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“You would love-bite me?” Inara breathes.

She sounds so incongruously hopeful that I have to stifle a laugh. “Youwantme to take a chunk out of you?” I brush my thumb over her lip, sliding under her top one, stroking along her teeth—her fangs.

“Only if you want to bite me,” Inara says solemnly.

“I would if you think you’d get off on it.”

She grabs my face in both of her hands. “You have to mean it.”

I search her face, which is oddly… hopeful. “Why do I get the feeling there’s more to this than you giving me an excited little nip?”

She smiles at me, her eyes heated. “Because there is. Please bite me now.”

Shrugging, feeling very animalistic and weirdly liking the feeling, I drag her under me, close my mouth around her nipple, suck her until she’s puffy, and bite down until she spontaneously comes. Then I turn her over and bite her on the ass like I’ve been dying to do.

She squeaks and writhes and moans my name under me until my balls are aching.

She lunges to the side, rolls over, bounds up—and starts attacking me.

I have to catch her by one of her horns, crank it down to the bed, gripping it like a handlebar as I guide my cock inside her. The whole time I’m working to accomplish this, her tail thrashes me and she purrs like an engine. When I brace my arm by her head, she snaps her teeth at me playfully as I fuck the crazy out of her.

When we finish, she sweetly kisses me, lets me gather her in my arms, and we fall asleep together, her cuddling with me like a fanged angel.


A loud crash has me sitting bolt upright in bed. Ripping off the covers, I stumble out to the kitchen… and find Inara, dressed once again in her naughty nightwear, crouched over the remains of one of my coffee mugs.

“Matt, I’m so sorry, I only wanted one from your collection—” she starts. Her tail is curled tightly beside her, twitching like it’s upset.

Blearily, I wipe a hand over my face and inhale a wake-up breath strongly enough to suck my nostrils momentarily flat. “S’fine,” I mumble, relief hitting me. “It’s just a mug.” It used to read‘You don't have to be crazy to work here—We will train you.’It was a Christmas gift from Sal. “Everybody gets me mugs.”

I wave to the rack behind her, which displays only a fraction of the ones I’ve been gifted over the years. “I don’t even know how it got started, but snarky mugs became like the signature thing for everyone to gift me. I’ll have a half a dozen more by Christmas day, just watch,” I assure her. “Here, let me get the dustpan and broom to clean up the shards.”

“I can do it,” Inara says, and swiftly stands to move for the pantry.

I catch her—careful not to shift my feet closer to the little bits of ceramic flakes shattered all over the floor. “Hey. Sweetheart? Look at me.”

She does. But I see she still looks weirdly guilty. “Inara,” I start. “Baby, it’s fine. I don’t care, really. As long as you’re not hurt, it doesn’t matter.”

Relaxing into me, she brings her arms around my back and hugs me. “May I have another mug?” she asks.

I blindly reach out for one and bring it between us. “You don’t even have to ask. Use whatever you want.”

Her gaze drops and her fangs peek out as she bites her lip. She darts another weirdly guilty glance up at me. “But may I keep it?”

I blink at her. “You want to keep one of my mugs?”

Wordlessly, ashamedly, she nods.

Keeping her tight in my arms, I bend my knees and lean back to bring my face level with the mug she’s clutching. It saysGood work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning. ~The Princess Bride,and was a gift from Tansy, as in Tansy and Cooper, the kids who ran off and left me desperate to hire anyone who walked in asking for a job.

And then Inara came.

“Yeah,” I say, smiling at the mug, then her relieved face. “Consider it yours.”

“I want to consider ityours.That’s entirely the reason for my attraction to it,” she says seriously, clutching the mug, her eyes on mine.

I shrug. “Whatever. Keep my mug then, you spaz.”

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