Page 24 of Master of Death

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I have enough to sort through with my next move in life. I love my job, that’s for sure, so I should take the opportunity to learn as much as I can from Damon and Julia on this trip. And be thankful that I get to go with them.

“I offered Julia a ride on our way to the airport so she doesn’t question why I picked you up.”

I nod. “We could’ve gone earlier.”

“Earlier is never early enough when it comes to her.”

I know that to be true. She hates when people are late. I’d even go as far as to say that ten minutes early is still a little late in her book.

We stay silent, but I want to clear the air, while it’s just us, while Joey has AirPods in his ears.

“Should I expect you to be an asshole for the next few days?” I turn to face him to see his reaction, to see the click of his jaw mold to stone.

“You mean act like your boss?”

I narrow my eyes at his audacity. “You know you’re more than that,” I whisper.

I face out the window again. Damon has a way of making me feel like I’m either on top of the world or buried underground.

I hear a click. The next thing I know, he’s on my side of the car, and he’s kissing me, and his hands are in my hair, gripping tightly. His tongue slowly invades my mouth, begging for me to let him penetrate my senses—penetrate my soul. Everything with Damon is intense, wild, all over the place.

He doesn’t do light and tame.

He does extremes.

Which is why I always feel high around him. High, horny, and happy.

He caresses the side of my face after he breaks our kiss. “I have no choice but to treat you like everyone else in front of our peers. You know that, don’t you?”

I shut my eyes and nod.

He goes back to his side, and I hear a barely audible curse coming from him.

I take a deep breath, my heart feeling as if I’d pumped my veins with a love serum.

We’re finally free to roam in the plane. I listen to Julia debrief Damon about our next meeting. We have two meetings to attend and a three-day conference, so our schedule for the next three days will be tight. We’re heading back to Chicago on Saturday.

I texted back Gia, telling her and my dad that I was heading to New York for work. Both are proud that I’m doing this for my career.

I’ve always wanted to travel the world. Try new things. Feel highs.

When we arrive at the Moderne Hotel, I change quickly in my hotel room, wishing I could stay in jeans. I opt for a fitted, light-blue dress with matching suede heels and a long blush coat that I borrowed from Gia.

“So tell me, Gemma. Have you ever been to New York before?” Julia asks, seated in the front of the cab. Damon’s next to me in the back seat, ignoring me.

“Um, yeah, I have. My father’s an architect, so I traveled to New York a few times growing up.”

“Nice city, isn’t it?” she asks, beaming. “I tried to convince my husband to move here before we settled down and had kids, but he’s a Chicagoan born and bred.”

She continues with small talk, which I suck at. I wish Damon would add in his two cents instead of wallowing in silence.

We end up meeting two gentlemen whose project involves building an event center. Julia takes the lead on this meeting, while Damon replies with curt responses as he sees fit.

A few hours later, we’re at a sit-down conference, listening to scientists, politicians, and activists speak about climate change. The room is huge and the tables placed wedding-style, with our table located in the back corner.

Damon and I are right next to each other at the round table, while Julia and two others are seated on the other side, with all of us turned to face the speaker delivering a great speech.

As we listen to speaker after speaker, my glass keeps getting refilled with delicious white wine, and I chew on bread dipped in olive oil. The dimmed lights project a romantic atmosphere.

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