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“Please,” I screamed, begging to have it inside me. Orcus acquiesced with those dark chuckles. He must have tapered it, because what he inserted first was small, barely the size of a finger. It swelled though, pulsing larger with each second until it filled me. It skated across something inside me. At the same moment, he wrapped his lips around my clit and sucked.

My muscles tightened, ripples of pleasure pulsed through my body. They originated in my cunt, but moved through me in a wave. Vibrations through my clit made me scream aloud, and shake within the bonds of Orcus's tentacles.

For a few moments of bliss, I didn't worry, I didn't think, I didn't even breathe. I blinked back to consciousness, intimately aware of Orcus's intense gaze on me. He smirked, and I loved being able to feel his move against me.

Pulling back, he licked his lips. “Was my worship satisfactory, princess?”

In Which the Lady is Given a New Role

“Satisfactory? Satisfactory!”I shrieked. “That was—I don't even have words. I have no real comparison for what I just experienced!”

I blinked at him, aghast that he would honestly doubt my enjoyment when I was a puddle on the bed.

“What is next?” I asked, greedy for more. This whole sex scenario was absolutely delicious and I was ravenous.

Leaning back, Orcus stretched his arms andyawned. How could he possibly yawn at a time like this? Was I so boring? I'd thought he was interested, I'd thought that he was enjoying himself, but if he couldyawn,then perhaps I was alone in my sentiments.

If I was alone... my face colored as I felt myself blush. This was horrible, humiliating, surely this was part of my punishment. It made sense, really. This embarrassment, this shame was more than any physical pain could ever accomplish—I'd been so silly, assuming that my mortal enemy could?—

“Aviana, come back to me,” Orcus's hand cupped my face. “Where did you go, princess?”

“I understand why you are doing this, it's just... different than I anticipated.”

He laughed, his smile seeming crueler, considering the circumstances. “Of course. It'smeantto be very different. You anticipated pain, I'd hope that you were enjoying this more ...”

I frowned. He'd utterly confused me now. “I had been, but then you yawned... like it hadn't even meant anything to you... “

Orcus laughed again, though I truly didn't find the situation very funny.

“I'll leave you now,” he whispered. “But I promise you, it meant the world to me.”

He pushed himself off the bed and turned to go, standing at the doorframe. He'd left the tentacles holding my arms and legs in place, though he lifted the blankets over me telepathically and smiled. “Sleep, Aviana, and think on how frustrating it is to not be in control of your life and your experiences.”?1

Hours later,days later, I knew not, I woke. Time seemed to pass strangely in this place, though I was ravenously hungry. Tentacles of shadow held my arms in place, now alongside my body. I smacked my lips, conscious of how dry my mouth felt. I'd screamed plenty during our previous... encounter? Session? Lesson? Who knew.

And my now mortal body was experiencing wear and tear in a way that my normal body did not. Heavens, what must I look like? I'd not attended to my hair in days, and with its length and curl, I was fairly certain that it should have required some maintenance. Regularly, I could just manifest it however I pleased, content with the knowledge that it would be stunning because I'd willed it to be. Now, I needed to brush it, I supposed, if I wanted it to look any semblance of nice, but I hadn't the mobility.

The creak of the door drew my attention as Orcus strode in, carrying another covered tray. Was it to be more treats, or was it time for the true torture to begin? He wore a cheery smile and there was a pep in his step I'd never seen before. It seemed there was a lot I'd never seen of him that this adventure had revealed.

“Hungry, my pet?” he asked.

I should have protested. 'Pet' was no way to address a goddess, even one who deserved such punishment as me, but a shock of arousal burst through me at the name. He'd called me princessmore times than I could count, but “pet?” Pet marked a new phase of our relationship, and I found that excited me more than anything.

Orcus wanted me to learn what it was like to lose all control of your life, and I understood his reasoning. I had done that to so many, forcing them to wage war for my benefit. In comparison, being Orcus's pet was nothing to the atrocities I'd committed—in ignorance, yes—but atrocities none the less.

Further, the nickname struck something deep within me, sometired, lonelypart that wanted so desperately to be claimed. To have someone choose her, not because ofwhatshe was, but instead because ofwhoshe was.

Of all the people on the planet, in our section of the universe, I realized, Orcus knew me best. He had extensive knowledge, but more than anything, he'd seen me at my worst and still decided to give me that orgasm. He'd still introduced me to this new side of myself that I scarcely knew how to deal with, let alone embrace.

Not to mention... I'd been alone for so,solong. But if I were his “pet?” He'd need to care for me, wouldn't he? He'd have to see to my needs. For my entire life, it had been me, by myself. Even at birth, my own mother had only claimed me as her experiment, but Orcus wanted toownme?

It was possible that I was reading into things. Perhaps, I took an offhand term of endearment and extrapolated things from it that were not true... and yet... I wanted them to be true. I wanted, more than anything, to beownedby him. I wanted—for once—to surrender responsibility to someone else and allow them to determine the course of things. Was that so terribly wrong? To want someone else to take the lead... for once?

No. I decided, it was not. I'd worked hard, disastrous as my efforts may have been, and either way, the answer was the same. Someone else needed to steer the ship that was my planet—or at least my life, for a while, while I took a break to learn. To grow. To... heal?

I'd made mistakes, and they weighed on me, and I wanted to learn, I wanted to be better, but Orcus hadn't been wrong when he'd protested that I was running.

I also wanted abreak. I wanted to only worry about myself and my immediate surroundings, and not worry that the second I let my guard down there might be some great tragedy that needed attending to. That the second I turned my head, my beautiful children would get into mischief I would need to set right.

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