Page 42 of Acts of Contrition

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“I’m still not perfect,” I argue. “I never will be. Look at what I’ve been through.”

“Darling girl, who said I wanted perfect?” He grins. “I admit I went about your training wrong. I finally realized that earlier today, as you broke down. As you fought any comfort I attempted to give you until your worn body gave out from the stress. And now … you ensured I knew my methods wereincorrect for your unique situation. If I am to slay your demons, I must not feed them.” His grip in my hair tightens and his smile widens. “Your eyes dilated. Painisan old friend, isn’t it? One you’re starting to like.”

I don’t want to listen, I don’t want to believe him, but his words slide into my mind anyway.

“You started to like it once you realized I didn’t hurt you for my amusement. I didn’t hurt you to keep you in line. I hurt you to free you.” He sits close to me on the bed, still holding me by the hair at the nape of my neck. “God brought you to me, and I realize my mistake. You must forgive me, little dove, as I am but human. I was not meant tosaveyou. You never needed saving.”

He runs his nose alongside my cheek and chuckles when I shiver.

“I was meant to find my darkest hour, my imperfections, reflected in your sin. I was meant tocleanseyou.” He steps back again and kisses my forehead. “I need you to trust me and know this is for your own good. And once I finish cleansing you, we can take the final steps to eternity.”

Chapter Seventeen


EVENTUALLY I MUST have fallen back asleep in Thomas’ room, but now that I am awake, I see he moved me back down into the basement again, and changed me into a nightgown. I hadn’t bought more when I was out, so it looks like the same simple white style.

But there is one difference.

The ankle chain isn’t attached.

Before I can even ponder the implications of this, there is a sharp rap on the door and it opens. Thomas enters, carrying a breakfast tray.

“Good morning,” he says, and I return the greeting.

Do I ask about the ankle bracelet or no?

He sets the tray down and walks to the cabinet, unlocking my books. “Eat well and relax today. In the evening, your cleansing will commence.”


He glances at me. “Yes. After all you disclosed to me yesterday evening, after seeing your genuine fear, I realized your soul was not tainted; it was your body they broke and stained with wickedness. And I will purge that from within you.”

With that, he leaves, and a chill permeates my body.

What the Hell is he going to do to me now?

About two hours after dinner, my door opens again and Thomas enters, carrying a small cloth sack. Metal jingles from inside. He also has a chair he places at the foot of my bed.

I look up from my book, unsure of what might happen now and afraid to speak. I was getting used to his punishments. Now, it’s back to square one.

“Diana, stand up and put your book down, please,” he says. His voice is softly commanding, not stern but you know he can be if you give him a reason.

I do as he asks, more curious than anything.


A wave of nausea hits me at the single syllable and I can’t believe this, but I should have expected it. Now that he knows the truth, he’s going to treat me just like every other man in my life has, except Dad when he was alive.

This isn’t the same as when he beat my breasts or ass. There’s something different about him now, and I hate this.

“Don’t panic,” he adds, holding a hand up. “I have no intention of forcing myself on you. When we finally come together as one, I assure you, it will be when youbegme for it. Not a moment before.”

For some unknown reason, I believe him. My hands go to the hem of my nightgown and I come to find I’m nervous for another reason. A reason previously unknown to me.

I’ve never been fully naked in front of someone who hadn’t paid to hurt me except for him. Someone who claimed to … what did Thomas claim? That he wanted me? Liked me? Henever said, just that God chose me for him. Still, this is a brand new situation, and my weight being healthy is also new to me compared to the last time.

“Your eyes speak more than your lips ever have,” Thomas comments. “You will not come to harm when you are in my hands, and you have nothing to fear over your body. I find everything about you — from your face to your hair to your body and your soul — undeniably beautiful.”

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