Page 13 of Witch's Fate

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“Why are you screwing with my life like this? Am I just a pawn to you? Haven’t you done enough to me?” She felt like she’d explode with all the conflicting thoughts and feelings ricocheting through her.

He strode toward her, all power and grace, and trapped her against the bookshelf. His arms braced against the shelves behind her as he leaned over her. She felt caged by his sudden nearness. Though he didn’t touch her, his heat burned. His thick biceps framed her face and his head dipped over hers. Golden eyes blazed.

“Because I want you.” His voice was rougher than she’d ever heard it. “I’ve wanted you for centuries and I’m sick of denying it.”

The words sent a streak of heat through her. Desire pushed through her, furious, hot and insistent. Her skin heated and her sex ached. It happened so fast her head spun. She was an idiot and he was a heavy-handed bastard, but she wanted him. “You’re a bastard. And a warlock.”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t want you.”

“I gave up being a warlock to be with you. And you threw me away. Do you have any idea how much it hurt to make a sacrifice for our love, but then you didn’t do the same thing? Or how much it hurt to realize how little you valued our love?” Just the thought made her chest ache. “No. Ofcourse not. Because you’ve never even considered sacrificing what you want. How do you think I’d ever be with you again?”

“I’ll make it up to you.”

Rage flared in her chest, burning out some of the pain. “Even if you did, you can’t have anything real. Your curse will destroy it.”

He lowered his head to her ear. His voice and warm breath made her shiver despite her ire. “I’m good at getting around the curse.”

“Not possible. You remember Laira.”

Thatwouldn’tbe her. Fate was too cruel and too strong.

“That won’t be a problem. Love killed Laira,” he said.

She flinched. She knew he didn’t love her, but it hurt to hear it so bluntly. “So that means you just want to fuck me and then go on your way? Because that’s the only thing fate won’t destroy.”

“I absolutely want to fuck you.”

“No.” She forced the word out. “You broke my heart. You got me into this situation.”

“I wasn’t expecting the High Witches to be so pissed off. It was only a few hours late.”

“Fat lot of good that does me, now that I’m on their bad side.”

“Can you blame me for trying?” The words were rough at her ear. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you. I’m tired of waiting. Any man in my position would have done the same to have one such as you.”

“After everything you’ve done, what makes you think I wouldeversleep with you?”

“Because you want to. I know you do. And I’ve spent centuries dreaming of the things I’d do to you. Planning out every touch. Kiss. Lick. I’d make you shiver and shake and lose your mind.”

Fates help her, his words were too appealing. Despite everything he’d done to her, a big part of herdidstill want him. She couldn’t hide that from herself and she couldn’t hide it from him either.

But he was behaving like an utter bastard now—putting her in this position for his own gain. And even if she totally lost her mind and fell for him, this could only end in massive heartbreak—or worse, death.

It was crazy and stupid and probably due to the fact that she hadn’t gotten laid in about a decade. If the Crone didn’t scare the men off, the fact that they thought of her as some sort of holy figure did. Though the worst of the pain of their breakup was gone, she still hated him.

She pushed at his chest, hard enough that he shifted back and gave her enough space to sneak away.

“I’m done with you. I’ll fix this myself,” she said as she made her way to the door. She had a week. She could do this.


No. Not really. She was fucked.

“I’ll consider helping you. You need my help.”

Sofia stopped in her tracks, turned and glowered at him. He was right, damn it. Shedidneed his help. She was stuck. Because of him.

Was this all part of his plan? She shivered. She felt like a fly trapped in his web.

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