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The sun beatsdown on the playground as I race Lily to the jungle gym. Her long blonde hair whips behind her as she sprints ahead, laughing. At eight years old, she's already faster than me.

"Eat my dust, Jakey!" She sticks out her tongue and scrambles up the metal bars.

"No fair, you got a head start!" I protest, chasing after her.

We spend the afternoon playing make-believe—explorers discovering new lands, pirates hunting for treasure. With Lily, anything seems possible. She has the boldest imagination of anyone I know.

As the light fades, we collapse in the grass, out of breath but grinning.

"We'll be best friends forever, right Jake?" Lily turns her sky-blue eyes to mine.

"Forever and ever," I nod solemnly. "I pinky promise."

Our little fingers lock, sealing the vow. In this moment, I can't imagine ever being apart from her.

10 Years Later


"Oh my god, did you see Josh today? He looked sooo cute in that blue shirt..." Lily gushes to me as we walk home from school. With her long legs and cascade of golden hair, she's turned into the girl every guy wants. Every guy except the one she spends all her time with—her best friend. Me.

I nod along to her chatter, trying to ignore the clench in my chest. Lily's been my entire world for the past decade. But lately, my feelings have started to shift into decidedly un-friendly territory.

I catch myself staring at the swell of her breasts under her tank top, the tantalizing strip of skin when her shirt rides up. My mind wanders to forbidden fantasies.

Lily naked and writhing under me, panting my name...

"Jake? Hello?" She waves a hand in front of my face. "You still with me? I was just saying Josh smiled at me in Chem today. Do you think he might ask me to prom?"

"I don't know, Lil." I force lightness into my tone. "I guess we'll have to wait and see."

Later that night, I stroke my cock, images of Lily flickering behind my closed lids. Tears of shame prick my eyes as I muffle my groans into my pillow.

Why can't she look at me that way? I'm the one who's been here all along. I know her better than anyone.

But I can never tell her. I'd rather have Lily as a friend than risk losing her completely. Even if it means silently dying inside as I watch her fall for someone else.

Years pass, but my feelings for Lily only intensify. She remains as oblivious as ever, confiding in me about every crush and breakup. Each time her heart shatters, she ends up in my arms, sobbing onto my shoulder.

"I'll never understand men," she sobs. "Why do they always leave in the end?"

"It's not you, Lily," I assure her, biting back the bitter truth. "You just haven't found the right one yet."

I offer her a tissue, a muscle twitching in my jaw. I know I'm lying to her face—the right one's been right in front of her this entire time. And it kills me to know she'll never see me that way.

Lily dries her eyes and gives me a hug. "Thanks, Jake. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Neither do I, I think grimly, as I hug her back, inhaling her sweet vanilla scent. Because without Lily, I'd be nothing. But I swallow my feelings down, burying them deep inside, where they can't hurt anyone—especially not her.

As time goes on, Lily's relationships become a blur. One arrogant jerk after another, each one breaking her heart in a slightly different way. Guys who don't deserve someone as perfect as my Lily.

Thank fuck she’s still a virgin. I’m her best friend, so she tells me everything, and she has yet to let any of the losers she dates pop her perfect little cherry.

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