Page 64 of Lords of the Campus

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Watching them together, a warmth spreads through my chest. I see glimpses of the men I once cared so deeply for and it gives me hope that maybe we can find a way forward.

Things are even different at the frat house. The boys start a routine of taking turns cooking dinner for all of us, though it often ends up in disaster. One night, Zane tried to make spaghetti and somehow ended up with noodles stuck to the ceiling. Eli’s laughter is contagious and soon, we’re all in stitches. I lean against Levi and smile as he bends down to press a soft kiss on my hair. I missed this, just goofing off and having fun together.

Some nights, we take Eli on walks around the houses on Frat Row. We stop by an ice cream social at one house and Eli lights up in excitement as he watches me put a bowl together for him, liberally dousing it with sprinkles. As we sit on a couch together, enjoying our treats, I watch as Zane feeds bites of ice cream to Eli and the genuine affection in his eyes has me smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.

On the weekend, the boys decide we need to take Eli to the zoo. His eyes widen with wonder as he sees the animals, pointing excitedly at the lions and monkeys. Archer lifts him onto his shoulders for a better view and Eli’s giggles fill the air.

We walk through the exhibits, taking turns holding Eli’s hand and explaining the different animals to him. It feels almost normal, like a family outing and it brings a lump to my throat.

Back at my house, we sit around the living room, playing with Eli’s toys. Levi and Zane build an elaborate train track and Archer reads a storybook to Eli, his voice animated and engaging. As Eli snuggles into Archer’s lap, I turn to Eli and point to the boys. “Eli, these are your daddies,” I say softly. Eli looks at them, then back at me, his little brow furrowed in confusion. “Daddies?” he repeats, testing the word on his tongue.

Levi reaches out, ruffling Eli’s hair gently. “That’s right, buddy. We’re your daddies.”

Eli looks at each of them in turn, his eyes bright with understanding. “Daddies!” he exclaims, standing up to hug Levi. My heart feels like it might burst from the sight.

The walls between us have been crumbling to dust. They kept their word and haven’t tried to make any moves, content to let me set the pace of things. They’ve proven how much they’re changing, having removed all traces of the hateful signs and they laid down the law on campus regarding my status as an Alpha Lambda Girl. Anyone who tries to harass me or shame me gets put in their place right quick.

I clear my throat. “Can I talk to you guys?” I ask. Zane and Archer set the train stuff aside as they look up, and Levi pulls Eli into his lap.

“What’s up?” Archer asks, raising an eyebrow. “Everything okay?”

A soft smile rises on my face. “Yeah. I was thinking things over. I think… I think I want more,” I tell them. “I want to be with you guys again. But it has to be different this time. No more lashing out at me, no more pushing me around. I want to be your equal.”

“We can do that,” Zane offers, getting up to be closer to me. “We’re here for you, any way you want us. It’s the least you deserve.”

“I care about you,” Archer says. “I tried so hard not to, but I couldn’t get rid of the way I felt. I was so selfish, pushing you away and hurting you. If you give us another chance, we promise that this timewillbe different.”

“I want to be yours,” I say, reaching out to take his hand. “I don’t want to hold back anymore.”

“You’re all ours, Songbird,” Archer says, brushing his thumb over my hand.

“Then prove it,” I whisper, desire burning inside me. “I’m going to put Eli to bed soon. Show me how much you want me.”

The three of them exchange glances, slow smiles spreading across their faces. “We’re going to show you just how happy you make us, Songbird,” Levi says, his voice husky.

The anticipation has me shivering as I pick Eli up from his lap to put him down for bed. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for me.



Lyric’s words burn themselves into my heart. She wants to be with us. Despite everything, she’s willing to give us another chance.

Watching her leave the room with our son, I turn to Zane. “Do you still have that playlist?” I ask. Zane’s brow furrows for a moment before he grins.

“Yeah. We never got to use it, but I think it’s still on my Spotify.”

We were young, dumb teenagers and made a playlist for Lyric, but when everything happened, we forgot about it.

I want this night to be memorable for her. I want to show her the reverence she deserves. While Zane pulls up the playlist on his phone, I’m pulling out a bottle of wine from the fridge and Levi is setting the mood by lighting a few candles. It’s not much, but we weren’t expecting anything to happen tonight, so we weren’t prepared.

When Lyric returns,Cureby Barcelona is playing in the background and I offer my hand. “Care for a dance?”

She blushes, her eyes lighting up as she accepts my outstretched hand. “We’re going to take this slow,” I tell her.“I don’t want to rush this moment. You deserve the world and we’re going to give it to you.”

The two of us start moving slowly, side to side, as the music fills the room. After a few beats, Levi slips in behind me. “May I cut in?” he asks, offering a hand. Lyric beams and takes his hand as he twirls her around. I step back, watching with satisfaction as they dance together in the dim light.

Zane takes his turn next, stepping in to whisk Lyric away in a flourish, dipping her low before pulling her back up to kiss her, their mouths moving together tenderly. When he brings her back upright, the smile she gives him has my heart melting and soaring all at once. The hope that we can find our way forward after everything is burning inside me.

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