Page 12 of Carmine

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Comfortable, I pulled the blanket around my shoulders as I sat back and relaxed. Aurora and Carmine were arguing about the best ball player, while Klutz watched with an indulgent smile. I’d no idea what, or rather, who, they were talking about, so kept quiet. However, it was fun watching. Aurora balled up a napkin, threw it at Carmine, and ordered him to get her a glass of wine.

Carmine jumped up and headed into my kitchen before returning a few moments later with Aurora’s drink, and surprisingly, he handed me one, too. Everyone was sat around my fire pit, which also doubled as a barbeque. The night was warm, but the blanket was my comfort blanket, and I loved snuggling with it. Klutz was at one end of my garden sofa with Aurora’s feet in his lap.

She’d kicked her shoes off and had plopped them on him. Klutz had grinned and began massaging them immediately.

When we had finally emerged from the study, with everything done, we’d found what I called a feast waiting for us. Aurora had grilled corn, baked potatoes, made fresh slaw, and cooked four steaks. She’d also prepared some sort of spicy salsa salad. There were even desserts in the shape of strawberry meringues and cream.

Carmine had lit the citronella lamps to keep the bugs away, and Klutz had opened a bottle of wine for Aurora and me. Now they chatted happily, including me in their conversation, but understanding I was shy.

“So, how did you become a volcanologist?” Carmine asked, his eyes alight with curiosity.

“Honestly, I had little choice. My parents are well known and very respected in the community, so as their child, I was expected to follow in their steps,” I replied.

“Damn. That had to have helped when you were torn down, that they supported you,” Carmine said.

Amused, I snorted. “They attended the presentation and were the first to stand and rip my work apart. They were amongst my loudest detractors and a big reason I was fired.”

Carmine, Klutz, and Aurora stared at me in horror.

“They did what?” Carmine exclaimed.

“Mother and Father disowned me straight after that meeting. They’d no intention of being connected to the laughingstock of our community. We’ve not spoken since Father told me I was an insane disgrace.”

That had occurred, and I saw no reason to conceal it. They could look it up, anyway. My parent’s comments were online for everyone to see. As was their reaction.

“You’re joking?” Carmine asked.

“Nope. My parents didn’t wish to be related to me.”

“Holy crap,” Aurora breathed. “What a pair of assholes.”

“I can’t disagree with that assessment,” I replied with a rueful grin. “But I have my baby girl, and we’re fine.” I reached down and petted Mya.

“When did you get Mya?” Klutz wondered.

“Three years. She got me through some dark times. Mya and I have no secrets between us,” I said with an indulgent smile.

“Can I ask? What about friends? Did nobody stand with you?” Carmine inquired.

“No friends, only those within my community. And they all turned. It was like dominoes. I don’t like to think about it too much, it sent me into a spiral I didn’t expect to recover from. Buying Mya was an act of desperation. Somebody to love me no matter what. And Mya and I have bonded.”

“Everybody needs someone,” Carmine said.

Aurora and Klutz exchanged a weighted look. “Yes, we all need love, Molly. No shame in finding Mya. You should see the pets Rage has. There are all sorts, including two donkeys.” Aurora laughed.

“Yeah, but only Chance ended up with Poppy. The asshole takes Poppy for a walk while riding his Harley.” Carmine chuckled.

“What?” I exclaimed, and Mya moved. Quickly, I petted and calmed her down.

“Poppy’s a Great Dane and is huge. Even for her breed, Poppy is massive. Chance decided he couldn’t be bothered to walk her ten miles, so he rides his bike slowly,” Klutz said, laughing.

“Is that allowed?”

“Yeah. Chance does it on their land, but it’s freaking hysterical. Clio, Chance’s old lady, makes sure he walks Poppy three times a day, so he does two three-mile stretches and a four. Poppy needs a lot of walking, or she’d be very destructive,” Klutz replied.

“Mya does, too. She follows me everywhere. But Mya’s been getting agitated around the Buzzard Roost area, so I left her here today. A dog’s nose is really sensitive, so she was clearly picking up on the hydrochloric acid smell.”

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