Page 9 of Silent Screams

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“Yes . . . absolutely . . . thank you!”

“That’s perfect. I do want you to know the position may require some traveling. It’s fast-paced work, but I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

She’s confirmed what I already know: I’ll be spending a lot less time with Harvey. I vowed to myself after the accident to appreciate every moment because he was here.

And alive.

“We’ll be emailing your offer letter today. Sign it and send it back as soon as possible.”

I nod, and we shake hands.

I have a job, and I start next Wednesday.

It takes me a second to wrap my head around the news as I walk back to the van and call my dad using Bluetooth.

“Gemma, how was your interview?” Gia must’ve told him about it.

“I got the job!”

“Of course you did. Who wouldn’t love you?” I smile at his biased comment. This is why I called him; I need his reassuring words.

“I start Wednesday...” It’s surreal that I got the job on the spot and that I don’t have to wonder about it for the next few days.

“And . . .”

“And, what?”

“You’ll be away from Harvey a lot more. How does it feel?”

I stop at a traffic light, perusing the hectic sea of people that surrounds me. “Let’s leave the questions about feelings to Gia, alright?” She’s the soon-to-be-psychologist, after all.

He sighs, giving a polite order to someone from work in the background.

“I worry about you.”

“What’s to worry about? I’m fine.”

“That’s the problem. Life’s too short to be just fine...”

I drive through traffic letting the insinuation fill the air. Life is short. He’d know. He lost my mom early on in his life. He never remarried but claimed he had an overdose of love expressed by my sister and me.

We talk about the charity event before ending our call as I drive up to my sister’s house to pick up my outfit for the night; she’s got all the dresses.

“I’m super happy for you. You deserve this, Gem,” Gia says as I return her hug.

I lift Athena high in the air and spin her around.

“Gem Gem!” She squeezes her tiny arms around my neck. There are a few moments in life that can truly take your breath away. Having my niece call me by my name and hanging on to me is one of them.

It makes every dark cloud disappear.

We paint with Athena for a bit prior to her falling asleep on a fort of pillows, where Gia and I also lie.

“Did you get to meet him?”

“Who?” I ask, placing one arm behind my head.

“The hot boss.”

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