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Obviously, I have to stay for the lesson. I can’t just leave Charly there, expecting Gia to take care of her for an extra hour or so. Even though Seb’s the one giving the lesson, he doesn’t know how to actually interact with Charly. He may be able to teach her the moves, but he won’t know how to change her diaper or how to calm her down if she gets upset.

At least, I don’t think he does.

Honestly, I think he’d be even more terrified being left in charge of Charly than I would be leaving him in charge of her. His generosity doesn’t extend that far outside his comfort zone.

But I have no doubt he’s taken a giant step out of that comfort zone just offering to teach her. The responses from the other women at this table only re-confirms my certainty about that.

Their surprise over his offer also confirms that Seb is making a real effort to win me over. Not that I didn’t already know that. Despite the squirrel incident at the barn, once Seb got over being mad, the rest of the day was great.

The time I spent with Seb during the summer was all about fun. But after collaborating with him for a day, then checking in periodically over the last couple days to go over what still needs to be done, I have to say, I really like working with him too.

I’ve seen a different side to him. He knows electricity on so many levels beyond physical chemistry. And I’m impressed with how much he knows about business. He’s got a low-key confidence in his abilities that I envy. The man is more than just a pretty face.

As hard as I’m fighting to not give into my attraction to him, I feel my resolve slipping.

After talking to these ladies, I wonder if it’s time to let it go and give Seb a chance.

Chapter 15


I turn the chicken cooking in the pan, then wipe my hands on my apron and check the next step in the recipe. Mom stands a few feet away, washing dishes that don’t need to be washed. What she really wants to do is jump in and take over the cooking.

“I can cook the dinner, Sebastian. I don’t need to go to line-dancing.” She’s resisted as long as possible and can’t stop herself from peeking over my shoulder.

“I’m fine, Mamma. I should have told you Hope was coming over.” I might have conveniently forgotten Mom has her line-dancing lessons tonight.

Usually I just warm something up on these nights, but I know Hope will be hungry after a long day, so I thought I’d make something for her.

I dump cooked ziti into a mixing bowl, then take a jar of Mom’s alfredo sauce from the fridge. I’ll confess to cheating a little by not making the sauce myself, but Mom makes the best alfredo. Why fix what ain’t broken?

Before I can pour the alfredo over the pasta, she takes it from my hands. “Charly won’t want to eat this. It’s too rich.” She sets the jar on the counter and scoops ziti into a smaller bowl. “Just a little butter and cheese on top for her.”

“Thanks,” I hadn’t thought about Charly needing to eat, even though she’s in the mudroom playing with Uncle Rad. Her squeals should have reminded me that she’d want dinner too.

I still have a lot to learn.

But at least Uncle Rad is having fewer accidents. She hasn’t peed inside all day, which reminds me…

“I’ve got to take the dog out. I’ll finish this when I come back.” I don’t bother taking the apron off as I rush to the mudroom.

I think it’s been more than an hour since I last took Radley out, but I got distracted with making dinner. So I’m relieved when I step over the kiddie gate Mom put up and don’t see any puddles.

“Thanks for taking care of Radley—Uncle Rad—for me, Charly.” I pat Charly’s head, not sure, even as I do it, if that’s the right thing. “Come on, girl, let’s go potty.”

I hook Uncle Rad’s leash to her collar and open the back door, but before I can step out, Charly slips her hand into mine.

“Me too!” she smiles.

I glance at our hands, and swallow hard, pushing back the unexpected emotion rushing from my chest. Her hand is so small in mine, and so trusting.

Is this what it’s like to be a dad? To feel overwhelmed by a kid’s vulnerability and their trust when you know your own limitations?

“Okay.” My heart pounds so loud, I barely hear my own reply.

Cold air rolls in from the open door, and I grab my coat. There’s a small one hanging next to it, that has to be Charly’s. And, of course, she’s going to need a coat too.

I grab her coat and hand it to her. “Put your coat on first.” My voice sounds harsher than I mean it to, so I make it higher, the way I’ve heard Mom do. “It’s cold out there.”

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