Page 99 of Master of Death

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She nods. “I suppose that’s true.”

“It’s good that you support therapy. He has so much pain andangerthat he needs to let go of before he can give himself to you.” I replay my own words in my mind, wondering if they apply to Damon as well.

She dries her tears, and we stay silent, staring out the window. “I know we all made mistakes. I’m just—sorry if I hurt you in the process of falling for him. I hope you’re happy, Gemma, because you deserve it. And one day Harvey will see it too.”

“I’m sorry for snapping at you last time and telling you to leave. It wasn’t right.” Nor fair. I thought about it, and if Harvey would’ve come to my dad’s and kicked Damon out, it wouldn’t have sat well with me at all.

“Well, now would be a good time for a threesome.” Henrik’s voice breaks our little moment.

Claire scoffs while leaving his room, and I smile, shaking my head as Hen throws himself on the bed.

“She doesn’t like me very much. Tell her the feeling’s mutual.”

“You’re something else, you know that?” As soon as the words come out, a rush of nausea hits me, and I hurry to the washroom, vomiting my entire breakfast. I flush the contents before washing my hands.

When I step out of the bathroom, I grab a piece of gum from my purse. Harvey’s dad, Ian, tells me Harv wants to see me. I canfeel the nerves tingling throughout my body as I knock on the door and twist the doorknob.

Harvey’s facing the window, staring out at the front yard of the house, his blinds pulled up, sunshine brightening his room.

“Harv.” I gulp, holding in all the love, all my fears.

“I wasn’t going to do it. I thought about it for a split second, and I knew deep down I wasn’t going to do it, so don’t worry.”

I sit on his bed, wrapping my arms around my knees, staring at the side of his face. Despite the morning’s events, he looks healthier, happier, lighter in spirit, and tanner. I guess he spends more time outside with Hen and Claire.

Which makes me so happy.

“What made you think about it?” I whisper, waiting for his response like you wait for a rainbow after the rain.

“I don’t know. The first few days after you left were hell. It got better, but when Hen told me the news, it felt like we were really over—even though I already knew it. The pain came back andfuckdoes it hurt.”

I grab his hand, listening to him talk.

“You’re right. I do love Claire. I’m sorry I kept lying.”

“Harv, don’t. We both messed up. Listen, I can only hope that with time we forgive each other.”

“My dad’s forcing me to get therapy.” He chuckles. “Fuck it, maybe Idoneed it. I’m still angry at you.” His blue eyes plead with me for forgiveness, but I know his stubborn mind won’t allow such a thing.

I disregard his remark about his anger, choosing to focus on the positive instead.

“Therapy will help, and if you decide to go with Claire sometimes, it might benefit both of you.”

“Thanks for being here.”

I squeeze his warm hand, planting a kiss over it. “Of course, I’m always here for you. But, Harv, there’ll come a day where youwon’t need me anymore. You’ll be free of your past and ofus, and you’ll look back with a smile on your face.”

I let go of his hand when a knock sounds at the door. Claire peeks her head in, and I stand and hug him tightly.

“Always remember how loved you are.” I let go of him and smile at Claire.

A freeing sensation filters through me, pushing away the guilt. Maybe it’s knowing Harvey will finally get the help he needs. Maybe it’s talking it out with Claire.

All I know is that by the time I reach the kitchen island facing Henrik and his dad, all I can feel is the love and good memories Harv and I shared.

“It’s good to see you, Gemma. Helen will be here soon,” he says, speaking of his wife.

I nod, staring at Henrik, wondering if this is my cue to leave. It’s a tricky line, because I want to be there for Harv without overstepping on his relationship with Claire.

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