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I don’t think it’s possible for Natalie’s face to get any redder. With the little gurgle she makes, I’m not sure it’s possible for her to speak at the moment, either. Since I contributed to the embarrassment, shifting the focus is the least I can do. “To answer your Cupid question, I haven’t met one, but that doesn’t mean anything. I’ve only been in town two and a half years, so I’m relatively new to the whole monster society thing. But everyone I’ve met here is awesome. I know we just met, but I hope you consider staying. This really is the best place on earth to live.”

“It really does seem idyllic,” Natalie says as the deep blush fades from her complexion. “How did you find your way here, Lilah? Was it for love, like Rosetta with Dak?”

“Oh, no, not at all. Sort of the opposite. After a rocky divorce from an asshole I married when I was young and dumb, I somehow got the cockamamie idea to go on a solo camping trip to ‘find myself again.’ Just saying that out loud now makes me realize how unhinged I was after getting out of my marriage. What twenty-seven-year-old woman with a lick of good sense goes hiking in the mountains alone?”

Natalie is obviously a sweetheart, because instead of agreeing, she places a hand on my arm and gives a gentle squeeze. “Youwere obviously very hurt and needed the space to heal. Did you get lost and end up here in Fate’s Falls?”

“No, I’ve always been the outdoorsy type, and I was actually quite well prepared for my wilderness sojourn. I was collecting berries when I came upon a badly injured fox. I didn’t stop and think about it biting me, or the possibility that whatever animal had attacked it might still be in the area and a danger to me. I’m a veterinary assistant, it’s second nature to help animals. So that’s what I did. Then the fox changed into a man, right in front of my eyes. Turns out, I didn’t save a fox, I saved a fox shifter. But he was still in rough shape, so I made sure he got home, which is here. One hell of a trek, but we made it, and I was welcomed by the pack and everyone else in town. And I never left.”

“That’s incredible,” Natalie says. “What did you do when the fox shifted into a man? Did you know about nonhumans already?”

“Hell no. I totally freaked out! But seeing is believing, right? And once you’re aware that humans aren’t the only free-thinking species around, accepting the scope of what else,whoelse, is here, isn’t really so hard.”

“Perfectly put,” Ro says. “You know what else is hard to believe? That you’ve been here two and a half years and you’re still walking around a single woman while surrounded by so many sexy beasts, and I do mean that literally.”

“Never mind her,” Natalie says, rolling her eyes. “Ever since Ro connected with Dak, she’s had nothing on her mind except sex.”

“Not true, I also have love on my mind. Iloooovemy big, green, sexy orc mate. And yes, I also want sex all the time. Literally, all the damn time.” She snorts. “You would too, trust me.”

“My cousin, the oversharer.” Natalie shakes her head, but there’s a smile on her face. “And I know we just met, so I really have no place telling you what to do or not do, but don’t let Ro harass you into finding a relationship. She gets it in her head to do a thing, and she’s like a dog with a bone.”

“Just trying to make sure all my friends experience the magic,” she says, making hubba-hubba eyes. “Seriously, though. Nobody of interest, Lilah? What about the vet? He’s hot. A charmer, too, and that’s saying something for a demon. Most of them are a little on the stiff side. And I’m not talking about thegoodstiff.”

I scrunch up my face. “I’m not interested in my boss.”

Rosetta might be hyper-focused on her own relationship, but she’s sharp. Tack sharp. Doesn’t miss much, including the wording I used for my answer. “All right, who is it? Tell us now or tell us later, but you know I’m going to get it out of you.”

I turn my attention to her cousin. “Has she always been like this?”

“Literally since birth.” Natalie shrugs. “And I know I should jump in and try to save you, but honestly, it’s nice to have her pointing that interrogation light in another direction for a few minutes. She who used to openly loathe commitment and monogamy is now the ultimate believer in romantic happily ever afters.”

“How are you ladies doing over here?” Terra asks, joining us after finishing up with another customer. “Lilah, hon, is there anything special you’re shopping for today that I can help with?”

“Um…” Letting my gaze drift to the nearest display of pretty panties is like dangling bait in front of Rosetta.

“Youareseeing someone.”

“Sadly, no. I just need a pick-me-up.”

“Or to bepicked up.” Ro gives me another eyebrow wiggle. “And what better place for that than my wedding? Let’s find you a hot new dress to go with whatever sexy skivvies caught your eye. Make all those hunky single monsters go wild for you at the reception. Then you can take your pick and not go home alone.”

“Unless youwantto go home alone.” Natalie is obviously the I’ve-got-your-back type.

“I don’t think she wants to.” Terra’s comment has all three of our heads turning. “I know I’m not part of this conversation and shouldn’t get involved, but…” The ever-pleasant wood nymph meets my gaze and gives me a warm smile that definitely leans toward friendship, rather than business. “I have a clear view ofJust Bakedfrom my front window here. I’ve watched you go there three times a day for I don’t know how long, but it’s not a recent thing. And the baked goodsareexcellent, but I don’t think they’re the reason for your daily visits.”

Well, hell. “I only came in here for a pick-me-up, but since your combined sleuthing abilities andpersistencehave outed my crush?—”

Rosetta cuts me off with a loud, “Woot!”

“—I might as well get another opinion on what to do about it.”

“Anotheropinion?” Terra asks.

I roll my eyes and release a breath. “It wasn’t voluntary advice-seeking, but there’s no hiding anything from my boss. He says his super sniffer can detect human emotions because they all have distinctodors. He’s such a delight.”

“He’s a character,” Terra says. “It’s not just him, though. All hell demons have a heightened sense of smell. A lot of the cryptid species do, too.”

“Can confirm.” Again, Natalie’s cheeks flame with a deep blush. “Constantine is very, um, scent-motivated.”

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