Page 77 of Teeth To Rip & Tear

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A sickening crunch filled the air as blood sprayed over my face—the smell oddly like vinegar.

I left my body behind, watching overhead as I lifted the sledgehammer and brought it down again on the top of the manticore’s head. A hole and bloody goo leaked out of its oddly humanoid face. I kept going, even when the beast stopped moving. Letting out every inch of weakness and fear I’d carried with me since I met Joel.

Finally, when the head was smeared on the dirt, I rested the sledgehammer on my shoulder and turned to Dean. The adrenaline quickly left my body, and my teeth began to chatter. The sledgehammer, which had been so easy to wield a moment before, grew too heavy, and I let the tool drop onto the floor as I staggered forward.

Dean wasn’t dead.

He’d pulled himself to standing without a scratch on him.

His mouth moved, but I didn’t hear him as he ran toward me, his expression one of horror and fear.

Was I so frightening? Had I done something wrong?

“Move! Mallory,move!”

The Manticore’s tail lashed out, a reflex of death. The sharp end of the pincer went directly through my stomach, right through my belly button from the other side.

Blood bloomed across my shirt, staining the cream fabric.All that embroidery ruined, I thought, as the ground raced up to meet me.

Chapter Sixteen

I woke up sweating.

Surrounded by warmth, I came back to my body piece by piece. First, the burning pain in my middle. My blanket twitched when a grunt slipped through my teeth, but my eyes were shut tight as I grasped my stomach.

The manticore tail!Realization hit me. Venom. Every muscle was locked. Pain as it spread through me. I shook, teeth locked as my body shivered against the fever.

“Mallory...” A hand pressed against my clammy forehead. “You’re home. You’re safe. The manticore is dead.”

“Dean?” I whispered.

“I’m here.” He said from behind me.

“Home?” I echoed in confusion.

“The Aos Sí.” Kaleb clarified. “Your fever is going down. Thank goodness.” His fingers twitched against my forehead.

I shifted position, groaning as I reached down and pressed my hand against my stomach. It took a moment to open my eyes, and when I did, I found myself surrounded by naked men.

Kaleb sat before me, wearing only the wooden pendant necklace he kept around his throat. His silver hair fell in his eyes as he studied my pupils and examined my face.

I looked up at the ceiling, trying my hardest not to stare at his cock.

Someone had dragged a mattress to the floor, exposing the bed slats. Somehow, all four men had managed to cram themselves onto the mattress. Mitchell and Wyatt were fast asleep, each contorted in a way that couldn’t be comfortable. The mattress was covered in a thick layer of furs in various colors. Soft and warm.

“Why are you all naked?” I made a grab for the nearest fur but quickly found the material pinned by a heavy naked body.

“Skin on skin healing,” Kaleb explained.

“Was it bad?” I looked over my shoulder, but Dean refused to meet my eyes. “I guess that meansyes.” I joked.

Dean leaned forward, resting his chin against my bare shoulder. The gesture was oddly familiar. “Don’t do that again. I don’t think my heart can take it.” He groaned.

“Thatthingthrew you clear across the lot.” I pointed out.

Dean reached up, showing the bracelet on his wrist. “My lucky charm.”

I exhaled a laugh, wincing when the movement jarred the wound in my stomach. “I thought it was dead.”

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