Page 104 of Finders Reapers

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Ollie waved his hand, ignoring my reluctance. “I’ll let you get dressed. Meet you downstairs.” He stood up and sauntered out of the room without looking back.

I chose a tartan tennis skirt and a long-sleeved black turtleneck, channeling Clueless vibes, and made my way down the stairs to greet the guys and inform them that I was being commandeered for a demonic night out.

Even though the mansion in Needles was a safe house of sorts, no one seemed bothered that Oriax had literally dropped in—I got the impression that Ollie wasn’t someone that you said no to.

The guys were still surrounded by files, but there appeared to be more order since Maddox had gotten home. From what I could gather, there was a ‘dead’ pile clearly established on the coffee table, along with an unknown or alive pile. Worryingly, the alive pile was the smallest of the three.

If Ollie was curious about the mess, he showed no implication of it. Instead, he and Rome appeared to be in a whispered argument, tucked behind the archway into the kitchen.

I caught the word ‘Sasha’ and hated that a spark of jealousy raced from my crown until the soles of my feet. Rome and I had had a moment a couple of days ago, and I got the impression that he was avoiding me. He wouldn’t even look at me.

Even though I had literally been sandwiched between two people from his Grim the night before, I couldn’t help but feel this gnawing desperation. Rome was so stone-faced, but we had chemistry. He made my stomach twist, and we had almost kissed.

Was there something wrong with me?

I was lusting after not one or two guys, but four. Admittingly, no one seemed bothered by the free love situation, but I didn’t want to think about the whole Sasha situation too intently. To do so would admit the green-eyed monster that threatened to snatch the coffee out of Rome’s hand and demand that he be mine—like a polyamorous Veruca Salt.

Ollie caught my gaze and forced a smile on his face, but it did not reach his eyes. He glanced at Rome before striding forward. “You’ve got a bodyguard?” The demon cocked his head to the side.

“Should not bother you if you plan to keep Valentina safe, no?” Rome matched his head movement, affecting an innocence that was somehow sinister at the same time.

Ollie rolled his eyes. “I hardly plan on poking any bears or summoning any monsters.”

“I will come with you both.” Rome nodded decisively. “Valentina and Maddox were attacked by Purgers. No one in the Grim goes out alone.”

“And what am I? Last season’s Prada?” Ollie flailed his hands.

“Why are you so intent that Valentina comes alone?” Rome asked sharply.

Ollie’s chest puffed up. “Because I want to grill her on her sex life!” Ollie threw his head back.

I stepped forward and placed my hand on Rome’s shoulder, encouraging him to step back. Rome shot me a look. “It’s okay,” I assured him. “I have some demonic questions to ask as well. I’m sure Maddox filled you in.”

Rome’s eyes narrowed. “I’m still coming.”

I gave him a look.

“But I will keep my distance.” He continued on a grumble.

I nodded after a moment. That seemed like the best I was going to get.

Ollie held out his arms. “Grab on, kids.”

I shot a panicked look at Rome. “Are we not taking a doorway? We didn’t take a doorway earlier. Is there something wrong with them? Are they being watched?”

Rome bit back a smile. “Oriax is a demon, Valentina. He can travel without doorways. Maddox likely did not take a doorway earlier because they are for official business only.”

I blushed. “Oh. I didn’t know that.”

“Is okay. You do not know until you ask or we say.” Rome shrugged. “You have only been dead a week.”

Ollie shook his hands. “Enough of the hallmark moment, people! It’s time to travel.”

I reached forward and gripped his hand, and Rome did the same. The world shifted, and it felt like my body was dropping through my feet and turning inside out. A moment passed, and my head swam and righted itself before I realized that we no longer stood in the living room, surrounded by manila files, but instead we were in a stairwell, facing a window, with a skyline that was entirely unfamiliar to me. I squinted and saw the crested ridges of the Crysler building.

My eyes widened. “We’re in New York?” I whispered.

“You’ve been here before.” Rome nodded towards the floor-to-ceiling window. “You did a vlog, where you skated outside of the Rockefeller Center.”

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