Page 45 of Forget Me Not

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“Hey, guys,” Berlynn says, waving at the two of them. “Have a seat. Would you like anything to drink?”

“I’d be happy to get you a beer,” I offer the both of them, not wanting my woman to get up and play hostess.

“We won’t be here long, but thank you,” Kayson acknowledges. “The reason for us wanting to stop by is to let you know in person that your parents pleaded out. We didn’t want you to find out through the media what their plea consisted of. They’re turning state's evidence against the higher ups in the organization they were a part of. The thing is, that they managed to talk the district attorney into putting them into WITSEC for their protection. They will be forced to wear an ankle monitor so they’ll be tracked by their handler daily since they’re a threat to you and Berkley.”

“That’s bullshit,” I growl.

“But it was expected,” Berlynn adds. “They always manage to dig themselves out of any mess they find themselves in.”

“There’s more,” Hamburg announces.

“Lay it on us, it can’t get any worse than what you just told us,” I state, releasing a pent up breath of air.

“Angelica’s body was found in the lower level of the warehouse. She was deceased. The coroner’s report states that it was a drug overdose,” Hamburg informs us. “We’re not sure if it was by her hand or theirs. Your parents aren’t giving that tidbit up. They’ve brushed over it every time they’ve been asked that question, implying they don’t know.”

“I call bullshit,” I spit out.

“I hope she hurt in the end,” Berlynn says. “After everything she did to my brother, she didn’t deserve a peaceful death.”

“Anyway,” Kayson cuts in and says, “that’s all we have for you for now. We’ll keep you posted if we find out anything new.”

“Appreciate that. Thanks for the house call,” I tell them. “If you need anything to help strengthen your case, call Garrick. He’s been enthusiastic about taking them down.”

“He’s already helped a lot, and so have the files you’ve given us. We’ll be in touch.” Hamburg reaches out and shakes all of our hands in succession before he and Kayson head out.

When I settle back down beside my woman, she laces her fingers with mine and sighs. “It’s time to start living our lives. We’re finally free from our monsters. Now, it’s time for all of my dreams to come true.”

“What’s your biggest dream, baby?” I ask, kissing her temple.

“To marry you, raise a few kids, and grow old together. That’s my new dream, Aris.”

“Then let’s make that come true, baby girl.”


Standing in my backyard with my parents, Addison, and Berkley and a few of our closest friends in attendance, Berlynn and I share our vows before them. I’ve waited a lifetime to officially make her mine, and after today, that has been cemented with promises of infinity. Just as solid and unbreakable as the rings encompassing our fingers.

“I do,” Berlynn says with a blissful smile.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

I tilt my bride backward and lay a scorching kiss on her lips. Hoots and whistles are heard in the background as I claim the woman that’s always held my heart.

“May I introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Aris Davenport.” When that declaration is made by the justice of the peace, we walk down the aisle to bubbles being blown in our direction.

I pause at the end of the aisle and pull Berlynn tightly to my chest. Leaning over, I tell her, “I love you, Mrs. Davenport.”

“And I love you, Mr. Davenport.”

“Are you ready to work on the second part of your dream, my love?” I ask. We discussed it and decided that we’d waited long enough for the beginning of our future. We’ve secretly loved each other for more than half of our lives, and we didn’t want to waste another moment by procrastinating.

“I’m ready, Aris. Let’s start growing our family,” she purrs.

“Whatever you want, Berlynn. Always and forever.”

“Take me to bed, Aris.”

I swoop her into my arms and run through the backyard, into the house, up the flight of stairs until we cross the threshold into our bedroom.

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