Page 15 of Acts of Contrition

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“What exactly are you doing with me?” I ask.

The hand in my hair brushes along my cheek now, and I flinch again, moving away, making him grab my chin so I can’t move my head.

“You were made for me,” he says. “I knew the moment I saw you. That is why we kept coming around where I knew you would be working. Trying to save you. And yet you always rebuffed me, promiscuity and lust more important than the plan God has for you.”

“Made … for you,” I say, trying to wrap my head around the cuckoo bullshit coming out of his mouth.

Why are the hot ones always gay or insane?

He nods, green eyes shining in the dim light. “I brought Father Oliver along with me one day, but we didn’t exit the car. He observed you. And he agrees, if I feel in my soul you were made to be my wife, he wants us to be happy.”

“My dude, there is no ‘us’,” I blurt out. “How long have you stalked me to know my real name anyway?”

“It was notstalking; that’s such a cold word,” Thomas comments. “I needed to ensure I wasn’t being led astray by your appearance, and to know how deep your sin ran. I needed tobe certain what I felt for you was real, my little dove, before I brought you here and began my work.”

“Your work?”

“Undoing the damage sin has caused to your body and soul.” He raises my face to meet his eyes, and he looks … excited? “As long as it takes, whatever it takes, I will remove the stain on your soul and make you pure, worthy of being my wife, worthy of belonging to our holy community.”

It’s not a church. It’s a fucking cult.

I can’t let him see he’s making me panic. I have to let him believe he can’t hurt me, whatever his plans may be.

“Yeah? You want to purify me? Then do your worst.”

He grins, and that’s where the crazy shows. That smile would enjoy fileting someone’s skin in a dark basement … sort of like this one.

“Oh, little dove, I do love a challenge.”

Chapter Nine


HE JUST LEAVES after that. No goodbye. No more threats. Remaining where I am, near the bathroom, I sink down to the floor, my knees shaking so bad I can’t be held up any longer.

How did this happen to me?


No, not again.

Mike was cold and calculating, yes, and he planned my captivity and forced prostitution for a long time. Same as Thomas planned on kidnapping me. But the reasons are clearly different.

Will the methods be?

In the ten months since Mike set me free — if we can call it that — I may have remained a sex worker, but I had control. As long as I paid the landlord, I could control who touched me, how, when, and what I got in return. It wasn’t ideal, but I was free.

Now once more a man has decided what to do with my existence, and I hate this. But this … I don’t see a way out. If this is a “community”, it stands to reason more cult members live nearby. Even if I could get out of this chain, someone would see me and bring me back.

Ican'tbe raped again, forced. I can’t go through it anymore.

Don’t cry, I tell myself as tears well up in my eyes.Don’t you dare shed a single tear because of a man again.

The door opens, and I jump, but my legs don’t carry me and I flop onto my ass, hitting my back hard against the wall.

Thomas carries a tray, giving me a curious look.

“You need to eat, Diana. The sedative made you sleep through the night.”

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