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She let out a little indignant huff before starting the list. “The biggest pro is that the water looks incredible, and I’m hot and could practically die from wanting to go for a swim.”

“Avoiding dying seems like a pretty bigpro. What kind of con could possibly challenge that?”

“Wellll, the biggest one is that getting in the water means I’d have to take my clothes off.”

“Nope. That definitely goes in theprocolumn for me.” He waggled his eyebrows playfully at her. “Oh, come on. You’ve got nothing I haven’t seen before.”

“Oh yes, I have. I havemuchmore now than you’ve seen before. I’m no longer a seventeen-year-old girl with flawless skin and no dimples or cellulite. My body has changed. I am much…” She paused as if struggling to come up with the best descriptive word. “Muchcurviernow.”

“I happen to like your new curves. In fact, the curvier the better I like to say.”

“Oh yeah? When do you like to say that?”

“Just now. And also, any time there’s a possibility of a gorgeous, curvy woman, stripping naked in front of me.” He offered her another one of his trademark grins—the one that most women couldn’t resist.

But most women weren’t Eleanor Gibbs.

She was different.

“Tell you what,” he said. “How about if I turn my back, and I won’t look while you strip down and wade in.”

She twisted her mouth from side-to-side with indecision. “You promise you won’t look?”

He held up two fingers. “Scout’s honor.”

She arched an eyebrow. “Now I know you’re lyin’. You were never a Boy Scout.”

He laughed. “Okay. I promise I won’t look…afteryour shirt and shorts come off.”

She huffed again.

“Come on, darlin’,” he drawled. “You gotta give me a little something here.”

“No, I don’t.” She tried to keep the annoyed expression on her face but couldn’t hold it as she broke into a laugh.

He splashed a small spray of water in her direction then held up three fingers. “All right, you had your chance to do this the easy way. Now, Miss Eleanor Gibbs, you’ve got exactly three seconds to peel those clothes off, or I’m coming out of this lake to do it for you.”

Chapter Thirteen

Leni narrowed her eyes at him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

Oh, hewoulddare. In fact, he couldn’twaitto dare. Chevy took a step toward her as he called out, “Three!”

She let out a shriek as she retreated up the shore, splashing water as she walked backward.

His grin widened as he took another menacing step toward her. “Two!”

“Okay, you win. Stop counting.” She laughed as she shimmied out of her shorts and tossed them further back onto the bank, then pulled her shirt over her head and pitched it toward the shorts, leaving her in only a black lacy bra and a pair of black bikini panties. She made a circular motion with her hand. “Now, turn around.”

He stared, the sight of her half-naked body making his mouth go dry.

The last time he’d seen her like this, shewasseventeen, and he was a horn-dog teenage boy. Now, she was a full-fledged woman, round and lush, and as his gaze roamed over those curves she’d described, he felt like that love-sick out-of-control teenager again.

“Why are you staring at me?” she asked, self-consciously putting her hands up to cover herself.

“I can’t help it,” he said, all teasing aside. “You’re just so gorgeous.”

A grin tugged at the corners of her lips. “Stop it.”

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