Page 2 of Tempting Teacher

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“What if he doesn’t even care?” Her voice is barely a whisper. “Then what do I do?”

“Then you have a different decision to make. One that I can’t make for you.” The waiter discreetly swipes the binder off the table, trying not to disturb us. “But I can promise you this, Jessa; between now and then, I’m going to make sure the only thing you think about is how good my cock feels inside of you.”

“Oh!” Her cheeks turn a lovely shade of pink, and I can’t help but wonder if her nipples are the same shade. Yes, that’s the kind of guy I am. What did you expect? You got the part where I fuck for money, right?

Ten minutes later she inserts a key card into the door of the room she’s reserved. Once we’re inside, she walks straight across the room to the full-size windows and pulls the curtains back until they are wide open. She lets out a small huff and then points. “There he is.” Her head shakes back and forth. “I think I hate him.”

I walk up behind her, looking over her head to where she’s pointing. “Good, it will make this easier.”

She spins around. “Do I pay you now?”

“Generally, after, but whatever makes you comfortable.”

“I want to pay you now.” She yanks her purse open to pull her wallet out. She extracts a wad of bills, all hundreds, and starts counting, then hands me the stack. “Twenty-five hundred.”

“Just happened to have that on you?” I murmur, folding the bills before slipping them into the inside pocket of my jacket.

“Well, Marjorie gave me a general idea of what to have with me.”

“Isn’t she helpful?” I smirk, shrugging the jacket off, folding it over a nearby chair. Her eyes follow me, but no other part of her moves. “How do you want to do this?”

“Can you just tell me what to do?” Again, with the lovely shade of pink on her cheeks.

“As in, you want me to take control, or you want me to walk you through what we can do?”

She shuffles her feet, her lip clenched between her teeth again as she nods.

I take three steps, stopping when I’m in front of her, and gently pry her purse from her fingers, setting it on the table next to her. “I need you to tell me which one.”

“Just take control.” She peeks up at me from under her long lashes. “It’s been so long I’m not even sure I remember how to do this anymore.”

What a fucking idiot her husband is. This woman is beautiful, and seems to be kind, and for some insane reason, still in love with him. No matter how much she tries to proclaim otherwise. I thread my fingers through her silky auburn strands to wrap a hand around her head, then tilt it back as I lower my lips to hers. I start slow, feathering kisses against the corners of her mouth, the top, and then the bottom before finally covering it entirely. When she parts her lips in a small sigh, I take advantage, sweeping my tongue inside, tasting her, shoving it deep when she opens further. Her arms latch around my neck, and she arches her body to mine, a small groan escaping from her.

I find the zipper on the side of her dress and pull it down, one click at a time, then slide my hand inside, pressing my fingers against her back to tug her even closer. She surprises me by drawing away, my hand coming free as she retreats a step, her chest rising and falling in time to the small pants escaping her.

Before I can ask what’s wrong, she brings her fingers to the buttons of my shirt and begins working them. She glances up at me for less than a second then focuses back to her task. I don’t object. This is her party. I’m more than happy to give her what she wants. I help, untucking my shirt from my pants, releasing the buttons that had previously been hidden. I unfasten the cuff links at each wrist, twisting to place them on the nearby table, then face her again. She spreads her hands wide under the shirt, placing them flat on my chest, gliding them up over my shoulders until the material falls down my arms to the floor.

“My God, you’re stunning.” Her hands continue to explore my torso, tracing over my skin as she stares up at me. “You almost hurt to look at with your clothes on, but this is more than I could have imagined.”

“Let’s see if you look as good as I imagined.” Before she can react, I reach down, grab the hem of her dress and tug it over her head. Fuck me. She’s wearing garters. So fucking old school. Her bra and panties are made of a sheer black silk fabric that leaves nothing to the imagination, and my cock stiffens in delight.

“You’re fucking sexy.” I snag a hand around her waist hoisting her flush, making sure she can feel just how good I think she looks.

A small yelp sounds when she lands against my length, and I slam my mouth to hers, devouring her moans as I grind myself against her core. Her fingers somehow wedge their way between us to release the buckle of my belt, and then the button of my slacks. She moves her mouth against mine as she pleads for me to take them off. I comply, releasing her to remove my shoes and then my pants.

She surprises me as she reaches to wrap her fingers around my girth through my briefs. “I thought you didn’t remember how to do this.” I practically growl as her grip tightens and begins to rub up and down my length.

“I guess it’s like riding a bike.” She purrs, looking up at me, her hair tousled and falling across her eyes.

“Oh honey, I can guaran-fucking-tee you that this is going to be so much better than riding a bike.” I yank her closer, my fingers moving to her back, releasing the clip on her bra with one swift flick, stripping it from her with another flick. Sweet pink nipples. Just like I imagined. Small and so fucking perfect as they point up at me, begging to be sucked. I latch onto one without another thought, pulling hard, then lick the hard tip back and forth, my arm wrapped around her waist as she grinds her core against my thigh, wetness spreading over my skin each time she moves.

I pop my mouth off her breast, cradle her waist with my hands and lower to my knees. I slip my fingers under the waistband of her panties and ease them down her legs. I peer up at her, locking my gaze with her lust filled one, and grin. “I’m going to eat your pussy now.” I tap her foot, indicating she should step out of her undies, never breaking my hold on her. “I’m going to show you what it should feel like to be worshipped.”

Before she can respond, I shove my hands between her thighs spreading them wide to draw her clit into my mouth. She’s so damn wet I can’t resist sliding a finger into her, my dick throbbing when she lets out a long groan. “Oh my God, Xander!” I swish my tongue back and forth, adding another digit, pumping in and out. I smile around her pussy when she tosses one leg over my shoulder, pressing herself harder into my face, rotating her hips against my hand. I plunge in faster, deeper, then bite on her clit, her orgasm exploding as her muscles clench around my fingers. A scream erupts as her knee buckles, the weight of her landing on my face, her hands clutching onto my shoulders. I stop when I feel the pulsing around my fingers cease, releasing the hold I have on her clit, swiping my tongue one last time over her center.

I rise, grabbing her waist to lift her, her leg sliding off my shoulder, stopping when my mouth finds hers. She moans when I slide my tongue inside, my cock jerking against her stomach when she sucks her own juices off my mouth. She’s so fucking desperate to be loved. I want to kill her fucking husband for making her feel this way.

“That was so good. Too good.” She murmurs resting her head against my shoulder, her arms wrapped around me.

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