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“Keep that up and you’re going to make a mess before you get your ride, brat.” Need turns every word into a harsh grunt.

Windy giggles, though her pupils are blown so wide with lust. I know it won’t take much to bring her off again. She slides thehead of my cock through her slippery folds, pressing it against her clit and riding the mushroom tip like a jockey over a saddle.

“Little girl…” I warn.

“You’re so big though, Daddy. Will it fit?”


“Find out.” My hips buck up as she notches me in place, the first few inches pressing in through the tight clench of her opening. Up and down she bounces in shallow hops until she’s taken me in to the root.

“Oooh, it’s so, Daddy, it’s so full,” she gasps.

I don’t know where she learned to talk like this but it’s pushing every button I have, driving me to lose control completely.

I give her time to adjust, biting the inside of my cheek and counting backward by threes until I can’t remain still another moment. I roll us again, startling a squeal from her that tightens her body’s inner muscles around me like a fist.

“Wrap those big thighs around me, babygirl and hold on tight.” There’s no finesse, no smooth rhythm. Just desperate thrusts and mindless grinding as both of our bodies race and rush to the finish line.

I wedge my hand between us to thumb her clit, the change in position angling each drive to nudge her g-spot. It turns Windy feral, her body seizing and locking so tight around me I can barely move. The muscles inside her ripple and milk at me, dragging my orgasm from the tips of my toes until I feel like I’m being ripped inside out. Her orgasm commands mine like a general on a battlefield. Pulse after warm pulse of my cum jets out of me, finding a home in her depths until there’s no room left inside her and it I feel it splashing between us while aftershocks jolt through us both.

Before the post-orgasm crash drains me of the last of my brain cells, I stumble to my feet and carry Windy to thebathroom. After everything she went through last night, I can’t bring myself to put her into a cold shower even if it would help energize her. Instead, I turn the taps to barely above lukewarm and step inside with her still in my arms.

“I hope you know I’m never letting you go,” I say quietly. The moment between us feels precious. Sacred.

Water pours over us, the shower enclosure becoming an oasis where only Windy and I exist. I steel myself for the day ahead and the questions I know she’ll have. She slept through all my plotting overnight, and I already know her well enough to know she’ll insist on being included in all the plans.

“What are we going to do about Director Franklin?” she asks softly, as if reading my mind.

Irrational, hot jealousy oozes like magma inside me, and I seethe hearing his name spoken in this sanctuary. I can hardly wait to bring Franklin’s corruption to light so we can put all this behind us. Finding the right Little girl has taken so long, and I just want to be able to focus on us. On her.

“Don’t suppose you’ll agree to just let me handle it, will you?” If my arms clutch her a little tighter to me, well, I can hardly be blamed. She ran from me once.

“Would you prefer it if I did?”

Her answer surprises me. I give it the consideration everything she says deserves.

“Yes, baby,” I finally answer. “I really would. I would stand between you and every hard thing that comes your way if you’ll let me.”

“Then, okay. Do whatever you need to do. I trust you to make the right decisions for your career and to protect me. Whatever it takes, Daddy.” She tilts her face up to mine, wordlessly asking for my kiss.

Love overtakes me at the realization of everything she’s giving to me. Her confidence. Trust. Blind faith that no one else,even the athletes who entrust their futures to my ability as a coach, have ever given me.

“I promise to handle him and his blackmail. You won’t get into any trouble, and whatever comes my way I can take care of it. I love you, Windy Howell. So much.”

“I love you too, Daddy.” Her arms hug me tight and there’s never been a more perfect moment than this one.



I feellike I’ve been running for hours. Days even. In my head I know the clock is winding down and we’re only minutes away from victory. It’s a good thing, too, because I’ve run from one end of the pitch to the other enough times I’m feeling every connection of my cleats to the turf everywhere in my body. My shins ache. My Achilles tendons are burning like the back of my boots contain built-in torches.

“Service!” Taryn shouts from ten yards ahead of me.

“Man on! Man on!” I hear Vanderman’s bark even though he’s ages behind me on the sidelines, closer to our goal than the one I’m driving the ball at my feet toward. The information he’s relaying is every bit as critical as Taryn’s repeated call for me to send her the ball. His shout means I’ve got an opponent pressing in on me.

I need to get this pass off quickly or we could lose possession. This close to the end of the game, that could be catastrophic. Our goalkeeper, Ophelia, has been looking rough the past few plays. I can’t swear to it, but I’m pretty sure there’s blood fromsomeone’s cleats catching her during a tackle seeping through the neon green keeper’s jersey that designates her position. The last thing she needs is pressure on our box this close to the final whistle.

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