Page 36 of Tempting Teacher

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“It’s the best way to get there.” Alexander states. “We’ll be there in less than thirty minutes. If I drive, it will take over five hours.”

“And you tried to pretend you’re not rich.” I scoff, still trying to absorb and process the new information I learned about Alexander this morning.

We spoke with Cameron, and also stopped at my apartment. It didn’t look like anyone had attempted to break in, so that was a relief. I changed, packed a small bag of my things, and also moved my valuables to a lock box that I hid in the back of my closet. The manager was monitoring who came in and out of the building, so hopefully everything would be fine, but I know you could never be sure.

“Come on.” He wraps one hand around the back of my neck, tugging my body to his, brushing a kiss across my lips before moving them to my ear. “I’ll keep you safe.”

I peek up at him under my lashes, my knees practically giving out under me as I try not to swoon. “I know you will.” I whisper back.

He kisses me on the forehead, his hot grip releasing my neck to slide down and grasp my hand. He leads me across the heliport, passing off our bags to the co-pilot, before assisting me into the helicopter. He straps me in, an unmistakable glint in his eye as he does it, which has the butterflies in my stomach flapping overtime. He places a headset over my ears before doing the same to himself, then buckles himself in.

“You’ll be able to hear any of us speak in these.” He explains, tapping on the gear.

I nod, my pulse picking up speed as the co-pilot climbs into his seat, our ascent starting a moment later. I blow out a breath, trying to stem the flutter of nerves cascading in my belly as I watch the ground disappear under us. Warm fingers wrap around my own, our palms aligning with a gentle squeeze.

“I got you.” His voice soothes through the headphones. My eyes dart to his, noticing the warm smile on his face, relaxed confidence exuding from him, and I nod. He’s got me alright. Hook, line, and sinker.

The ride is actually lovely, Alexander pointing out parts of Long Island as we fly over, and then the coast of Block Island as we approach. It feels as though we’ve only been in the air a few minutes when we start descending to a lower altitude. I’m shocked by how quick the flight is, even though he told me it would only be around thirty minutes.

“That’s ours.” Alexander points out the window to a large gray structure, which seems to be made up of several buildings shaped in a large U around a pool in the backyard. It’s not right on the ocean, but it’s close enough that you can see it from the house.

“Where are we landing?” I half-shout into the mic attached to the headphones, noticing Alexander flinch.

“You don’t have to yell, baby.” He grins broadly and points to the lawn at the front of the house. “Right there.”

My brow shoots up as I focus on the spot we’re going to land. “Is that enough room?” I dart my gaze to him.

“More than enough.” He nods, his smile still wide. I can tell already that he’s lighter, less stressed. Is it leaving the city, being in a place he considers home, or is it me? I’m not really sure, but I like him like this.

My stomach flip-flops as the helicopter suddenly stops moving forward and we seem to plummet to the ground. We aren’t of course, we’re simply landing, but as it’s my first time in a helicopter, it’s a new experience for me. I feel like I’m in an elevator going down, but at a much higher rate of speed. I’m delighted at how gentle the actual landing is when we touch the ground.

Alexander swipes the headset off, so I follow suit. He leans forward to unlatch my straps, brushing his lips across mine before he sits back. “Ready?”

I nod, the door beside me opening. The co-pilot has already freed himself and climbed out to help us exit. Once we were both off safely, he grabs our bags and hands them to Alexander. “We’ll see you here on Monday, sir?”

“Yes, at five.” He shakes his head. “Thanks for everything, Tom.” He turns back to me. “Let’s go see the house.”

From the front, the house looks normal. It’s a Cape style, covered in weathered, gray clapboard. The roof looks a bit worn, but I imagine between the sun, salt water, and ocean winds, all the structures on the island take a beating. We walk through a stoned patio porch to a front door, Alexander entering a code on a keypad before pushing it open.

“Welcome.” He stands aside, sweeping his arm out in invitation to enter.

“Thank you.” I offer him a sheepish smile as I stroll past him into the house. I gasp as I take in the view from the windows on the opposite side of the room. Rays of sunshine brighten an infinity pool that overlooks a lawn so green it seems to sparkle, the ocean shimmering in the background. It’s stunning.

“Wow.” I twist to look at Alexander. “It’s beautiful here.” The entire bottom floor of the house is one big open space, all natural-colored wood floors and ceilings, decorated with comfortable white furniture everywhere. It’s comfy and cozy and everything you’d expect from a home on an island.

“It’s okay.” He kicks the door closed with his foot, dropping our bags on the floor, his focus entirely on me as he prowls closer. “I see something more beautiful.”

“Oh.” I utter. His arm loops around my waist to haul me flush. “Oh!” This time it comes out on a gulp, his intentions made more obvious by his hard length pressing into my waist. I lift my head until my eyes meet his.

“We’re not on university property anymore. Not in campus housing, not in class, not even in the same fucking state.” He proclaims, his voice gruff, my legs turning to jelly.

“No more-” His mouth presses against my neck to deposit a hot kiss, “rules.”

The heat of his tongue trails along my jaw until he reaches my ear. His mouth scorching as it vibrates against my skin. “I’m going to fuck you on every surface in this house.”

My core throbs, lava whooshing through my veins, igniting my desire into a burning flame, hot and unquenchable. “Finally.” I melt in approval, my arms folding around the back of his neck as I crush my lips to his.

His hands cup under my ass to lift me, my legs wrapping around his waist as he carries me deeper into the house. Our mouths stay fused, our tongues tangling together. He lowers my bottom against something hard, and I pull away long enough to realize it’s the dining room table.

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