Page 41 of Sinners Retreat

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I could only wish that was enough.

Without answering him, I head around the windmill to find my ball. Bennett’s blue ball rests just beside the bruised head. Five of the Cattle’s teeth sit beneath his mouth on the green. He begs and pleads, blood dripping from his lips, but I ignore him as I line up behind my ball, swing my arm back, and blast the purple ball forward. It collides with a satisfyingthunk, right between his eyes.

“Ignore it all you want, but you’re wasting your time with her.” Bennett lines up his shot. “There’s no future there. You murdered that option when you murdered her brother. And the longer you go without telling her, the worse her reaction will be.”

“I’m going to tell her, Bennett.”


“The last day of the retreat. I’ll tell her on our last day together.”

I speak before I even know what I’m saying, but now that I’ve said it, now that I’ve put it into the universe, it just makes sense. On the last day of the retreat, regardless of how things go with Kindra from this point forward, I have to tell her the truth.

Chapter Fifteen


Ifinally have some time to myself in the late afternoon. Ezra and Bennett haven’t bothered me since they went to play golf, and Cat is probably still at her cooking class for cannibals, leaving me with some much-needed peace and quiet so I can think.

The Abattoir Adonis is on this island, yet no one seems to know who he is. Whenever I ask, I’m met with sideways glances and shrugs. This leads me to believe he’s not here...or he’s using a different name.

When Cat presented the list of attendees back in New York, I’d promptly destroyed it once she’d left. It made no sense to keep something so incriminating. Now I wish I’d at least taken the time to memorize the names so that I could compare them to those on the island.

As I sit on the uncomfortable couch and sip a warm mug of tea, I recall what I can. Which isn’t much. Aside from Ice Pick, Grim, and Maudlin Rose, it seems everyone else has gone by a different name.

So lost in thought, I barely register the knock at the villa door. I place my tea on the coffee table and hurry to the window to learn who’s come to interrupt my solace this time.

Cat stands in front of the door, a large suitcase dragging behind her. She raises a small fist to knock again, but I open the door before she can.

“You can’t move into my villa,” I say. “If you’re that frightened?—”

“No, that’s not why I’m here,” Cat says as she hoists her bag through the door. “I can’t decide what to wear.”

“Wear? To what?”

“Dinner. At the mansion.”

“You’re really going all in on this cannibal thing.”

“Maybe, but when in Rome . . .”

“I don’t think that counts when we’re discussing eating human flesh.”

Cat shrugs and opens her suitcase. “What happens on the island stays on the island, so I might as well go big.”

“Regardless, I fail to see why you need to bring your closet to my villa. I’m not exactly fashion forward.” I motion to the baggy t-shirt and loose shorts I slipped into as soon as I returned from the horseback ride.

Undeterred, Cat pulls a few options from her suitcase and drapes them over the back of the couch. “I respect your opinion. Plus, I know you won’t let me walk around looking like a clown.”

The girl places far too much blind faith in me.

She nibbles her finger and considers what she’s pulled from the sea of fabric. Her decisions made, she plucks three from the lineup, returns the rest to the luggage, then retreats to my room.

Moments later, Cat emerges in a shimmering red dress. The neckline plunges between her breasts, and I’m fairly certain I see a flash of pink nipple every time she moves. It’s pretty, and it looks amazing on her, but it’s also an attention grabber. We’retrying to find my brother’s killer, and that means we can’t draw too much attention while we’re here.

“It’s a bit much,” I say. “Stunning, but better suited for the red carpet. Plus, remember that we need to lie low.”

She holds up a finger. “Right. Got it.”

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