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I’d spent eons as a solitary guardian of the dead, surrounded by the endless procession of souls and the immutable duties of my role. The weight of my responsibility had long overshadowed any personal longing or desire for companionship. Yet here she was, a living spark of irreverence and vitality in a place defined by silence and death.

I’d never realized how deeply the loneliness of my existence had penetrated until she arrived. Her presence, though disruptive and puzzling, had brought a new dimension to my otherwise monotonous existence. It was as if her light-heartedness revealed a part of me that had been buried under centuries of formality and obligation.

My ears flicked back. I wondered what it might be like to have a companion who could bring a touch of humanity into my otherwise detached existence. Someone who could see the humor in the grim, the light in the darkness, and perhaps, even make the trials of the afterlife seem a bit more bearable.

The idea was both intriguing and unsettling. It made me question my own isolation and the routines I had grown so accustomed to.

As I prepared to guide her through the trials, I couldn’t help but wonder if this unexpected companion might bring more than just temporary disruption. Perhaps she would offer a different perspective on my world, one that I had never imagined, and in doing so, reshape my understanding of what it meant to be truly alone.


The echoof my footsteps was swallowed by the oppressive silence of the Hall of Two Truths. One thing I was glad about is that I still had my body and clothes on when I found myself in Duat, unlike sleazy Yalin.

The grand space was lined with towering statues and ancient, grimacing figures that seemed to peer into the depths of one's soul. The very air was thick with the weight of judgment and the murmur of eternity. My skin prickled with awareness despite feeling curious about this whole process.

Heh. And I didn’t even have to die to experience it.

I glanced sideways at Anubis beside me. The guardian—tall, imposing, and cloaked in the gravitas of his ancient role—had been an enigma from the moment he’d stepped into my world with his starlit eyes. His brooding presence and the shadows that seemed to cling to him created an air of mystery that was both intimidating and oddly compelling. As he guided me through a realm that felt like a cross between a divine courtroom and an endless waiting room, I found myself increasingly drawn to him.

His solemn demeanor and the way he navigated the eerie beauty of Duat with an almost otherworldly grace were fascinating. The more I spent time around him, the more I was captivated by his enigmatic nature. What had initially seemed like a burdensome duty—dealing with a figure wrapped in ancient authority—began to feel like a strange, dark allure. There was something compelling about his gloomy personality, a magnetism hidden beneath layers of formality and detachment.

Plus, I was a sucker for tall, dark and handsome characters.

“This place is really something,” I remarked, trying to mask my unease with my usual sarcastic flair. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this is the ultimate reality show set. Do I get a chance to win a fabulous prize, or is it just a lifelong subscription to the Underworld Gazette?”

Anubis didn’t respond, his face a mask of stone. I took that as my cue to continue.

“Your fist trial is the challenge of wisdom,” he spoke without emotion.

Sleazy Yalin’s disembodied spirit materialized with a flicker of malevolent amusement. “Oh, look at you, stumbling into the land of the dead like you’re on some kind of misguided vacation,” he sneered. “Didn’t anyone tell you that wisdom is not exactly your strong suit? Seems you’ve managed to find yourself in the most appropriate place—judging by how easily you’ve managed to bungle your way here.”

I rolled my eyes, barely containing my frustration. “Look creep, if you’re here to make things harder, don’t worry—you’re doing a great job on your own.”

Yalin’s spirit glowed brighter with mockery. “Oh, I’m just here to add a touch of reality to your little adventure. Maybe if you’d actually paid attention instead of acting like this was some sort of cosmic amusement park, you wouldn’t be in this mess.”

Anubis cast a sidelong glance at the spirit but chose to remain silent. His gaze returned to me, unreadable as ever.

“Ignore him,” Anubis finally said, his tone cold. “The trials are designed to test your resolve and intellect. Your focus should be on the challenges ahead, not the distractions of the underworld.”

I squared my shoulders, meeting Anubis’s gaze with renewed determination. “Alright, let’s get this over with. I’m ready for whatever this trial throws at me.”

As I stepped into the chamber, the shadows seemed to close in around me, but I pushed Yalin’s taunts to the back of my mind. The trial of wisdom awaited, and despite the disruptions and mockery, I was determined to prove myself worthy of navigating the trials of Duat.

The chamber was dark, save for a single beam of light illuminating an ornate pedestal. On it lay a scroll, inscribed with ancient texts and riddles. I approached cautiously, laughing hysterically to myself because… I can’t read this stuff.

“Let’s see what kind of riddles you’ve got for me,” I muttered, taking the scroll in my hands with false hope. The symbols were unfamiliar, their meanings as elusive as the shadows dancing along the walls. I squinted at the scroll, my mind racing to decipher its contents. I could feel Anubis watching from the shadows, and I wondered in passing if he was checking out my butt. It was a nice one, if I do say so myself. All those dumped bodies made for heavy-lifting squats.

As I worked through the riddles, a familiar, irritatingly snarky voice broke through the silence. “Is that all you’ve got? I’ve seen more challenging puzzles in children’s games.”

I glanced around, searching for the creep that wouldn’t leave me alone. Sleazy Yalin materialized in bits and pieces, hovering with an air of mockery. His light flickered with amusement. “Hey, did you get lost in the maze of your own thoughts, or are you just not as smart as you thought?”

“Great,” I muttered. “Just what I need—an annoying ghost with a superiority complex.”

“Must you always make your presence so disruptive?” Anubis rumbled, his authoritative voice pulling Yalin back.

Ignoring them both, I focused on the scroll, managing to solve the riddles after what felt like an eternity. The chamber brightened slightly as the scroll disintegrated into dust, signaling the completion of the first trial.


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