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An audible breath came through the line. “That’s really creepy.”

She didn’t know the half of it.

He paused a beat. “Suffice it to say if you see anyone suspicious hanging around your house or in the bar’s parking lot, call 911 immediately. Don’t second-guess yourself. Don’t confront the person, either. Just get to a safe place with other people around and call it in. Then text me immediately.”

“I will,” she promised.


“I’ll deliver dinner to the hospital. One of the other waitresses said she’d cover for a little while so I could bring you something to eat.”

“Don’t linger in your car and you should keep the rental for the time being, just in case you’d rather drive it than yours. Watch out for any suspicious-looking persons hanging around.” Was he being overly cautious? This was Chloe, and he’d made a life’s work out of protecting his baby sister.And youfailed many times,the annoying voice in the back of his head pointed out.

“Got it, Kade. Don’t worry about me, okay?” Chloe asked. “What are you going to do about your furniture sales?”

He raked his fingers through his hair. “I forgot all about that.”

“I’ll send Conrad,” she said. “Might be good to get him away from Beau for a little while in case the two of them are still hanging out together.”

“That would be a huge help,” he said. “Thank you.”

The door behind him opened, and the nurse signaled for him to come back inside the room. “She’s asking for you.”

The announcement shouldn’t make warmth spread through him like it did. He chalked it up to residual attraction to Bree and nothing more. The cuts and bruises on her face couldn’t mask her true beauty. She had that rare kind of smile able to light up even the worst day. He’d been an idiot to voice his desire to keep his life as uncomplicated as possible. No wife. No kids. No family.

He was paying for those off-handed remarks now.And so had Zeke.

The minute Kade walked into the room, Bree motioned for him to sit next to her. Her hair was pulled off her face, and her creamy skin practically glowed. Her eyes brightened when he sat next to her and linked their fingers. He shouldn’t have brought hers to his lips to kiss them, but that’s exactly what he did. He chalked the emotion hammering his chest to being grateful she was alive. Bree had always been smart and beautiful. Her heart-shaped face and full pink lips stirred the attraction he shouldn’t allow, along with another shot of guilt.

The nurse finished refilling a water mug and set it on the tray table next to the bed. “The doctor signed your release papers for tomorrow morning. Someone will be here early with paperwork.”

“Thank you.” The nurse excused herself as Bree tightened her grip on Kade’s hand. He could feel the tension radiating from her.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I can’t go back home.” Her chin quivered, and she bit down on her bottom lip. “Not alone.”

“Would it help if I came with you for a few days until you get your bearings?” She needed to know where he stood.

Bree pinched the bridge of her nose and leaned her head against the pillow. “I appreciate the offer, Kade. I do. You already have enough on your plate with everything going on in your family.”

“Plans change.”


Bree needed to talk to Kade about the baby and explain her relationship with Zeke. She didn’t even know where to start. However, she didn’t want to do it here, not like this. “Me not wanting you to go is selfish. I don’t want you to rearrange your life for me.”

“I’m not leaving you alone while that…” he seemed to be biting his tongue, “sick jerk is out there.”

A shiver raced down Bree’s spine thinking abouthim. About the fact that she’d most likely been right about him being inside her home. That he’d slipped inside her neighborhood unnoticed. How could she ever go back there? How would she ever feel safe again? “I’ll get an alarm and a dog. Something big and protective. A Rottweiler.”

“Dogs take time to train.” It was hard enough to turn Kade down with him there, being her support. She feared he was going to resent her when she told him the truth that Zeke knew Kade was the baby’s father all along.

“I can’t imagine going back there.” She hated the shakiness in her voice. “You’ve already done so much for me. I wouldn’t be alive if not for you, Kade. I can’t ask you to give up your future to babysit me. I’ll stay with a friend until I get my sea legs back.”

The look—of protectiveness? determination? possessiveness?—he gave her sent tingles of electricity swirling through her.

“You didn’t ask, sweetheart.” He squeezed her hand. “And I’m not leaving unless you tell me to.”

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