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The worst kind of thief. She had thought to seduce me, to use her wiles to take something she could not steal, and in my foolishness I had almost fallen for it. How many souls had I ferried across the water that had perished from someone's tricks?

I knew better. I was far too old to be fooled by a pretty face and the cant of a hip, and yet here I was. More fool than ferryman.

Her heels dug into my thighs and she arched her back, fighting to break free. Each time she bowed upward her breasts pressed into my chest.

Gods, this woman.

How could I loathe someone and want them so fiercely at the same time?

Attraction was something I didn’t feel. Emotions were something I didn’t have.

I lowered myself until our noses nearly touched. Moira stilled except for her panting breaths that danced along my face.

“Why?” The word rasped out from my lips, something between a demand and a plea.

Her throat bobbed. Those rich, dark brown eyes danced back and forth between mine.


My brow furrowed. “I don’t understand.”

“I don’t either.”

I hated how her gaze softened with her words. How the heat of her body warmed me to my very core.

How she made me feel.

I hadn’t felt in centuries, and this little wisp of a mortal unmoored me.

How could a heart that didn’t exist beat wildly for this woman? This enemy.

“This is your fault!” I hissed.

She rolled her eyes. “It’s Hermes' fault, really.”

“Not that, you foolish mortal. These… feelings.”

“What feelings?”

“ALL OF THEM!” I spat.

I slumped down to my elbows. I had to move my head to the side so that it was along hers, my lips barely touched her cheek as I spoke.

“I hate you,” I whispered. “I pity you. I’m intrigued by you. I even want you. How ridiculous?—”

Moira spun her face towards me and captured my lips in a bruising kiss.

I was frozen in shock. My lips didn’t move for what felt like an age until her tongue danced along their seam.

As if the touch had awakened me from Medusa’s stare, I sprung to life and took over, demanding entry to tangle my tongue with hers.

Moira moaned, arching her body into mine. I broke away long enough to growl against her lips before taking them again in a punishing kiss.

Her teeth sank into my bottom lip until the metallic tang of my blood hit my senses. She leaned back and away from me with a feral grin, teeth tinged in silver and bronze from my blood.

“You could hate me and want me at the same time, Charon. But youdon’thate me. Not really. You want me far more than you hate me, and you hate yourself for it. You relish in the fact that I make you feel, that I broke the monotony of your pathetic life, even if you’re terrified of it.”

I pressed my hips harder, grinding my traitorous cock against her heat. My hands pressed her fists against the wood with renewed pressure.

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