Page 77 of The Crowing of Hell

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“What is it with this asshole and dead bodies?” Kit yelled, jumping behind me.

Holy fuck! There was a second woman. And shewas wearing a wedding dress.

“Bet that’s his wife. Some divorce she got,” I said, swallowing hard and racing to the window. I heaved a sigh of relief when it opened after a struggle. I peered outside and saw a steep drop down. Fuck. The kids could get badly hurt dropping from this height.

“Hey, darlin’, how’s it going?” a voice called, and I stared down in disbelief.

“You got the boys there? And are you Kendara?”

“Yes, and yes, and the house is on fire! Kit set it alight, and there’s a lunatic running around who collects dead bodies!” I screamed somewhat hysterically.

“Well, shit. Tell you what, Zoom here will keep an eye out, and you drop those kids down to me. Promise I’ll catch them,” the guy shouted back.

“I don’t know who the hell you are!” I yelled as Kit and Finn dragged a chest of drawers over the door to stop Eugene from getting in.

“Kenny, I wanna get out of here. That dead body moved,” Brax shrieked and nearly deafened me.

“Zombies don’t exist!” I yelled, panic-stricken.

“Fuck, it is moving!” Finn bellowed.

I didn’t bother to look. I grabbed Brax and held him close. “I’m going to lower you out the window and drop you into that man’s arms.”

Before Brax could find an argument, I swept him up and lowered him.

“No! No! My Kenny!” Brax yelled and gripped me tightly.

“If you don’t let go, that zombie in here will eat meand your brothers. Brax!” I cried. Brax let out a wail and dropped. I heaved a sigh of relief as the guy caught him and set Brax on his feet.

“Finn!” I yelled. I didn’t have to argue. Finn swiftly climbed onto the window ledge. I could sense something staring into my spine but refused to look. Zombies did NOT exist. Finn landed safely, and then Kit was there. My shoulder was screaming in pain, but I didn’t let it stop me from lowering him next. As I went to climb out myself, someone grabbed me with clawlike fingers.

I screamed and fell backwards and landed heavily on a man who collapsed under me.

“Zombies don’t exist, zombies don’t exist!” I babbled as I climbed off the man and raced away towards the boys.

“Ain’t no zombie,” remarked another guy nearby.

Standing at the window was Eugene and he was cackling wildly.

“Dude, jump!” the guy I landed on yelled. Instead, Eugene disappeared, and then we saw him dancing with the body in the wedding dress.

“Holy shit, there was a corpse in there. Hey girl, I’m Zippy from the Devils Damned Disciples,” he said, introducing himself.

“I’m Zoom. Hey, it’s raining. We might get Looney Tunes out alive,” Zoom stated, looking interested.

I heard Harleys and looked up. Four bikes headed towards us and skidded to a stop. Mine and the boys’ feet were moving before we even realised it. Chatter was off his bike and nearly knocked over as we all hithim hard. Chatter’s arms closed around us tightly.

“We got them, Chance. Head for the smoke in Jolly Dump. They’re here, and while dirty and bruised, they’re intact and whole,” a man said. He hung up the phone and looked at me. “Hey sweetness, I’m Spawn from the Devil’s Scythe. This is Tinker, my VP and Raddock from the Fallen Warriors. You’ve had a lot of people out looking for you.”

“I can only imagine,” I replied when I realised how high in the sky the moon was.


The relief Chance experienced when he saw his nephews and Kendara standing in the rain was immense. The details of their rescue had been somewhat confused and jumbled. Zoom had mentioned dead bodies, and Finn was in hysterics about a zombie. Brax was throwing a hissy fit and taking names of anyone who tried to separate him from Kenny. It was fucking chaos, but one Chance gladly welcomed.

As he arrived, Chance’s phone rang, and he received news that Link had pulled through his operation. Chance had informed Rooster his family was safe. Kendara had given a confused story to Chance and had spoken to Rooster, whose relief Chance could literally feel down the phone. Lio was called to work with the sheriff, who seemed eager to imprison everybody.

Finally, two hours later, Chance managed to get everyone back to Spearfish. Allies arrived and ate before leaving. The old ladies had crowded around Kenny and the boys and taken them home to wash and feed them. Chance thanked his allies one by one and offered them beds, but most rode home.

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