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When I exit the palace, I wind my way through the garden Denari took me to earlier. It looks different at night, shadowyand mysterious, the manicured hedges and plants forming a dark maze

I reach the fruit trees and use the multi-tool map function to find the quickest route to the kingdom’s outer wall. Looks like I’ll need to go partway through the village before heading west.

In the middle of the night, the village is like a ghost town. There’s not a soul around, and even the taverns are closed. Although the entire kingdom seems to be asleep, I still stick to the shadows. And I don’t let my guard down.

My eyes constantly scan for any sign of movement, my ears straining for the slightest sound. The perimeter wall is my goal, my ticket to freedom. And I’m getting closer with every step.

I can’t believe I’ve made it this far without seeing a single orc, although it’s not time to celebrate yet. Not until I’m over the wall and deep into the forest.

When I finally reach the wall, I scan the towering stone structure in search of guards. Although I don’t spot any nearby, my heart sinks at the height of the barrier that stands between me and my freedom. It’s much higher than I expected.

No time for doubts now. I remove the orc robe, slip my knife back into my pocket, and retrieve the grappling hook from my belt loop. Then, I pull a substantial length of rope free from the case, take a deep breath, and swing the hook, aiming for the top of the wall.

The hook sails through the air...and hits the middle of the wall before clattering back down to the ground.

Shit.Not even close.

I back away, and try again, throwing the hook like a baseball. This time, it reaches the top of the wall, catching briefly before slipping off.


Frustration gnaws at me. I’m running out of time before a guard comes by or someone spots me. But panicking won’t help; I need to focus.

It takes three more throws before the hook finally catches and holds. I give the rope a few hard tugs to make sure its secure before I grip it in both hands and start the brutal climb.

And it isbrutal.

The rope cuts into my palms, and the stone wall feels rough against my bare feet. Every muscle in my body screams in protest as I pull myself up, inch by agonizing inch. Even when my arms are shaking so bad I have trouble moving them, I keep going.

Pain is temporary. Freedom is forever.

I don’t look down and try not to think about how high I’ve climbed or how far I still have to go. Instead, I focus on each movement. Hand over hand. Foot after foot.

Keep climbing, Sloane.

Sweat drips into my eyes, and my muscles feel like they’re on fire. But I can see the top of the wall now. It’s so close. Just a little farther...

With one final heave, I pull myself onto the top of the wall, straddling it while gasping for breath. The view is pretty expansive up here. On one side is the sleepy kingdom, quaintand cozy. On the other is the dark forest, wild and dangerous. Even the light from the moons doesn’t do much to illuminate it.

Time for the descent.

I reposition the grappling hook, roll onto my belly, and swing my legs over the side of the wall. When my feet find purchase, I grip the rope and begin lowering myself down the wall.

It’s slower going down than climbing up—the rope hurts my hands, I can’t see where to put my feet, and I’m constantly searching for footholds. When I finally spot the ground, relief floods through me. Not too far now. Just a few more—

My foot slips, and suddenly I’m falling, the rope burning as it slides through my grasp. I hit the ground hard, pain shooting up from my ankle. I bite back a cry, clenching my teeth so hard I’m surprised nothing cracks.

I lie there, waiting for the pain to subside. When it does, I gingerly test my ankle. It hurts like hell, but I can move it. Not broken, then. Just a bad sprain. I’ve lived through worse injuries.

Pushing myself to my feet, I wince when putting weight on my injury. I can walk, sort of. Okay, it’s more like hobbling. But it’ll get me away from the kingdom.

The forest looms before me, dark and intimidating. I retrieve the pocket knife and limp into the shadows. The wall behind me fades as I move deeper into the forest, and I use the multi-tool flashlight to find my way.

There’s no doubt in my mind that danger lies ahead. But for the first time in years, I feel something I never thought I’d feel again: hope.

A small smile tugs at my lips. I’m free, and I’m never going back.

Chapter 15

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