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My brows frown over my eyes when I suddenly see two of her. She splits, turns blurry like she’s about to vanish into thin air and I panic, snatching her to me and she cries out in shock.

“Where the fuck are you going?” I growl and her eyes widen in astonishment.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.” Her shape goes back to being one person and her flesh feels softer than cotton in my hard palms. I slowly start letting go and she nods at me. “I’m right here.”

“Do not go anywhere,” I warn and I have never feared anything more in my life. My biggest fear isn’t screwing up the legacy myfadirleft behind. Now my biggest fear is losing her, having her out of my sight will feel like torture and I even dislike the way she keeps looking around. Turning her face to me, her eager fingers move to open up my coat again but I firmly stop her.

“Pretty eyes are not supposed to look at anything ugly.”

“But I can help...” she begins when a cop car arrives along with an ambulance. She gasps at the sight of the cops and looks down at me in concern but I give a weak shake with my head. The cops won’t do anything to me. They can’t touch me and she lets out a sigh of relief when they throw a look at me, sharply turn and run over to the gangbangers.

Everything she does, her little sighs, looks and breaths that speak of her concern over me shoot straight into my chest and fill my heart up with her sweet essence. She’s my painkiller. Innocence and sin in a tight little package. She can’t be old. I have to be at least a decade older but the kind of life I live might as well have made me ancient.

“Hold on, Viper. You’ll be okay,” she whispers, gently stroking my shoulder and I like the way she says my name. Most people say it with venom on their tongue but it sounds like drippy, gooey syrup when coming from her. “The paramedics will take care of you. You’ll be in safe hands. They’re great guys.”

I tense. Great guys? What thefuckis that supposed to mean?

Lifting her face to the paramedics, she murmurs, “George, careful with him. He’s been shot twice and I think it may be flesh wounds but he won’t let me look...”

“Do you know them?” I exhale between my teeth but I can feel myself weakening and my body hardens for me to retain my focus and I clasp the locket around Tamsin’s throat again. “Said do you know them?” I hiss and she looks at me helplessly, stunned by my reaction.

“Yes...yes, I know them. I work as a nurse. Oh be careful...” she adds when they move to put me on the stretcher and I let go of the locket and grab her wrist instead.

Nurse? She doesn’t look old enough. My head starts spinning again when I think of her coming into the hospital everyday, surrounded by male patients...fucking doctors! They save lives but I will take theirs if they as much as shake her hand.

“Tamsin, you’re going to have to say goodbye to your friend,” one of the paramedics says and I clench my jaw, clasping her wrist harder and she squirms.

“He won’t let go of me,” Tamsin moans, trying to wiggle free but I give her a warning glance.

“You go where I go,” I rasp and her jaw slacks and I can feel the aggression rising in the paramedics and my lips pull over my teeth.

“Sir, release the lady immediately or we’re calling the cops over.”

A hiss rises in my throat and I’m prepared to make them pay for taking Tamsin’s name into their mouths and for trying to separate us when Tamsin cries,

“Don’t provoke him!” Her eyes carefully go to mine and she stutters. “He’s had a r...rough night. And I could come with you. I’m working the night shift anyway.”

That relaxes me somewhat and I nod at her, pleased over her cooperation and she shoots me a small smile. The paramedics grunt something but agree to the compromise and usher me into the ambulance. I don’t let go of Tamsin’s wrist, not until she’s inside with me and sitting next to me, close to my head. Only then do I unclasp my fingers and I check her skin to make sure I didn’t hold on too hard. When Tamsin catches me looking she gets an expression in her eyes as soothing as daylight but it quickly turns frantic.

“Drive as fast as you can,” she urges. “He has to survive this.”

Her concern weakens the aggression in me but at the same time I want to chuckle. My angel has no idea about the things I’ve survived. Stabbings, worse gunshots than the ones I have now...It’s common in my lifestyle and nothing for the softhearted. The paramedics ask her something and she turns her head to reply but I let out a growl and she jumps, looking at me with wide eyes.

“What is it?” she breathes. “Are you in a lot of pain?”

I pretend to grimace. “Think I’m d...dying,” I choke, milking the situation to avert her attention from those fucking men and she turns white in the face.

“Oh hurry, hurry!” Her eyes go glassy and she angles her body toward me, ignoring everything else and it feels good to have her focus on me again. She shushes me, whispers in my ear that I’llbe alright and her breath hits my cheek and I imagine kissing her as I’ve never imagined kissing another woman before. I want it sweet with her. Tender. I never want her to look at me and accuse me of all the bad I’ve done in my life. I’m going to make Tamsin believe I’m a lot nicer than I am.

She’s going to have to follow me home, be introduced to my lifestyle though I’ll keep her protected from most of it. As soon as we locked eyes in that alley I knew she would be the girl I would give up my life for, the one who will birth my heirs and be the color in my black and white world. She has already given me so much, with one touch she can make a fire going in me and with one look I feel ready to crawl on the ground and give her whatever she wants. Even if she said she wanted a sword to use to cut my head off, I would oblige.

My life is hers and she can do whatever she wants with it.

The dark haired angel looks down at me, having no idea that the most powerful man in town from now on answers to her.



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