Get everything taken care of?” my mom asks, a glint of worry in her eyes.

“We did. I’m ready for bed, Sweetness. Are we stayin’ here tonight?” I ask her as the Prospect hands over a beer to Wade and me before disappearing once again.

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