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Nygohl’s lips purse thoughtfully. “Yes and no. I knew that the unfulfilled mating was causing Jugong distress and because of that I knew that he needed to complete that before things could progress. My absence, however, is due to who I am. There was a soul that had fought their way free from their torment within the forest and called to be escorted. It is not a call I could ignore and just happened to come at a convenient time. But everything else that preceded I had not guessed at.”

That makes sense. Lifting my gaze to meet his eyes, I give him a firm nod as I mentally prepare myself for whatever comes next.

“Tell us what we must do.”

This answer seems almostludicrous in its simplicity and depraved enough as a solution to actually seem somewhat appropriate given where we are at and all. By joining together all three of us, we will basically be walking backwards energetically among the chambers, unweaving all of the magic, starting with the moment of knowing and acting on the idea. After explaining it all, Nygohl set the clock in the chamber of the mind, and I can feel the magic wavering in the air calling to its demand.

But now… now he is naked in front of me, his pale skin even brighter in the candlelight, his dark hair flowing like his abundant shadows around his shoulders and down his back.His cock is large and thick, bulges running up its length giving it a textured appearance He looks every inch the god he is, and I can’t believe he really wants me and that is desire making the spirit fire in his eyes flare higher as he looks upon my naked body where I stand at the opposite end of the diagram that he has drawn on the floor. It seems so unlikely to anything I could have ever imagined in even my wildest dreams that I pinch myself just to make sure I’m not hallucinating all of this.

I wince at the sharp pain and give both males a smile when their expressions grow concerned. “Just checking that this is all really happening,” I assure them.

Jugong chuckles deeply from where has settled off to the side and folds his wings around himself, “It is real, and your mate is impatient for you so do not keep him waiting.”

My gaze shifts back to Nygohl and I smile with delight. Yes, he is most definitely eager. His cock extends from his body, blatantly declaring his need and desire. But more than that, I can feel the heat of it within his gaze, as well as the depth of his love and longing as I feel the connection between us wind tighter, drawing us together as the temple trembles around us. It shakes harder as we take a step toward each other, and then another. His hand comes up to grasp my arm when I come within touching distance, and he draws me toward him with a powerful tug that flattens my body intimately against his and causes the temple to moan in protest as his other circles tightly around my waist.

Knowledge. We have begun. We are moving forward with intent and awareness.

I gasp at the contact however as his muscles slide against me. His build is lean and powerful rather than the large bulk thatJugong possesses, and he is so beautiful that he steals my breath away. I feel like I have the best of both worlds in the two males who are watching me with their hearts and their needs shining in their eyes.

My hands lift to brush the dark strands of hair back from his face and brush gently along his smooth jaw. I smile as the corners of his mouth hitch in response and his gaze softens despite the heat of the flames within them as his hands smooth over my flesh to rest against my back in a loving embrace. Those beautifully sculpted lips descend as his head lowers and the touch of mine is like ice fire that blazes through me. I moan, my mouth opening for him and whimper as his tongue slips in like any icy hot brand. His kiss and breath fills me, sparking my own need to live.

I lean into his kiss and the cool taste of his mouth as his darkness and blue fire slide into me, penetrating me with his power. His teeth sting my lip as he nips me before claiming my mouth in an even deeper kiss. His hands roam, sliding along my back and my ass. He squeezes the flesh, pressing my lower body tighter against him so that his cock rubs firmly against my belly. His claws prick my flesh erotically and the tendrils of his shadows brush over me with cold fingertips. Shadows drift toward over my breasts to tease my nipples with tiny sucking tugs like little mouths as another shadow races lower to attach itself to my clit. My hips jerk in reaction and I feel the wetness of his precum smear onto my belly as a rasp of excitement escapes him. He growls in my ear and more shadows descend over to slip my asscheeks and drive deep into that hidden recess and between my folds to pierce my sex with a shocking cold fullness.

The temple shakes and something crumples somewhere, crashing in one of the rooms above. Its destruction in the wakeof our rising pleasure just fuels us on as he thrusts his shadows into me with determination, joining us and weaving us closer together.

Desire. We embrace the creative force of the need burning within us. Knowledge falls away and succumbs to the flesh.

I whimper in my throat as I writhe against him, his echoing, raspy moan shattering over me. The shadows are a part of him, and he is feeling every bit of this as much as I am. It is not just for me, but it is the primal dance between us as his essence joins mine in every way that is natural to him. The shadows pump in and out of me, feeling remarkably substantial so that my head falls back and I pant as my channels squeeze around the invading tendrils. Nygohl’s mouth drifts from my lips and purrs against my cheek, his lips curling in a smile that I can feel. I can even feel the impression of his sharp teeth brushing against my flesh.

“Good girl. Spill all your pleasure onto me. You feel so perfect, just as I knew you would be. Just a little more of my shadows and then I will give you what you really want,” his hisses in promise as his shadows thicken and plunge deeper and harder within me.

I shiver against him and then cry out with climax that erupts through me, flooding my sex with my juices so that it drips from between my legs, but I am silenced immediately by the shadow that dives inside of my mouth. It twines around my tongue, stroking like an expert lover and it fills the rest of my mouth with its girth. I suck against it and enjoy the cool taste that slips over my tongue like my favorite spearmint gum that I enjoyed when I was alive.

His shadows continue to wrap around me, looping around my arms and legs. They secure my arms above my head so that I am semi-suspended, the position lifting my breasts in a flattering way in offering to him. His lips caress their softness before working their way to the nipples. I gasp as the dual sensation of mouths from his lips and the draw of the shadows working together at the same time. Threads of pleasure weave tighter within me with every tug and thrust. Shadows slowly draw my legs up too as the shadows weave and knots amongst each other in some sort of supernatural shibari splaying me open.

Nygohl’s head lifts from my breasts, his mouth popping free from my nipple so that his gaze can run freely over me. The spirit fire jumps wickedly in his eyes and his hand drops so that he can run his fingertips over my open sex. I shiver at the touch as he smears my wetness. His fingers pause at either side of my clit to rub simultaneously as his shadow continues to suck, sending a sharp thrum of pleasure on an invisible chord running through me. I choke on a strangled cry, my hips jumping uselessly at the sensation.

His gaze lifts once more to meet mine and his smile widens as he brushes the thick head of his cock against my sopping entrance.

“You will need to take both of us here, my love but for the sake of your comfort I will get comfortably seated before I invite your mate in,” he purrs.

I nod eagerly in agreement, my cunt squeezing around its emptiness, desperate to be filled. He chuckles quietly at my response, and I feel his shadows opening me, pressing against the walls of my channel not unlike a Giwung’s cock. He hums with pleasure when a shiver overtakes me and my sex pulses with a fresh wave of need, tightening against the fat head of his cock slipping slowly inside of me.

His moan of pleasure is deep and echoes from his throat in a multitude of tones all at once as I snugly squeeze around his cock and shadow both with rapid flutters of mounting desire. I can feel the first brush of a new orgasm building as he seats himself, draws back, and strokes deep yet again in counterpoint to the moving shadows. My belly tightens and quivers with his every slow thrust until he thrusts once more, pressing impossibly deep and holding there as I feel a coolness splash within me.

He grunts against my neck and presses a kiss there. “Just a little show of appreciation for this little pussy. I am nowhere near done. I have so much more to give you.”

“Thank the gods,” I mumble in reply as my mouth finds his collar bone to press a nibbling kiss to it. “Don’t keep me in suspense. Bring it on.”

His chuckle quakes through me but he doesn’t move. Instead, he locks me in place within his arms and his head turns toward my mate waiting on the sidelines.

“Jugong, it’s time. Help me fuck our mate and bride.”

The rasp of Jugong’s wings on the floor as he stands is his only answer, and I can hear them snap in the air readily as he prowls toward me from behind. I can’t even imagine how he is going to slide his massive cock inside me with Nygohl’s already filling the space but I can’t focus enough to be all that concerned about it, not when Nygohl’s cock throbs inside of me and the shadows are keeping me on edge with their fluttering, licking touches all over my body.

The silky heat of the Giwung’s wings brush my sides, making my cunt clench reactively around Nygohl’s cock, drawing ahissing moan from him. Jugong’s fur brushes over me and then his intense heat flares over me, mixing with Nygohl’s ice as his big hands clasp around my waist and his wings flatten in an unbreakable hold against my sides.

His cocks slide down, wiggling instinctively as they work their way downward. Nygohl shifts my weight in his shadows so that my ass tips up more and my big mate grunts appreciatively as the head of his cock slick immediately into place, nudging against the base of Nygohl’s sex pressing into me. I can feel Jugong’s hesitancy as he pauses but Nygohl shivers and grins encouragingly over my head at my other mate so that in the next moment I feel the intense pressure of the Giwung’s massive head slipping into me. My sex stretches bit by bit with the slow progress of my mate’s cock pushing into my cunt. His grunts fan my hair and even Nygohl is hissing his pleasure as his cock throbs and jerks subtly within the tight confines against Jugong’s cocks plowing deeper and deeper with every passing second.

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