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“Yes,” she says with a smile that seems to melt and reform on her face as the candlelight dances across her skin.

“How can I see you?”

Julia waves her hands and flickers through various shades of transparency. “Magic,” she says with a little laugh. “You’re a witch. You know how this works.”

I’m starting to think I don’t.

Julia floats close to me.“Let me see the spell.”

We both freeze and look down at where her arm touches mine.

“I guess you can do more than see me now.” She brushes her hand along my skin and then draws her fingers along my cheek.

I twine my fingers in her other hand, holding onto her because I’m afraid she’ll disappear again. She brings our clasped hands up and brushes her lips across my fingers.

“You’re warm… I’d forgotten.” Eyes closed, she presses her cheek to the back of my hand and holds me there, but only for a moment before she exhales and the curtains flutter.

“May I do something I’ve wanted to do for… too long?”

I hesitate. “I remember a time when you wanted to kill me. So, it depends on what it is.”

“If I wanted you dead, you would be.” Her fingers brush my lips. “At first, I wanted you to leave, then… I started to like that you had come to haunt me, too.”

I swallow the tremor of fear and lick my lips. “As long as your intentions are good.”

“Good intentions are a matter of dates and puritanical rules.” Her fingers tip my face up and she leans close. “Can I kiss you, Genevieve… in case this spell fades and I lose the chance to do it again?”

I look at her lips, soft and dark and pale and for the first time,therefor me. “Yes.”

Her hand grips my chin and as her lips meet mine, I can’t help but shiver at the icy chill that her kiss pulses through me. I can’t help but take the half step closer and take hold of her waist.

Julia says I’ve haunted her, but she has haunted my dreams and desires for so long now… Ineedher.

She hums a soft sound, breaking the kiss, but not drawing away. Forehead tipped to mine, she strokes my chin with her thumbs. “That may have been a bad idea.”


“Because now, I don’t want to give you back to the living…” she glances toward the floor, “or the half dead.”

Half… “Crap.”

I want to linger here. The way she smiles makes me want to forget for a moment, but I can’t.

“Ireallywant to talk to you. There are so many things I’ve wanted to ask, but… I have to deal with them first.”

The smile fades and she releases my hand. “Of course. I’m sorry.”

I catch the hand that she’s just released mine from. “No, I’m the one who’s sorry. If I hadn’t messed this up…” I let those words fade, because if I hadn’t, she wouldn’t be solid right now.

“I understand.”

I laugh mirthlessly and drag my hand down my face. “At least one of us does.”

Her head tips to the side, but she doesn’t ask me to clarify.

I grab my phone and hand it to her, but it drops straight through her palm and clatters on the floor.

“Oh. I guess the spell only works for me.” I grimace as I scoop the phone back up.

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