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“Off-the-books urine test?” I ask.

“Yeah. Apparently, she had Taryn watch her void so it couldn’t be said that she falsified the sample, then asked Bhodi to run the field test on it. He and Taryn are together officially now; dunno if you’re aware.”

“I am,” I confirm, still unsure what he’s getting at.

It makes no sense for Windy not to sign up for the pledge program the athletes are all jumping to be involved with, unless she’s using. And if that’s the case, why would she voluntarily take a test with Bhodi, knowing he’d report any positives? It’s nonsensical is what it is.

“It was clean. For everything,” Paul adds.

“Then why…?”

“Why do you think?” He tilts his chin to where Director Franklin is hosting some of the school’s boosters on a tour of the facilities.

As much as I want to blow the whistle on the underhanded and illegal shit he’s pulling, without concrete proof there’s no way to bring him down. He’s too beloved by the overly entitled crowd that makes up the boosters. Their status as top donors to the program buys them access to things fans don’t get, and they never let anyone forget it.

“You think he’s pressuring her?”

“It would make sense. A girl who abides by every rule and policy for three-and-a-half years suddenly won’t prove she’s still a good girl? Seems too odd. Unless there’s an external factor involved.”

“Are you asking me or telling me? I’d think you’d be demanding I stay away from your player and not drag her into some faculty-student scandal.” There’s nothing unethical or even truly forbidden about a football coach dating a student who isn’t one of his athletes. But it’s going to make waves when our relationship goes public.

Yeah, I said relationship. My little lush is dodging me right now, and believe me, she’ll be punished when I get to the bottom of why. But a man doesn’t go his whole life searching for his perfect Little girl only to let her run away at the first sign of adversity.

And sure, I’d give her up and walk away if I wasn’t bone-deep positive staying away from me was just as hard for her as it has been for me. For three days I’ve damn near been derelict in my own job because all my time is consumed watching her. Watching her and racking up the list of issues we’re going to be addressing real soon. Namely why she’s being secretive, ghosting me, and letting both her coach and me believe she might be using drugs.

The girl looks like she’s not sleeping, not hydrating, not taking care of herself at all. Some people can bury their stress and anxiety behind a facade of smiles and normalcy. Windy Howell is not one of those people.

“I’d prefer a manufactured scandal over what I’m watching in real time, asshole. But if you’re going to let a bit of bullshit rumor-mill nonsense stop you, well, then stay the fuck away from my player.”

I’ve never known Paul to swear much, so it’s always memorable when he does. That he’s angry enough now to swear at me gets my attention.

“What have you heard?” Knowing what’s out there might help me figure out why Windy’s so bent on running from me.

“You know Bhodi was brought in by Franklin to curb Taryn’s shenanigans.” It’s not a question and I don’t respond.

“Turns out, Franklin didn’t want her on my radar because he’s had her on his. And you know what that means.”

“Yeah, you mentioned Taryn was deliberately fucking off so you’d punish her and Franklin wouldn’t be able to push performance-enhancing drugs on her.” The brilliance of the little brat. I have to admit I’d been impressed when he told me. I hadn’t seen that plot-twist coming.

“Turns out he was attempting to blackmail her not just to use, but to not come running to me. I’m ashamed to admit she didn’t feel like she could. Bhodi figured it out pretty quickly,though, and you can guess whose side he’s on here.” Paul shakes his head. The romance between Bhodi Wells and Taryn Ellis has been fodder for the gossip mill all over campus. The man makes no attempt at subtlety when it comes to her.

“Why didn’t you tell me it was this serious when we talked a few days ago? You made it sound like Franklin’s being a nuisance to her specifically, not that he’s actively blackmailing and coercing athletes to violate code of conduct and break laws.” I’m not sure what I would have done had I known how serious this mess is, but I for damn sure wouldn’t have sat by while Windy might be at risk.

“Didn’t know how personal it was for you then. Knew you had a thing for Windy, but didn’t expect Franklin to be hassling her, too. Or that she’d run from you instead of to you if he’s threatening her. Definitely didn’t expect you to let her.”

It’s one thing to believe she’s getting pressured to do something. A whole other thing to think she might be blackmailed. Bullied. Threatened. Puts the lines of exhaustion around her eyes and the downturn of her lips in a new perspective. My fists clench reflexively, ready to fight an enemy. Luckily for my career, Director Franklin is heading into the field house with his booster club field-trip guests.

“I’ll fix this. Got a scrimmage this evening to get through with the team and then I’ll get to the bottom of what’s going on. You keeping your girls late tonight or can I expect to find Windy in the dorms by nine?” I know the women’s team is traveling this weekend for a road game, so there’s a chance Paul will have them watching film on the opposing team in preparation.

“Nah, film’s tomorrow night. I’ll have the girls out of the locker room by seven so they can eat and get some rest. Early practice tomorrow morning so we can watch video at team dinner tomorrow night.” He runs his program with the same attention to detail and professionalism I use to run mine.

“Good. I’ll make sure Windy’s to the field in time for an early start.” I’d like to promise she’ll be well rested, but as much as she’s dragging ass today, I’m not sure even a full night’s sleep under my watch will be enough to restore my sweet girl to her normal good health.

But it’ll be a start.



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