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Mara shrugged, her eyes twinkling with a mix of mischief and exhaustion. “Well, I figured if I was going to be here, I might as well help out. Found this body and thought it would be a waste to leave it lying around. Figured you’d appreciate the gesture. I even made sure to get the right materials for mummification. I mean, if I wrapped myself up, you’d end up with the wrong—well, in this case, right—body.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle, though the sound came out more like a growl. “How very... practical of you. Next time you’re looking to contribute to my divine duties, maybe try something a little less... grisly. Like offering me a nice cup of tea.”

She grinned, her breath finally steadying. “If only I’d known that was the kind of help you wanted. Tea doesn’t exactly fit the theme of ‘sacred burial rites,’ does it? But hey, I’ll add it to my to-do list for next time.”

My laughter faded into a low, dark hum, the corners of my mouth twisting into a more serious expression. I reached out, my fingers brushing lightly against her cheek, wiping away thesmear of blood with my thumb. The touch was more possessive than tender. Her skin felt warm and alive beneath my fingers, a reminder that she was back in my arms.

“Mara,” I murmured, my voice low, “you have a way of turning even the most somber of duties into something... almost intoxicating.” My thumb traced a slow, deliberate path over her lips, a gesture that spoke of my deepening fascination.

Why did I feel the need to touch her this way? The need to selfishly lay claim.

Her eyes met mine, and her wicked smile made my heart—if it could be called that—pound with a mix of longing and primal need. I could see the way her breath caught in her throat, a sign of the effect I was having on her as well.

“I didn’t expect to find myself in this place,” she said softly. “Okay, I lied. Just certainly not in this kind of... situation.”

I leaned in, my gaze locked onto hers. “Sometimes,” I said, my voice dropping to a dark, sultry whisper, “the most unexpected encounters are the most consuming. They burn away the illusions and leave nothing but the raw, unfiltered truth.”

Mara blinked, her eyes wide and slightly dazed by the intensity of my words. She gave a small, incredulous laugh, breaking the charged silence. “Well, if this is your idea of a divine confession, I’m both flattered and slightly alarmed. I didn’t realize my knack for stumbling into trouble was quite so... alluring.”

My fingers threaded through her hair with a possessive intent, my touch growing firmer, more insistent. The air between us seemed to crackle with a dark, magnetic energy, a force pulling us inexorably closer. The celestial duties, the eternal darkness—they all seemed to fade into insignificance compared to the intensity of this moment.

Before she could respond, I closed the distance between us, capturing her lips in a kiss that was fierce and consuming, a clash of shadows and light. It was a kiss that conveyed a dark hunger, an urgent need that went beyond mere physicality. It was as if I were trying to draw her essence into myself, to fuse our beings in a way that defied the very nature of our existence.

The darkness around us seemed to acknowledge the fire she had ignited within me, a fire that promised both fulfillment and destruction.


You know,they say there is always a first for everything. And apparently, stripping naked in the temple of Anubis with the deity in question watching me with hunger was what was on the menu for tonight.

Before I could step out of my pants, Anubis lunged at me like a beast going into a rut, landing us both on the floor of his temple a few inches away from whatever his name was. Just a minor detail to our special moment together.

“Woah there, big guy,” I gasped as he nuzzled my neck, licking up the column seductively with a nip along my jaw. The cool tip of his nose creates a strange sensation along with my growing arousal.

It had been a while since my last sexual encounter. I didn’t count my little quickie with myself when I killed my ex.

When I ran my finger along the fur of his jaw his tail wagged and I swooned. How could such a simple act make me feel this way? He panted as he continued to lick down my body. The chill from the outside quickly left as both our bodies began to rise in temperature.

Opening my legs, I wrapped one around his hip. In a bold move, I press him closer to me, making him growl.

With a firm grip beneath my underarms, Anubis scooted me up until his face was in line with my breasts, scraping my back deliciously across the temple grounds. I moan as his mouth worships my breasts while his hand caresses the slope of my sides as if he were trying to memorize my shape without the use of his eyes.

“That feels good,” I whispered when he sucked on one of my nipples, teasing it into a hard bead. Rubbing his head, I ran my fingers along the tips of his ears, fascinated with the way they flexed under my touch.

He ran his fang between my breast and down my soft stomach. I should be more self-conscious of my stretch marks but at this moment, all I could concentrate on was Anubis’ face and hot breath getting closer and closer to my pussy.

Widening my legs like a wanton harlot, I grabbed the back of his head and led him directly where I needed him to go.

Since Anubis’ kiss, desire like I had never imagined grew into an inferno. It didn’t help that I was yanked out from Duat before I could speak with him one last time. What kind of horrible timing was that? It almost felt as if someone planned it, forcing us apart. My heart ached with not just a yearning, but a desperate need to get back to him, to make things right. He didn’t get a chance to hear that I wanted him to. I wasn’t sure if my submission to his kiss translated clearly.

Knowing Anubis, it probably didn’t and I refuse to destroy whatever chance we had together. As I concocted a new plan to reunite him, my mind kept going back to his scorching kiss. It buried deep into my very core, fueling fantasies that danced tantalizingly just out of reach.

And I hated being edged like that.

But whatever Anubis was doing with his tongue right now? That I could deal with.

I yelped in surprise when Anubis grabbed my ass, shoving his face deeper between my legs, his tongue wickedly performing some sort of ritual inside of me. With a gasp, I surrendered myself completely to his tongue’s invasion of my deepest places. His eyes were a black void, their once-stellar sparkle now extinguished by his growing carnal desires.

“The taste of divinity can be found on the tip of my tongue,” he groaned. The vibration of his voice sent a shiver down my spine.

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