Page 64 of Silent Screams

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You saved yourself from a big mistake, that’s what.

I answer the call and hope that my voice sounds normal unlike the reckless disaster I feel inside. I confirm with the front desk security guard to let the man from the Italian restaurant come up. Once he does, Damon talks with the young man—no doubt they know each other—while I place the food on each of our plates.

I can’t believe we almost kissed. I can’t believe I almost let him. I can’t believe I’m sad we didn’t have the chance to.

What is wrong with me? Think of Harvey! How much this would hurt him.

Though, a small part of me thinks he might not even care anymore.

Ten minutes later, I have to forget all about my predicament because I’m showing Abby and her assistant, Asher, through the boardroom door where our dinner is all set.

Damon’s eyes flicker to mine before settling on the daughter of his potential client. I’m almost livid when she greets him with kisses over his cheeks, her hands all over him.

“Nice to meet you in person.” Asher shakes my hand.

I smile at him. “Likewise.”

Damon and Asher make introductions, and he gives him a pointed look I don’t recognize. Eventually we’re all seated, Damon and me on one side, and our guests across from us.

Damon’s orders.

I’m sure he didn’t want Ms. Whitmore drooling all over him while he ate. Afterward? Maybe. He could be lying when he says I’m here to cockblock him. Maybe he’ll go home with her anyway.

And the thought of them together stirs some jealousy inside of me that I didn’t even know existed.

I try to think of Harv instead but my heart’s not in it. And I can’t force it to be.

That’s the crazy thing about life now, isn’t it? You grow and you change, and sometimes you don’t want to look back. Sometimes you don’t want all the things that used to make your heart sing.

And I feel like the devil’s puppet for even thinking these thoughts. For feelingthingsfor Damon. No matter how small or insignificant they may be.

“Damon—you’re so far away,” Abby teases before clutching onto her wine glass.

I down my glass—the gesture earning a raised brow out of him. I know he’ll want to drive me home anyway and I can’t deny to myself the fact that I want that extra time with him.

Damon refills my glass, and we all dig into our food, Asher and I remaining quiet as Abby and Damon talk business.

“Out of the three businesses that entered the bid to report this project, you’re the most successful one; however, my father is uncertain if your report will benefit our project or prolong it, leading to hefty costs and wasted time.”

Damon goes into his usual speech: If done correctly, all three businesses would evaluate the impacts from an objective perspective. It’s always informal, subjective recommendations that they can do with as they wish.

She rebuts that it doesn’t always work like that with the government; if things go south later on, these reports can be a slap in the face.

They go back and forth, and it’s obvious she’s asking him to tone down the report for the sake of their project.

“The fact that you’re opening up a yoga retreat, with spas, organic foods, and drinks, surrounded by villas and waterfalls, will obviously be less discriminated against, than, say, if you were drilling for oil,” Damon tells her as he cuts through his lasagna.

“I know. Damon, I know. You know what this project meansto me. My father won’t accept it unless I pass every loophole. I really need this to happen. And because of the location, we’re aware of the environmental impact. But it’s for the greater good.”

I eat my meatball and a few noodles, staring at Asher, who looks bored out of his mind. He winks at me, returning his gaze back to his dinner when Damon squeezes my knee under the table. His hand then cups my leg, making me sit straighter and finish the rest of my wine.

I must stare at the wall ahead as if I’ve witnessed a crime.

My leg feels scorching hot from the contact, the warmth spreading all over me. My body, it revels at Damon’s touch. But my mind, it worries about being professional and about Abby spreading gossip.

If she sees my expression, she doesn’t comment on it.

What happened? What happened to the Damon who looked ready to murder me when I commented on his love life, to change him into the one now feeling me up?

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