Page 48 of Vows in Violence

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“Trust me. Please,” she whispers.

I wish the world Vivi dreams of were possible—a world of soft touches, whispered words, and peace. But I know better. The reality we live in is brutal, a world that chews up and spits out people like Vivi. Still, for her sake, I nod and ease my grip on the gun.

Luca, Evie, and Cassidy join us on the patio. Meredith, ever the efficient housekeeper, brings out a tray of drinks and leaves them on the table. The tension in the air is thick enough to cut with a knife as everyone watches each other.

Evie is the first to speak. “I understand that you have some information for us.”

I lean back in my chair, maintaining a facade of calm. “I have information. Whether or not it’s for you depends on how useful you are to me.”

Cassidy’s eyes narrow, a hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. “Haven’t you lost most of your empire? I don’t think you’re in the position to decide who is useful to whom.”

Luca steps forward, his presence commanding attention. "He is more useful than you know," he says, a smile playing on his lips. He’s carrying multiple laptop bags, which he sets down on a nearby lounge chair. Reaching into one of the bags, he retrieves a laptop and opens it. After a few clicks, he turns the screen toward us.

A wave of revulsion, fear, and anger washes over me as I see the display. Luca seems to know everything about me. The unease prickles along my skin.

"Ever since Ivan marched into the Valachi house, took down Angel, and took our Vivi," Luca begins, his tone laced with satisfaction, "I have used every connection I have to try to find out exactly what kind of man we are dealing with. You have been a mystery to us, Romanov. Always keeping to yourself. Always sitting on the sidelines. We should have paid closer attention to you."

"You couldn’t," I retort, my voice steady despite the turmoil within. "You were too busy fighting each other over pettyvendettas." I shift in my seat, and when I continue I can’t hide the edge of irritation. “And I did notaking. Vivi chose to be my wife of her own free will.”

Rowan snorts.

Luca ignores her, his smile widening and his eyes gleaming with triumph. "Which you used to your advantage. Ivan’s business includes smuggling, human trafficking, drug trafficking, black market weapons trades, and even kidnapping. When I found this out about you, and then Cassidy told me that Vivi was asking for help, I couldn’t possibly think of anything we could provide for you that you don’t already have."

His words echo a thought that has been in my mind since Vivi suggested the idea. In this world, alliances are crucial for survival, but the Romanovs have thrived for decades without firm alliances, learning to be independent. Yet, from Luca’s smug expression, it’s clear he believes he’s found something that will put me in their debt.

Luca leans in, his voice smooth and confident. "The only thing you don’t have is what I can provide: access to police resources. Cassidy says that you have video footage of the car Azrael was driving."

The USB in my pocket feels like a lifeline, the only leverage I have in this precarious situation. I'm not about to give it up without a fight.

"I do," I reply, keeping my tone even. "The church’s camera wasn’t advanced enough for us to get a plate."

Evie, who has been silent until now, interjects. "The plate wouldn’t matter, anyway. Azrael has false registries. They make copies of plates they find on the streets. We have already tried to find them that way."

Cassidy adds, frustration evident in his voice, "And they fight until death, so we haven’t gotten a chance to interrogate one, either."

A thought crosses my mind. Interrogation happens to be my area of expertise. The only person I’ve never managed to break is Angel, and that’s probably because he knew I wouldn’t butcher him, out of deference to Vivi.

While I’ve been dodging Azrael and managing my hostages, the other Families have been actively trying to bring ‘him’ down. Their lack of success is concerning, but it’s also revealing.

"What difference does my footage make?" I ask, my skepticism clear.

Luca’s smile broadens, and I feel a flicker of irritation. He seems like the kind of person who enjoys pausing during conversations, making others wait for crucial information. It’s a power move, one I recognize but rarely employ myself.

A bullet speaks louder than a man’s voice.

This is the mantra that has kept me alive all these years. As I sit here, observing Vivi and Rowan seated nearby, playing with the largest, fluffiest orange cat I have ever seen, I realize how muchI rely on that belief. Vivi's ease around these people suggests confidence, a trust I find hard to comprehend. My father drilled it into me that anyone who isn’t Romanov isn’t to be trusted, and that belief has served me well. Yet here I am, tiptoeing around an alliance that makes me more uncomfortable than any danger I’ve ever faced.

But then, Azrael has done more damage than anyone we've ever encountered. The threat he poses is real and immediate, forcing me to reconsider long-held convictions. Teaming up with others feels alien, almost wrong, but it also feels necessary.

I hand over the USB to Luca, and he starts distributing laptops to everyone. Watching him type with practiced speed and efficiency, it’s clear this kind of work is second nature to him. In contrast, I’ve been raised in a more traditional manner, and it takes me a bit longer to navigate the machine in front of me.

Luca outlines his plan to us all. “I’ll take the date from the church footage and connect it to the city’s street camera database. We’ll follow the car using street cameras until we figure out where it goes. It’s a simple plan, but its execution requires precision and coordination from us all.”

We spread out, each of us monitoring different street cameras displayed on our laptops. A dozen cameras on each page, clicking to switch between feeds. It’s tedious work, and not every street has a camera, causing us to lose sight of the car several times. The frustration is palpable as we struggle to maintain a continuous track.

The car leaves Manhattan, and a wave of worry washes over us. The further it goes, the higher the risk that it will reach an area without camera coverage. But just as hope begins to wane, the car stops at a place in Brooklyn.

Cassidy leans in, his eyes narrowing at the screen. “What is that place?”

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