Page 14 of Forget Me Not

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“He’s okay. A little banged up, but nothing he won’t recover from,” she quickly explains as if that’s what has me pissed.

It’s not.

She’s misconstrued my outburst. The real reason I’m pissed beyond belief is because this attack has wrenched up onto levels of unwarranted brutality. Before, nobody was bodily injured, the strikes on the gym were geared toward damaging materialistic possessions and paltry objects—not living, breathing, human beings.

“I’m glad he’s going to be okay, Berlynn. This has gone too far,” I express, banging the palm of my hand onto the wooden top of my desk. “Now they’re physically attacking your coworkers and friends.”

“I know, Aris. It’s why the decision was made that I should back out of my contract so that my presence there doesn’t put anyone in danger,” she whispers, wiping the fallen tears away from her swollen cheeks.

“They only have a couple of weeks to prove you’re unfit to be Berkley’s caretaker. They’re taking risks that are unnecessary because as of ten minutes ago, yours and Berk’s inheritance was released by the judge and your conservator,” I inform her. “So if they were of the belief that they could use your lack of employment against you, they’re sorely mistaken.”

“Which means things are about to go from ugly to downright vicious,” she mutters.

“You and Berk will both need twenty-four hour surveillance,” I reiterate, reminding her of a conversation we had a few weeks back where I told her, in no uncertain terms, that if things got drastic this is what the outcome would be.

“I was supposed to be looking at houses tomorrow,” she grunts. “When are they going to stop trying to ruin our lives, Aris?”

“I wish I had the answers you want to hear, Berlynn. Until we have a plan in place, I think you and Berk need to move in with me,” I suggest. “My property is gated and I have more security in place than the White House.”

“Oh, yeah, got your own squad of secret service men on staff?” she giggles before sniffling, her head lowering and her shoulders going rigid as if the weight of the world just landed on them. “I’m fucking tired, Aris. I’m sick of looking over my shoulder, needing someone to clear the restroom before I can go relieve myself. It’s getting tiresome and tedious. I just want to live my life and work at my dream job.”

“Your dream was to be an Olympic gymnast,” I remind her. “That was ruined when your brother landed in the hospital and you had to stop working with your coaches, quit your team, and take responsibility for him and his future. Let me take care of you two so you can get some rest and let somebody else take on the responsibility for once.”

“I don’t want to be your obligation or become your burden, Aris,” she argues, appearing as if she’s all but given up on fighting for herself. I don’t like it, not at all. Berlynn has always been so full of life, even during our high school days when she was bullied.

“Taking care of you and Berk will never be a hardship, and you know it. We’re family, woman! The weight you’re afraid willdrag me down won’t put a strain on me, that I can promise. If anything, it’ll make me ecstatic. I’ve missed a lot of years with you guys. I’ll never get that time back but maybe we can make that up by getting to know one another all over again. I want to know everything you’ve done since the last time we hung out. I want to know about Berk’s recovery, what the doctors are hopeful for, what his new dreams are. Let me be there,” I beg.

Nodding her head she says, “Let’s talk to Berkley and see what he thinks about it. I won’t make any decisions without his input. But I have to say, it’d be nice not to be watching every move I make.”

“Yes! Let’s do it,” Berkley thunders. “If we’re with Aris, we’ll be safe. Won’t we, Aris?”

“Always, Berk. I’ll never let anything happen to either one of you,” I vow.

“Okay,” Berlynn submits. “I guess we need to pack our bags for an extended stay. We’ll have to call Mrs. Crockett and let her know too.”

“Y’all pack and give me a list of calls that need to be made and I’ll handle that so it’s one less thing you have to worry about,” I propose. “Once I’ve completed those I’ll come help y’all box up your things.”

“It’ll only be a few suitcases, Aris. I think we can handle it,” she challenges.

“It’ll be easier if we aren’t having to commute from the city every time you need a change of clothes or important documents. Ithink we should pack things up as if you’re moving. At least that way, once you find the house you want to buy, you’ll be ready to just move in,” I claim.

“You’re impossible,” she declares.

“I’m realistic,” I rebut. “I have a few days off, I’m between cases and my next meeting isn’t scheduled for a week from now. I have a team working on finding information on your folks that’ll bring them down and we have men watching our backs. Why not take advantage of me while you can and let’s get this apartment packed up so it’s one less thing to worry about.”

“Still doing whatever it takes to get your way I see,” she remarks, clucking her tongue.

“Still working smarter instead of harder,” I refute. “Why make things harder than they have to be, Berlynn?”

“I’m not trying to make things harder, Aris. I’m not. It’s just a big step.”

“One you were ready to make come tomorrow,” I point out.

“We’re moving!” Berkley hollers, raising his fist into the air and doing a dance all the way down the hallway and entering his bedroom. “No stalling, sis! I want out of this haunted place.”

“Haunted?” I mouth the question at her.

“Weird things have been happening around here lately,” she replies.

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