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She rolls onto her back without pulling the pillow from over her head. My chuckle becomes a choke as her bouncy little tits jiggle as they settle after she flops onto the mattress, still pretending to be asleep. They’re just this side of too small for her muscular frame, giving her a luscious pear shape I want to devour with my tongue. My teeth that ache to bite down on the dark circles of her tight nipples and to lick along the squishy little pillow each breast makes on her torso. Her legs part just enough to give a glimpse of her sweet center beneath a trim patch of light brown curls. I have to rip my attention away from staring at her plump lower lips or else I really will succumb to temptation.

“Ready for the joke? It’s a good one. You better be awake or you’ll miss it,” I tease.

“Mbmfdlbmdmm,” she mumbles, the words a garble into the thick pillow. Windy being a grump in the morning hadn’t been something I expected. Watching her bust her ass during two-a-day practices that start at 0’dark-thirty had me thinking she was an early riser. It’s possible her body’s trying to catch up on rest after the stress of the past few days though, so I’ll reserve judgment on her grumpiness until we’ve had more mornings together like this.

“Why was the lobster grumpy in the morning?” I pause, though I know she’s not likely to answer me.

“Because he ran out of claw-fee.”

The terrible punch line draws a groan from her. Sleep is abandoned in favor of complaining about the silly joke.

“That’s terrible, Deke!” She squeals, wriggling when I tickle my fingers against her exposed sides. Her face is still hidden behind the pillow, and that just won’t work for me.

I crawl onto the bed over her, one leg on either side of her hips, pinning her in place. She lets me pull the pillow away from her face and toss it beside us. Sleepy eyes focus on me, far less swollen and red-rimmed than when I cuddled her to sleep.

“Da-a-a-addy.” She pouts. Just the single word and my dick thumps painfully.

“You keep calling me Daddy in that pouty-princess tantrum voice, little lush. Makes me want to give you something to suck on to sweeten you up.” The mental picture of giving Windy my cock to suck on like a pacifier is enough to have precum slicking from my tip and making a mess in my sweats. Mentally adding it to the list of things we’ll explore in the future is the only way I manage to not immediately stuff my dick in her mouth this second.

“But that’s what you are, right? My Daddy?” She vamps. Her lips curl into a coy smile. She’s a constant delight, this smart, sassy girl.

“Damn right I am. And I think it’s high time Daddy shows you what being his really means.” I drop my hips to grind over hers, the bulge of my erection pushing into the clenched v of her legs. Her thighs are so thick and muscled from years of hard work on the pitch that even through the thick barrier of my sweatpants, it feels as though my cock’s being cradled and embraced.

“Yes, please. I want that, Daddy,” Windy breathes.

“Fuck it. Pancakes can wait.” The obvious need in my voice makes her smile in triumph and it occurs to me this girl is going to be a handful. As delightful as I found her sweet submissiveness the other night, these peeks of sassy brat are awakening a need to dominate and put her through her paces.

One thing’s for sure, our lives will never be boring.



Deke presseshis lips over mine before I have the wakefulness to give a thought to my potential morning breath. To be fair, I’m still registering my nakedness and his terrible jokingness. Yeah, that’s a word now.

He licks into my mouth, fucking me with his tongue the way I’m hoping he will with his body. Soon, pretty please. The past few days have been terrible being away from him, and now that I don’t have to run from him anymore, I want to have everything he’d promised me the first night I stayed here. Right now, now, now. No more delays or risks that circumstances could change and pull us apart again.

“Daddy’s going to make love to you now, little lush. You remember your safewords?” he asks.

“Is it gonna hurt?” I don’t know why I’d need a safeword. Deke knows I’m not a virgin, we talked about our histories the other night as part of the safety and consent negotiation stuff he insisted on.

“Your safeword isn’t just for when something hurts. It’s for anytime we need to pause or stop,” he says, kindly.

“But you said we’re going to make love. Not, you know, do kinky stuff.” I’m sure my face is flaming. I feel so inexperienced and unsophisticated. Deke’s probably used to women who know how to play these naughty games without asking rookie questions. I’ve had good sex before, but nothing that could be considered kinky in the slightest. Unless, I dunno, having sex under the bleachers during a basketball game with another student when we were in high school counts as kinky. After hearing Deke describe some of the things he wants to do to me, I’m guessing not.

“Everything we do together is making love, little lush. Because that’s what we’re building here. Love.” He meets my eyes with his serious navy-blue stare and joy floods through me.

“Love?” There’s no way for me to pretend cool, casual sophistication.

“Doesn’t matter if I’m fucking you rough after turning that luscious ass of yours cherry-red, or letting you suckle my cock as you drift off to sleep, it’s all making love between us. Understand me?”

I nod and he cups a giant hand behind my head to pull my face up to meet his fierce kiss. Breath trades back and forth from his lungs to mine until everything inside me is him.

His furred chest rasps over my nipples when he slides his torso from side to side, the tickly abrasion making me slippery between my legs and so, so achy.

“Daddy, I need you,” I plead, letting my inner neediness shine through. “Like before. Down there.”

His eyes flare with heat, the navy of his irises darkening to near blackness at my request. Maybe these past few days of misery were worth it since they gave me plenty of time to devour as many smutty books about our dynamic as I could find. Mynaughty talk game is definitely ready to step up and drive him wild.

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