Page 12 of Arrow

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“Want some special sauce?” He asked. She looked at the golden nugget sauce and nodded her head. Yep, definitely came from her favorite restaurant.

“Thank you,” she said softly. They ate in silence. Well, mostly. Emilee couldn’t help but moan in pleasure a few times. She loved Raising Zachary’s Chicken but couldn’t afford it. One three strip combo with fries and a drink was fifteen dollars! Prices for food had definitely risen in recent times and she’d felt it. Occasionally, she stopped by Grand Ridge’s food bank, but she tried to stick to cheap food from the dollar store.

Arrow removed the empty plate from in front of her and replaced it with two large chocolate chip cookies. As he looked at her, his eyes softened and she wondered what he was thinking. He was a Daddy. After last night and this morning, she had no doubt about it. But, she wasn’t his type, and she knew he couldn’t have meant what he’d said. Not with her. She was notworthy of being anyone’s Little. She enjoyed going to The Citadel for playdates but that was as far as it went.

“Look, Kitten, I spoke with Sam and?—”

“Sam? Samantha? My boss?” She stood up so fast her chair crashed to the ground behind her. “Oh, no! What did you say? Did you tell her I was sleeping in my car? That I was trespassing at The Rusty Crab? Did you get me fired? She can’t fire me, Arrow. I really need this job!” Panic swelled in her chest. Of course she couldn’t trust him. Couldn’t trust anyone. She finally had something good going for herself and…

Arrow was out of his chair quickly. He took her by the hand and all but dragged her through the house to his living room. He sat hard on his leather couch and pulled her into his lap. She resisted but his hold on her tightened.

“I had a taste of your sass and your interrupting last night. I will not tolerate it today. You are going to sit here, calmly and have an adult conversation with me.” The ‘or else’ was hanging between them.

Who did he think he was? Manhandling her like this! She should smack him! But, deep down, she was aroused by what he’d just done. She’d always craved a Daddy Dom. An alpha male who knew what he wanted and could take charge of the situation. She’d been spiraling out of control since the night… the night she wouldn’t think about. Wanting someone to step in and lay down the law, give her boundaries and love. Could this be him? The man she’d been craving? Surely, not. They’d just met! And, he had to be a good fifteen years older than her, at least.

“Good. I’m glad you’ve quieted down. Do you always catastrophize everything?” he asked her.

“What do you mean?”

“Jump to the worst-case scenario?”

“Yeah. I guess I do. In my defense, most things end up being the worst-case scenario.”

He sighed. “I’m sorry to hear that. I spoke with Sam but no, you haven’t lost your job. There’s an apartment above Renewed Hope that will be renovated in a week. Sam said you can stay there as long as you want.”

“Really?” Emilee asked, hardly believing it. Staying at Renewed Hope would be an amazing opportunity to save up money for her own place. Plus, she was hoping to work there full time and it would mean no commute. Her tires were worn down on her car, and she’d been having to fill them frequently, it was only a matter of time before she would have to replace them.

“Yes, really. But, until it is ready for you, you can stay at my place.” His voice held the kind of quiet strength that came from a life of discipline and authority, but there was a warmth there too — although, she didn’t think he was asking her to stay, more like telling her.

“Here? With you? For a week?” Emilee asked, disbelief tinting each syllable. She chewed on her bottom lip and thought about what he’d just said. Staying with him meant safety and warmth, but the offer was wrapped in layers of implications she wasn't sure she wanted to unravel. Did he expect her to sleep with him? What was he wanting in return? She stiffened in his arms.

“Promise I don't bite. Much,” he added with a teasing lilt.

“What’s in it for you? What do you want in return?” She felt his arms tighten around her, knowing she’d struck a nerve when she saw the tic in his jaw. Her heart thumped against her ribcage. Her mind raced, thoughts tumbling over each other like clothes in a dryer.

“Do you remember what I said this morning?”

“You said a lot this morning, Arrow.”

“Are you implying that I didn’t mean what I said? Kitten, I never say anything I don’t mean and I never make promises I won’t keep.”

“You could not have meant?—”

“What part? When I told you I didn’t know why fate brought us together but that I would be there for you? The part when I told you I was going to help you? Take care of you and protect you? Be your safe place to land? You thought I didn’t mean those words?”

“Of course!” She went to stand, pushing off his thighs. He pulled her back down aggressively.

“Sit while you still can comfortably,” he warned.

She ignored the implication in his words. “Of course, I thought you were just saying empty words. I don’t know you and you sure as hell don’t know me. Why would you offer to help me? Men only offer to help if they want something in return. I’m not a whore. I won’t ever exchange my body for sex again.” She expected her words to shock him. To have his arms release her and let her go. Instead, he said nothing, just physically moved her until she was straddling his thick thighs. Once he had her where he wanted, he reached up and cupped the back of her neck firmly, she had no choice but to meet his heated gaze.

“I know you are a Little in need of a Daddy. I know you have been through hell in your life and come back from it. I know you’ve worked your ass off for two years to better yourself and beat your addiction, only for other’s continuing to see you as you were before and not offering you the fresh start you so badly deserve. I know in my heart you are mine. Because you are mine, I will fight for you, if you make me, but this would be a lot easier if you just allowed yourself to trust me. Let me take care of you, Kitten. Give me the week and at the end of the week, when the apartment is ready, you can decide if you want to stay here or move in there.”

She stared back at him, speechless. His offer felt like a lifeline thrown into the churning sea of the hurricane that was her life. Could she stay with him for a week? What did that entail?

“Stay like last night or?”

“Stay as my little girl. With all the rules, expectations and care that comes with that role.”

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