Page 1 of Fallen Roses

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The Rose Foundation is the only thing on my mind right now. What happened last night has been relegated to the past because when I woke this morning, it was just a dim memory. That’s what happens when you drink three vodka martinis and then pass out on the bed after an extremely bad decision that I always knew I was going to make.

I had been planning it ever since I learned of my mission. It was my golden opportunity to indulge the wicked side of my soul, and it was a long time coming. The fact we never actually finished the experience is probably a very good thing because then I would feel worse than I do already.

As I wait in reception for the woman from HR, I shake off my regret and concentrate on the real reason I’m here.

My father was murdered.

In his own home—at the dinner table in front of his horrified wife.

Despite being one of the most powerful men in Russia and certainly heavily guarded, he was still murdered and my family will not rest until we discover the identity of the person responsible.

The trail has led us to The Rose Foundation, and it is my job to sift through the threads holding it together to find the one that connects it to our family.

When the job opportunity came up, we wasted no time in making certain I was the only woman for the job.

Unraveling information and digging for shit is a specialty of mine and now I have the freedom to put my skills to the test, away from my domineering brothers and the prison I have called home for my entire life.

I traveled to Los Angeles and it may as well be the promised land, because my excitement is the driving force behind what happened last night. For the first time, I was free and determined to make it count, and the sexy stranger who obliged was more than happy to play my game.

I’m disappointed we never got to finish what we started, but shit happens and I’ve experienced my fair share of it. Now my mind has shifted to business and when you grew up as a Romanov, it’s the only thing that counts.

“Miss Starling.”

An elegant woman walks toward me with awelcoming smile and I stand, offering her my hand as she draws close.

“Miss Prendergast.”

As we shake hands, my grip is firm and my manner cool. I am not here to make friends and ingratiate myself with the staff. There will be no gossiping in doorways and after hours drinks to enjoy. I am here for only one thing and it’s important the staff realize that from the start.

Her broad smile wavers as she extricates her hand and says quickly, “Please, follow me. I’ll show you to your office so you can take care of the mountain of paperwork that drowns our new starters.”

We walk toward an elevator and as we step inside, she presses the button for the fifth floor. I understand there are thirty floors in this building and The Rose Foundation is not the sole business occupying the space.

It prompts me to ask, “How many floors does the business operate from?”

“Only one.” She seems surprised at my question and I remind myself that not every business is as successful as my family ones, of which there are several. We never share business premises and occupy every floor, so it makes me certain that I will be able to wrap this up quickly. They are obviously a small operation which will enable me to dive deeply into their files and hopefully be home before they get suspicious.

The door opens and we step out into a sterilecorridor that stretches into the distance, the smell of fresh paint hanging heavy in the air.

She stops at a door in the middle and I ask, “How many employees work here?”


I raise my eyes.

“Is that all?”

“It’s enough.” She regards me with rather a stern expression. “We are a charity, Miss Starling, and are mindful of that. We employ the bare minimum required, so the donations we receive are used for the exact reason they were given in the first place.”

“Of course.”

She opens the door and guides me into a large light-filled open plan office where four desks are set behind privacy screens. She stops at the one nearest the door and smiles. “Welcome to your new home. I hope you will be happy here.”

The space on offer is big enough for one desk, a filing cabinet and nothing more. Picturing my huge office in the Romanov financial building, I struggle to disguise my concern. I glance around and sense the curious gazes of three other people in the room, and Miss Prendergast smiles happily.

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