Page 54 of Master of Death

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The pain shadowing his eyes will haunt me forever. I could see myself thinking of this day, even years from now. He thinks I’m ruining us, that I’m ending us. And in a way, I guess I am.

God, please let this be meant to be.

I hope that time will lessen the guilt and diminish the hate I’ll feel for myself every time I picture the look he just gave me. I grab my purse and put the paper inside.

One step forward. I need to get through today.

I can do this.

“I’ll be back later,” Henrik tells Harv. He looks at Claire and says nothing. I don’t hate her. I can see it in her eyes; we’re both simply trying to be loved by the men we love.

“Take care of him.” That’s all I say before I leave. I don’t look back. I text Damon while sitting in the back of Gia’s car because Henrik rode shotgun.

Gemma:All set.

I remember his calendar, since I always check before leaving for the day. He has a busy morning today, so I doubt he’ll answer me soon.

Damon:Text me the address. I’ll come by later.

My dad doesn’t live far away. It shouldn’t take too long to unpack. I left most of the furniture for Harvey anyway.

Gia and Henrik are joking around in the front while I text James back, thanking him for his offer to help unpack tonight but letting him know that I’ll be fine.

The day goes by fast, and moving is a distraction I welcome like a long-lost friend.

When the movers are gone, Gia, Henrik, and I start unpacking. I’m grateful Hen took the day off to help me move.

We set up my bed frame and mattress in my childhood bedroom. With the painting my dad did to it after I started college, it looks nothing like the dark-green room I had in my teens.

“Let’s not forget the Pottheads,” Henrik says, placing my Harry Potter book collection on my night table.

“Are you referring to yourself?” I tease, eyeing the joint behind his ear, and he laughs.

“Gemma! Delivery for you!” Gia shouts.

We head downstairs to the kitchen, where a massive, modern bouquet of flowers sits on the counter. I read the card with a smile instantly on my lips.

What’s comin’ will come & we’ll meet it when it does.


It’s one of my favorite Harry Potter quotes. I wonder if he’s referring to us. Is this his way of saying whatever happens, we’ll be okay? I want to have hope, but hope kills, so I’ll drown my mind in doubt until then.

Henrik snorts. “I’d tell you he got his assistant to do this, but wait—that’syou.”

“Henrik!” Gia smacks him.


“The man’s being sweet. And thoughtful. I almost envy you, Gem. I can’t remember the last time James gave me a random bouquet of flowers.”

“That’s because he’s forced to give you flowers on your birthday, on Mother’s Day, on Valentine’s Day—”

“Shut up, Hen!” Gia shakes her head, staring at me like,Can you believe this guy?

These two put a smile on my face. We’ve all gotten closer, and I hope that continues to be the case as Harv and I move farther apart.

I tell them I’m heading back up to finish my room. They’re bickering about something, so I let them and the flowers be.

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