Page 53 of Fallen Roses

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I reach for his pants and carefully unfasten his belt, dragging them down and carefully easing them from his body.

I could weep when I witness his suffering, but know that was the last time. Never again. He is over that part of his life and if I have my way, our futures will intertwine and he will never feel pain again.

His cock is already hard and springs from his pants, dancing with delight at the promise of fun. My hair sweeps his leg as I slip my lips over the large head and moan as he slides right to the back of my throat.

“Fuck, Ana.” He groans as I move slowly, carefully taking my time, dragging out the sensation as I pleasure him with my mouth.

I love tasting James. He tastes of possession and wicked delights. He is a man of many layers and the most complicated person I have ever met. Inside he has agood heart and has struggled with the hand life has dealt him, but through it all he’s stayed strong and focused, intent on building a solid future for him and his brother. I have never met a man like James Warner who is a complicated masterpiece, and I am fascinated by him.

His low groan lifts my heart as I bring him soft pleasure. He deserves to be loved, not used, and his past is something that defines him. I don’t see him as weak, not in the slightest. He is the strongest person I know because he dealt with his pain in his own way and got on with the job.

Good and bad are the two sides to his personality and I love both in equal measures.

The dark sexual side of him fascinates me and that is what I want to experience, but not now. He is too broken to face that particular monster today and so I glide my mouth over his cock softly, as if I’m worshipping at his feet, bringing him to me, banishing the painful memories and replacing them with new ones.

“Fuck, Ana, you are so good at this.”

His ragged breath is as tortured as his mind and I pull out, cupping his balls and rotating them slowly.

His low hiss is a serious turn on and I sit astride him and say huskily, “Look at me, James.”

His dark, turbulent eyes lock onto mine as I slide onto his rigid shaft, my teeth dragging in my lower lip as he enters my core. This time, I grip his face between my fingers and push down harder, my breasts dragging against his chest as I shift deeper.

“I promise you–” I say with a small moan, loving the sensation of him inside me as I stare deep into his eyes, claiming every part of him as I show him how much I care. “I promise I’ll be back for you.”

He reaches up and cups my face and pulls me gently toward him, his cock swelling inside me as he kisses me with purpose, sealing the deal and leaving me in no doubt of how good we are together.

His fingers tangle in my hair as he thrusts harder, filling me completely, touching every nerve and drenching me in delicious ruin.

With a dark whisper, he suggests, “When you return, we need to find a way to make goodbyes disappear forever.”

My heart is full as he makes his declaration because for the first time in my life, I am important to someone other than by blood. James chooses me and I choose him from all the millions of people in the world. We have found one another and we may be fucked up in many ways, but somehow broken souls can find beauty existing beneath the cracks.



How did I find her? Anastasia Romanov was an angel sent to me from God and nobody will ever persuade me otherwise.

Despite the horrors that preceded it, I make love to Ana for the first time in my life. This isn’t sex, it’s a declaration. A meeting of minds and a promise to be better. If I’m to keep her, I must become the man she deserves, not the fucked up addict who used sex as a coping mechanism. That’s not what it’s about. It’s deeper than that and this is my promise to her.

Sex with Ana is a beautiful sin, dirty, delicious, and heals my ragged soul. She is like a clean breath of air that has entered my body and is blowing the shadows away, filling it with light and healing the open wounds. I have found the other half of my soul and there is no turning back now for me. She may think differently, which iswhy I’m not wasting a moment of the time we have left by sleeping.

We are lying in the tub, the heated water filled with relaxing oils, Ana resting between my legs as I gently soap her body. Candles burn around the room, their delicate light flickering in the darkness, creating an atmosphere of intimacy that I have never experienced before.

Her long hair is wet and plastered against her skin, which glows after several orgasms already.

“Tell me about your meeting.”

I hate to break the spell, but I’m curious and kind of think she needs to prepare herself.

She groans. “Titus, my older brother, wants us all there when he confronts mama.”

“How do you think she will react?”

“It won’t go well. Apparently, when Arman took Ellie to meet her, Titus confronted her then, and she left them in no doubt how hurt she was that they had even considered she was involved.”

“Then there’s your answer.”

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