Page 23 of Forget Me Not

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“Shake,” Berk directs and Tracker’s tongue lolls to the side as he lifts his large paw. I’m not sure who’s more delighted by this union, Tracker or Berk. Both of their eyes are alight in utter ecstasy. “You’re a good boy, Tracker.”

“Now that you’ve praised him for a job well done, you give him a treat to encourage him to keep doing good,” Kelly instructs as she whips out a milk bone from her top pocket and passes it over to Berk. “I have a bag of dog food and a sack of treats bagged for you to take home until you can get to the store and stock up. He eats a lot, one cup every morning and night. Don’t over feed him or he’ll get fat and lazy.” When she says that, Berk and I laugh.

For the next hour Kelly goes over instructions for Tracker’s care, gives us coupons for his dry and wet food, and advises us of the best places we can go for his other supplies.

When we leave, I’m not sure who’s wagging their tail end more. The dog or my best friend. But no matter who it is, they both appear to be living the dream.

Sitting out by the pool, grilling steaks, I watch as Berk tosses a tennis ball into the yard for Tracker to fetch. The giggles from my girl and the laughter from Berk fills the night air. For the first time since I purchased this place, it feels like a home instead of a house.

The last time I was here, it felt like nothing more than walls and foundation surrounding me. A place I came to long enough to shower, work out, and close my eyes. I didn’t long for the day to end so I could come here and relax. But now, I’m dreading Monday morning because I’ll have to leave the two of them. But I know that once the work day has concluded, I’ll be rushing to get back here—to them.

I worry about Berlynn now that she’s jobless thanks to the evilness of her dad, she’ll need to find something to do to fill the empty time that was usually occupied by teaching the next hopeful Olympian gymnast.

Then a thought occurs to me, and I ask, “What are your plans for Monday, Berlynn?”

“I haven’t figured that out yet,” she remarks. “Why? Did you have something in mind?”

“While Berk is at the hospital, why don’t you come with me to the office? I have a few things I’ve been researching when it comes to… you know who.” I purposefully don’t mention theirdad because it upsets Berk and with the calm he has right now, I don’t want to ruin it for him by causing him to shut down. “I could use some of your input on my thoughts and findings.”

“Okay. What time do we need to leave here? Mrs. Crockett is coming to get Berk at seven that morning, so after that, I’m all yours.” The“I’m all yours”part of her sentence has me shifting on my feet and turning back to the barbeque grill to hide my erection from her. She has no clue what those words mean to me. Most likely something completely different than they do to her—for now.

“I have to be at the office by nine so we’ll leave here around eight,” I convey.

“I’ll be ready,” she says.

Not yet, but you will be,I think to myself. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.




Monday morning comes far too quickly,and it is complete and utter pandemonium. Nothing goes as was expected. Everything is in disarray and we’re all scattered. It’s a whole new struggle trying to get Tracker’s schedule to intertwine with ours. Before his day can begin there are things he has to do—eat, potty, and play so some of his energy is restrained. On top of that, we have to gather not only Berk’s belongings but Tracker’s as well. In other words, he has to have his leash and harness attached as well as placing his working vest around his torso, one that showcases the fact that he’s a service animal before Berk and Mrs. Crockett can consider leaving the house.

Berkley was physically exhausted this morning after spending the weekend standing upright to toss the ball around the yard with Tracker, and he was disappointed with himself that he had to succumb to using his chair in order to move around for the day. So that was another thing we had to deal with before we could begin our own day—his outburst and self-loathing.

Dealing with my brother and his tantrums is exhausting at times, but I’m glad that I didn’t toss him into a home like our father wanted and let them handle him. He needs family, he needs to know that someone cares and that person, or persons, is me and Aris.

Addison would be another one if I was mentally and emotionally in a place to let her in. Right now, we have a lot of changes we need to get used to and deal with before bringing on another one. And my bestie, she’s a whirlwind tornado and extraordinary headstrong when it comes to getting her way.

Speaking of, as if her twin radar is blaring off in her head telling her that her brother is up to no good, the second Aris turns the ignition on in his vehicle, the phone immediately begins ringing. The display on the screen shows ‘twin calling’.

Before I have the opportunity to tell Aris not to let her know I’m with him, he answers. “Yo, Addy. I’m on my way to the office, what’s up?”

“Brother of mine. I did a little digging over the weekend and imagine my surprise to find out that you’ve been busy.BusywithmyBFF! Why didn’t you tell me that Berlynn finally let you in?” Aris looks over at me out of the corner of his eyes and I roll mine in response. I guess we have a dramatic Addison this morning.

“I didn’t tell you because a lot has happened since then, Addy. I take my cues from her and she’s been swamped trying to get her and Berk settled at my house,” he tells her.

“They moved in with you?” she asks, her voice high and squeaky. “How could you, Aris? You know I’ve been miserable without her and the fact that she blows off my phone calls and that my lettershave gone unanswered has broken my heart. Is she okay? Berk? How are they doing? I want to know everything, Aris!”

A giggle escapes me at her dramatics. Yes, I’ve ignored her letters and calls, but my life has been full of turmoil since Berk was released from the hospital and put into my care. It’s a lot of responsibility. Not to mention his numerous check-ups, physical therapy, day surgery to implant the probes that allow him to walk, therapist appointments to help him deal with his anger issues over the entire drugging thing that forever changed his life, on and on it goes. It’s never ending. In addition to all of that, I still managed to hold down a full-time job to cover all of our bills. My day is draining, and at night, I don’t want to people, I want to drink a glass of wine and unwind.

“Berlynn!” Addison hollers. “Seriously, chica? Why?” I can hear her getting choked up and listen as she begins sniffling over the receiver. “You just threw me away.”

“I didn’t throw you away. I didn’t throw anyone away. But I was dealing with a lot, DeeDee.” I begin ticking things off with my fingers, which she can’t see, but it’s a habit I haven’t been able to break. “My father, mother, doctors, Berk, trying to find a caretaker who couldn’t be bought off or scared by my dad’s threats. Working tirelessly so we could eat and have a roof over our heads. Constantly being followed, our lives were in peril, there’s no way I was willing to put you guys through that,” I explain.

“You let Aris!” she contends.

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