Page 41 of Lords of the Campus

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Archer leans forward, his eyes narrowing. “We need to hit her where it hurts. She’s trying to play us, make us look like fools. It’s time to remind her of the consequences.”

I glance around the room, making sure no one is within earshot. “We need to completely ruin her. Make her the laughingstock of the campus. Something she can’t brush off.”

Levi and Archer exchange a look, and Archer smirks. “I have an idea.”

“What’s the plan?” Levi asks, his voice cold and determined.

“We need to spread something so damaging, she won’t be able to show her face without feeling humiliated,” he says. “We’ll tell everyone exactly what she’s like, make sure they all treat her like the slut she is. And remind them who she belongs to.”

Levi smirks, a dark glint in his eyes. “That will definitely turn people against her. She won’t be able to make a single friend on campus. She’ll be isolated, just like we were.”

I feel a twisted sense of satisfaction with the plan. It’s brutal, but it’s what she deserves for trying to mess with us. “We need to be careful, though. Make sure no one sees us.”

Levi nods. “We’ll do it late tonight when everyone is asleep.”

Archer stands, pacing the room. “We need to start this immediately. The sooner, the better.”

I watch him, my mind already racing with the details of our plan. “Remember, we’re doing this to teach her a lesson. She needs to understand that we won’t be manipulated.”

Levi’s expression hardens, his eyes locking onto mine. “She’ll learn, alright. We’ll make sure of it.”

We spend the rest of the day getting the plan together, figuring out logistics and preparing the final step. As we finalize our plan, a sense of grim determination settles over us. Lyric thinks she can play us, but she’s about to find out just how wrong she is. We’re going to turn her world upside down and there’s no escaping the fallout.

When Archer and Levi leave to go to the library, I linger in the common room. Everything feels heavy with the weight of what we’re about to do. I should feel satisfied, even justified. But a nagging doubt starts to creep in.

Are we going too far?

I push the thought aside, but it claws its way back. I think about the way Lyric once looked at me, with trust and warmth. We used to be so close, sharing everything. I remember the nights we’d stay up talking about our dreams and our futures. She could make me feel like I wasn’t alone after I lost my parents.

Then she betrayed us. The pain of that betrayal still burns a deep wound that hasn’t fully healed. She chose her side and we paid the price. We were sent away, our lives were turned upside down. I swore I’d never let myself feel that kind of hurt again.

But as I sit here, the memories flood back. The laughter, the connection, the feeling of being understood. I wonder if this revenge is really what we need. Will it heal the scars or simply create new ones?

I stand and head to my room, trying to shake off the doubt. Lyric needs to pay for what she did and we need to make sure she can never hurt us again. That’s what I keep telling myself. But deep down, a part of me wonders if there’s another way. If maybe, just maybe, there’s still a chance to find the trust we lost.

As I lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, I can’t help but think of Lyric’s smile, the way she used to look at me. I was so in love with her, once upon a time. She was our world, our future, our absolute everything. I lost everything when my parents died and then again when she turned us in.

I don’t want to feel that pain a third time. Rising from my bed, I head down to the common room again, meeting Levi and Archer in the foyer. I’m jittery with anticipation, eager to execute our plan. There’s no going back after this. Any relationship we might have been able to cultivate with Lyric before will be gone now, extinguished before it even began.

Heading out across campus, Levi hands me a stack of flyers and I start posting them up on every sign, every lamppost, and every available surface I can find. It doesn’t take as long as we expected and we’re heading back to the house in the wee hours of the morning.

The next day, my phone dings with alert after alert, rousing me from my slumber. I wake up, checking the messages I’ve gotten and a smile stretches across my face. As I get dressed, I hear a knock on the door.

Levi pokes his head in, holding up his phone. “Have you seen the reactions?” he asks, glee in his voice.

“I can’t wait to go and see her face when she sees the flyers,” I tell him. We meet Archer downstairs and the three of us headto the quad to stand back and watch for Lyric, who should be heading to her first class right about now.

As we stand in the shadows of the PoliSci building, I spot Lyric walking quickly through campus, her head down. Whispers swirl around her, people laugh and point and she grabs a flyer from a nearby electrical box, ripping it off to examine it.

Her eyes scan the campus, no doubt looking for us, but we’re hidden away from sight. A scream rips from her throat and she crumples the paper in her fist, balling it up and throwing it to the ground.

Levi had snapped a photo of Lyric in her sexy getup the other day, in her black lace bra and matching panties. We printed the photo on a flyer, along with the caption,Proud Alpha Lambda Slut. Always ready for a good time!

And now everyone on campus has seen them by now and knows exactly who Lyric is and how desperate she acts. I watch with a sick, twisted sense of satisfaction as she starts ripping the flyers down from other surfaces with shaking hands as everyone around her starts openly laughing and pointing.

She backs up, almost tripping over someone behind her. “Slut,” the guy says, coughing the word into his hand.

She staggers back, shock in her expression. “Nerdy slut,” another person calls out.

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